海老名洋蘭園 - Ebina

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海老名洋蘭園

住所 :

Oya, Ebina, 〒243-0411 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 243-0411
Webサイト : http://www.ebinayouran.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Oya, Ebina, 〒243-0411 Kanagawa,Japan
結城玲 on Google

長岡花火002 on Google

I am always grateful for your help.
Liz Moto on Google

t t on Google

There was a cute Toshiba. The name is Mr. Takeda. It was so good and cute ♡
岩長和子 on Google

胡蝶蘭の苗買いました 素晴らしい良い苗を ありがとうございました 値段も手頃で良かった 黄色胡蝶蘭咲かせるのが 楽しみです また違う色買います
I bought Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings Thank you for the wonderful and good seedlings. The price was reasonable. I am looking forward to making the yellow Phalaenopsis orchids bloom. I will buy another color.
Wedge River on Google

以前、通りがかりで車から見かけ 何の施設だろうと検索したところ 洋蘭の卸売り店でした。 圧巻の量で感動します。 物を見て花を決められるので、とても良いと思います。
Previously, I saw it from a car on the way I searched for what kind of facility It was a wholesale store of orchids. You will be impressed by the amount of the masterpiece. I think it's very good because you can decide the flowers by looking at things.
aco & on Google

I use it every year for my mother and mother-in-law's birthday for the past few years. I have tried various types, but all of them are long-lasting and excellent, so I am pleased.
きらりきらり on Google

木札への書く内容を私が間違えたので、慌てて引き返し書き直して頂きに戻ったのですが、閉店3分前にもかかわらず、お客様の入口はすでに閉められて開けられませんでした。当日にどうしても直してもらわないと困りましたので、店員用入口をノックしてやっと開けてもらい、書き直して貰いました。記入内容を間違えた私が元々悪いのですが、閉店3分前なのに、少し迷惑そうな奥の男性のお顔が見えました。閉店時間は正確であって欲しい。 洋蘭を自宅用にも欲しくなり、数日後購入しましたが、説明書通りに水やりなど気を配ったつもりですが、1ヶ月も経たぬ間に枯れてしまいました。苔の乾いている加減や水やりのタイミングはやはり素人には難しい!高価な買い物だけにかなり損をした気持ちになりました。 高価な上、管理は難しい!私にはそんな高嶺の花でした。
I made a mistake in writing on the wooden tag, so I hurriedly turned back and returned to have it rewritten, but even though it was 3 minutes before the store closed, the customer's entrance was already closed and could not be opened. I was in trouble if I had to fix it on the day, so I knocked on the entrance for the clerk and finally opened it and had it rewritten. I made a mistake in the entry, but I was originally bad, but even though it was 3 minutes before the store closed, I saw the face of a man in the back who seemed a little annoying. I want the closing time to be accurate. I wanted a Western orchid for my home, so I bought it a few days later, but I thought I was careful about watering it according to the instructions, but it died in less than a month. The timing of dry moss and watering is still difficult for amateurs! I felt like I was losing a lot just because of the expensive shopping. It's expensive and difficult to manage! It was such a Takamine flower to me.

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