大槻公園 子どもの遊び場

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大槻公園 子どもの遊び場

住所 :

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : http://www.kwest.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–7PM
Sunday 8:30AM–7PM
Monday 8:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–7PM
Thursday 8:30AM–7PM
Friday 8:30AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan
増子純 on Google

I sometimes go out to play with my kids. There is a charge from spring, but you can also ride the slider. There are athletics on the top of the mountain, and you can play with your body. There aren't many playground equipment, but it's wide so it's good for running around. There is also a barbecue square for free. There is a pond, and it seems that you can do crucian carp fishing and black bass fishing.
Tomo Takahashi on Google

ベッブキッズに行けない時に 屋内を利用してます。 絵本や、滑り台、竹馬やボールもあり ベッブキッズほど利用者がいなく 穴場スポットでよく利用してます。 基本は90分利用ですが 混み出すと時間早まったりします 夏は水遊びも出来て申し分ないです
When you can't go to Beb Kids I use it indoors. There are also picture books, slides, stilts and balls. There are not as many users as Beb Kids I often use it at hidden spots. Basically it is used for 90 minutes When it gets crowded, the time will be shortened. You can play in the water in the summer, which is perfect.
Pros Sun on Google

遊戯はありますが長く楽しめるというわけではない感じ ここは大槻公園と併設される感じでグランドの反対側の駐車場側にある公園で少し森の中をイメージした感じの公園です。でも家族で来てもそれ程遊べるという感じではないので隣の大槻公園にも行って時間を潰すといいと思う。隣に大きな池があって釣りが楽しめますが果たして釣れるのか疑問?
There is play, but it does not mean that you can enjoy it for a long time This is a park on the side of the parking lot on the opposite side of the ground, as if it were attached to Otsuki Park, and it feels like a little forest. But even if I come with my family, I don't feel like playing so much, so I think it's best to go to the neighboring Otsuki Park to kill time. There is a large pond next to you and you can enjoy fishing, but you wonder if you can catch it?
jun ttbt on Google

There are facilities such as athletics and basketball goals for small children, baseball fields, fishing, and barbecue areas, and one mountain has athletics and sliders for elementary and junior high school students, so you can move your body all day long.
takeshi kanazawa on Google

山まるごと活用して、アスレチックやスーパーカートなどが楽しめる公園です。 ぐるっと周るだけでも、ちょっとしたハイキングになるし、釣り堀もあったりします。 6歳児と行くには最高でした。
It is a park where you can enjoy athletics and super carts by utilizing the entire mountain. Just going around can be a bit of a hike, and there are also fishing ponds. It was great to go with a 6 year old.
mama tekito on Google

公園が広い!遊具もいろいろあるし、室内遊び場もある。 少し斜面登ると一人100円くらいで乗れるスライダーもあり(7歳以上なら一人で乗れる)、トリムコースというアスレチックあり! 土俵の近くではスプリンクラーで水遊び! 池では釣りしてる人もたくさん。 バーベキュー場もあるみたい。 1日いても全然飽きない!
The park is large! There are various playground equipment and an indoor playground. There is a slider that you can ride for about 100 yen per person if you climb a little slope (you can ride alone if you are 7 years old or older), and there is an athletic called trim course! Play with a sprinkler near the ring! Many people are fishing in the pond. There seems to be a barbecue place. I'm never tired of spending a day!
M K on Google

5歳の娘はとても楽しそうでした!走り回ったり鬼ごっこできます。 雑草がボーボーなのが気になりました。 少し離れたところの建物の中にトイレがあるのですが、めっちゃ汚いのに土足厳禁で、しかもトイレが詰まっていてウンザリしました。
My 5-year-old daughter looked very happy! You can run around and play tag. I was worried that the weeds were bobo. There is a toilet in a building a little away, but it's very dirty, but it's strictly forbidden to wear shoes, and the toilet is clogged, which makes me sick.
匿名係長 on Google


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