モトキッズ - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モトキッズ

住所 :

Otsubo, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0072 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 468-0072
Webサイト : https://www.motokids.jp/
街 : Aichi

Otsubo, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0072 Aichi,Japan
望月弘久 on Google

いつも お世話になっております。看板ねこも、とても フレンドリー??
Always I am indebted. The sign cat is also very friendly
つるまる on Google

He is a very friendly and caring store manager. It is also raced, so it is recommended for those who are interested in circuit driving! ️
Satoshi Kanda on Google

It's been a very kind and polite job since I was helped when I really didn't have money about 30 years ago. I'm worried if I'm making money, but I'm sure it's okay because it's not crushed (sweat)
Karin S on Google

対応は丁寧でしたが買った原付の保証書に販売者の情報とか日付とかまるで書いてませんでした。もちろん判子もなし。 違うバイク屋さんに「これじゃ故障しても保証が受けられないと思う」って言われました。 どうなってるんですかね。
The correspondence was polite, but the seller's information and date were not written on the warranty card of the moped I bought. Of course there is no stamp. A different bike shop said, "I don't think I can get a warranty even if it breaks down." What's going on?
WPわっしょいパイナポー on Google

I went there because it was a high review, but I felt unfriendly and it was an uneasy transaction from beginning to end. Also, the wages are higher than the market price, so I decided to use another place next time.
十六夜抹茶 on Google

白髪のオーナーで酷い対応でした。 無口無愛想で 聞きたいことも聞けずに 修理後のバイクは 調子が悪く、変な音します。 もう二度と行かないですし これから行かれる方も 考え直した方が良いです。
The owner of the white hair was a terrible response. Quiet and unfriendly Without asking what you want to hear The repaired bike It's not working well and it makes a strange sound. I will never go again For those who are going You should rethink.
ないすミドル on Google

原付スクーターからビックバイクまで、新車中古車問わず、販売修理車検、何でもOK❗️ 鈴鹿8耐やサンデーロードレース等のレースも積極的に活動しています。 野良猫を可愛がる(自費で去勢手術しました)店長が愛車の面倒を見てくれます。
From moped scooters to big bikes, regardless of new or used cars, sales repair inspection, anything is OK. Races such as the Suzuka 8 Hours and Sunday Road Race are also active. The manager who cares about the stray cat (performed herself at castration) will take care of her car.
もちもち on Google

一見の客にはあまり優しくないお店でした。 手組みしたタイヤの空気入れをお願いしましたが、 入れていただいたタイヤの空気圧が少なかったらしく試運転の時点でタイヤがペチャンコでした。何とかガソリンスタンドまで自走し空気を入れました。 このお店には空気入れをお願いしたので空気圧くらい見て欲しかったですが、一見ゆえの雑対応だったのでしょう。特に会話もなく10秒くらいで終わらされて代金請求されました。 他所のお店でやった時より工賃が2倍したため質と価格が見合ってないと判断し、なるべく利用しないようにしたいと思いました。
It was a shop that was not very kind to the customers at first glance. I asked you to inflate the hand-assembled tires, It seems that the air pressure of the tires you put in was low, and the tires were pechanco at the time of the test run. I managed to run to the gas station and inflate it. I asked this shop to inflate, so I wanted to see the air pressure, but it seems that it was a miscellaneous response at first glance. There was no conversation and it took about 10 seconds to finish and I was billed. Since the wages were doubled compared to when I did it at a store in another place, I decided that the quality and price were not worth it, so I wanted to avoid using it as much as possible.

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