シティホーム 市役所前センター

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シティホーム 市役所前センター

住所 :

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://cityhome.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan
上田美香 on Google

C Y on Google

I got a call, so when I called back, I just said, "I don't know because I'm not in charge," and I don't even try to get confirmation. Do you even hire a student part-time job? Lol
楓北野 on Google

Although we did not reach a contract, we received advice and suggestions through advance contact and email exchange. Thank you for taking the time to guide us to the property without making an unpleasant face.
佐々木裕之 on Google

自分の中でいくつか条件をリストアップし、その旨を伝えました! 希望通りの物件をご紹介頂けました! その後も契約まで、迅速かつ丁寧に対応して頂きました。 清潔なフロアで若いスタッフが丁寧に対応してくれるシティーホーム市役所前センターです。
I made a list of some conditions within myself and told them that! You introduced the property you wanted! After that, he responded promptly and politely until the contract. It is a city home city hall center where young staff will respond politely on a clean floor.
승승 on Google

知人に勧められて伺い、若めの男性でした。掲載されていた気になる物件を見せると" たっか!! "と一言目。ご自身の会社物件なのに不思議でしたし、購入を考えているお客様の前で、その言葉はアルバイト以下。また、別の物件を見せると満室だと言われましたが、現時点でも空室として本サイトに掲載されてました。それから色々勧められましたが、最初に挙げた条件を満たしてないものばかり。調べると、宅建業法違反( おとり広告 )というものらしいです。知人に勧められて期待した分、残念ですし評価したくないくらい終始気分が悪かったです。会社事態がこんな感じなのか、ここの店舗のみなのか分かりませんが、別の不動産に行かれることをお勧めします。
He was a young man who was recommended by an acquaintance. When I showed the property that I was interested in, it said "That's it !!" It was strange that it was my own company property, and in front of customers who are thinking about purchasing, the word is less than a part-time job. Also, when I showed another property, it was said that it was full, but it was still posted on this site as vacant. After that, I was recommended variously, but only those that did not meet the conditions listed at the beginning. According to the investigation, it seems that it is a violation of the Home Building Business Law (decoy advertisement). I was disappointed because I expected it from being recommended by an acquaintance, and I felt sick from beginning to end so that I didn't want to evaluate it. I don't know if the company situation is like this or only the stores here, but I recommend going to another real estate.
maba on Google

事前に見たい物件と、他の物件を見させてくれるとのことだったので条件を事細かに伝えたりとメールのやり取りをしていたのに、当日行くと担当者が条件を聞き直してきて、別の物件ばかり出してきました。それも条件ハズレでネットで見た事あるものばかり。本命の物件を見させてもらえることも無く延々と待たされ、最終的に本命の物件は即入居と書かれていたのに退居してない為見れないと言われました。 本来先に言っておくべきことでは無いのでしょうか?挙句退居されてから本命の物件が残っているとは限らないと脅し文句をいってくる始末。物件を見に行った筈なのに1件も内見できないなんて初めてです。二度と利用したくないしここの店舗で契約なんて考えられませんでした。
It was said that he would let me see the property I wanted to see in advance and other properties, so I was exchanging e-mails to tell the conditions in detail, but when I went on the day, the person in charge asked me again the conditions. , Only other properties have been released. It's all the things I've seen on the net because of the condition loss. I was kept waiting endlessly without being allowed to see my favorite property, and finally I was told that I couldn't see my favorite property because I hadn't moved in even though it was written that I would move in immediately. Isn't it something that should be said first? After moving out, he threatened that the favorite property did not always remain and complained. It's the first time I should have gone to see the property, but I can't see even one. I didn't want to use it again and couldn't think of a contract at this store.
h k on Google

会社の住宅補助内でゆったりとした広さがあり、セキュリティのある部屋を探していました。シティーホームさんは私の欲張りな条件にもかかわらず真摯に対応をしていただきました、ありがとうございます。 部屋探しについては事前に物件サイトで見つけた部屋と担当さんオススメの部屋を4〜5件内見に行きました。 素人の私は物件サイトの写真、値段だけで判断しようとしていましたが担当さんは周辺の利便性や住環境を総合的に踏まえて良いお部屋を紹介くださります。結果担当さんがオススメした部屋を気に入り契約し、とても満足しています。 物件探しから契約までシティーホームさんにお任せして大変助かりました。重ねてお礼申し上げます。 市役所前センターの店員さんたちも言葉遣いや気配り等丁寧でとても好印象が持てる方達でした。
I was looking for a spacious and secure room within the company's housing subsidy. Thank you, Mr. City Home, for your sincere support despite my greedy conditions. Regarding the room search, I went to see 4 to 5 rooms that I found on the property site in advance and the rooms recommended by the person in charge. As an amateur, I was trying to judge only by the photo of the property site and the price, but the person in charge will introduce a good room comprehensively considering the convenience and living environment of the surrounding area. As a result, I liked the room recommended by the person in charge and made a contract, and I am very satisfied. It was very helpful to leave it to City Home from property search to contract. Thank you again. The staff at the center in front of the city hall were also polite and very impressed with their language and attention.
8823 on Google

予約のうえ訪問するも「ぼくっすか?w忘れてましたw」とヘラヘラ。入店時にあいさつもなし。外見も清潔とは程遠い。 某不動産紹介サイトを事前に見て3つほど候補を持って訪問したのに2/3が契約済み。ここ以上に気分の悪くなる店はない。ただの時間の無駄。
Even though I made a reservation and visited, he said, "Are you sure? W I forgot w". There is no greeting when entering the store. The appearance is also far from clean. I visited a certain real estate introduction site with about 3 candidates in advance, but 2/3 has been contracted. No store feels worse than here. Just a waste of time.

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