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Contact エルムクリニック広島院

住所 :

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.elm-clinic.jp/clinic/hiroshima/
街 : Hiroshima

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan
a san on Google

移転して綺麗になってます✨ 場所は、乃が美の上です。 会計の時、受付で大きな声で施術内容を言うのはやめてほしい。
It has moved and is now beautiful ✨ The place is Nogami. At the time of accounting, please stop saying the treatment contents in a loud voice at the reception.
豆ひよこ on Google

今までで色々な美容皮膚科や美容外科に行きましたがカウンセリングの時点での先生の知識のなさに唖然としました。当たり障りのない適当な回答をしないでください。知識の浅い人に診てもらうのは不安しかありませんでしたね。もちろん結果も出ず。 帰宅してホームページを見てみると医師免許をとって2年目の新米医師であることが判明。(なぜかこの方の経歴だけ入社した年の記載のみ、インスタから医師免許取得年がわかりました)皮膚科はこの4月からですか…?患者の肌に関する正しい判別は本当にできているのでしょうか。機械もただあてるだけではなく本当に効果を出そうと思えば経験と正しい判断が必要ではないですか?高いお金を払っている患者はけして練習台ではないと思います。肌の状態の見極めができるまでもう少し経験を積まれるか、ベテランの先生のサポートについてはどうでしょう… 受付の方はとても対応がよかったです
I have been to various cosmetic dermatology and cosmetic surgery so far, but I was stunned by the lack of knowledge of the teacher at the time of counseling. Please do not give a bland and appropriate answer. I was only worried about seeing someone with little knowledge. Of course, no results were obtained. When I got home and looked at the homepage, it turned out that I was a new doctor for the second year after getting a doctor's license. (For some reason, only the description of the year when he joined the company shows the year when he got a doctor's license from Instagram.) Is dermatology starting this April ...? Is the correct judgment about the patient's skin really made? Isn't it necessary to have experience and make the right decisions if you want to really get the effect, not just hitting the machine? I don't think patients who are paying a lot of money are a practice table. How about getting a little more experience until you can determine the condition of your skin, or the support of a veteran teacher ... The receptionist was very helpful
いゆ on Google

I was allowed to go for hair removal. Cancellation on the day is not allowed for any reason. You can take the one-time charge as it is. It is explained at the time of the first contract, but since I am a human being, I think it is natural that unexpected things such as menstruation, accidents and illnesses occur. I happened to come in the morning of the day due to irregular menstruation, and even if I called No. 1 in the morning and explained the reason, I could not change the schedule and only the money was taken. If it's a few thousand yen, you can still give up, but it's tens of thousands of yen. It is a money-making clinic. I feel that the response is dishonest and will never go again.
世良和美 on Google

いつもお世話になっております。 とても気さくに接して頂ける スタッフやドクターの方々で ヘアーサロン感覚で利用してます。 本当に日々の生活が楽しくなりますよ。
Always I am indebted. You can treat me very kindly With staff and doctors I use it like a hair salon. It really makes your daily life more enjoyable.
緋ノコ on Google

何度も他院でしていた簡単な施術で大きなミスをされ、1年近く経った今も顔にアザが消えません。 当時ショックすぎて放心状態でしたが、施術医師の謝罪はとても軽いものでした。 返金もなし。 その後院長が担当を引き継いでフォローしてもらったものの症状は改善せず。 予約時間に2分前にクリニックに向かい歩いていると、院長が私を追い越して走ってクリニックに入っていったのには苦笑してしまいました。 私服の院長の背中が結構開いてて、ニキビ?がボツボツが目立ってて美容クリニックとしてもうなんか色々信用できないと思いました。 前の顔を返してほしいです。とても悲しいです。
I made a big mistake with a simple treatment that I had done at other hospitals many times, and even now, almost a year later, the bruise does not disappear on my face. I was so shocked and absent-minded at the time, but the practitioner's apology was very light. No refunds. After that, the director took over the charge and had him follow up, but the symptoms did not improve. When I was walking to the clinic two minutes before the appointment time, I laughed bitterly when the director overtook me and ran into the clinic. The back of the director of plain clothes is quite open, acne? However, I thought that I couldn't trust it as a beauty clinic because it was so lumpy. I want you to return your previous face. I'm very sad.

問題1:フォトフェイシャル6回コースですが、顔の傷跡が残ったまま、何ヶ月立っても消えません。そもそもシミ改善のためにやったのですが、効果なし上に、逆に顔がひどくなっています。 問題1の追記いたします。 病院の総括部の担当から電話がありました。 結果 1:最初の契約書に書かれいるから、失敗する確率があるとあなたが認めた上で施術した(つまり自己責任)。 2:治療は可能だが、もとに戻れるかは保証できない(病院のミスで私の顔をこんな状態になってしまったのにも関わらず、更に失敗する確率のある治療を受けるのは抵抗感がある) 3:電話でエルム側には専門な弁護士があるとのことを教えられた(すごいですね、素人が訴えても勝ちそうもないと思いました) 問題2:アートメイクもしましたが、両方の形が違う。電話で相談したら色々面倒なので、断念しました。 問題3:無責任感が感じます。
Problem 1: I have a 6-time photo facial course, but it doesn't disappear even if I stand for months with scars on my face. I did it to improve the stains in the first place, but it has no effect and my face is getting worse. I will add problem 1. I received a phone call from the person in charge of the general department of the hospital. result 1: Since it is written in the first contract, you acknowledged that there is a possibility of failure and performed the procedure (that is, at your own risk). 2: Treatment is possible, but I can't guarantee that it will return to normal (I'm reluctant to receive treatment that has the potential to fail even though my face has become like this due to a hospital mistake. There is) 3: I was told by phone that there was a professional lawyer on the Elm side (it's amazing, I thought it was unlikely that I would win even if an amateur complained). Problem 2: I did permanent makeup, but both shapes are different. I gave up because it was troublesome to talk on the phone. Problem 3: I feel irresponsible.
うしさんな on Google

When I receive the shoulder placenta, I always pay the fee in advance, but this time I was about to be charged the fee after the treatment. I think it is better to take measures such as unifying all menus and accounting at the end of the treatment. When I said that I paid at the reception, I was told that I wasn't tilted, and did another staff member get the money? I heard that he also shook his head and didn't get it? I was very annoyed with the attitude. And the teacher who was in charge of this time told me that I should give Botox injection, but I thought that I am going because I am satisfied with the placenta. When I was a usual male teacher, he disinfected and taped after the injection, but he had a rough attitude. It is such a clinic that customers with low prices are treated roughly.
sora SKY on Google

病院に入った瞬間から、受付の方が笑顔で温かい声かけをしてくださり、綺麗で安心できる雰囲気でいっぱいです。 担当してくださった看護師の方も何を尋ねてもきめ細かい誠意ある対応をされます。 院長先生にお世話になっていますが、丁寧で分かりやすいカウンセリングのもと、的確で自然で効果的な施術をしてくださいます。必要ないことはきちんと伝えてくださるし、信頼してずっと通い続けたいクリニックです。 心も満足してるからか、施術日の夜は熟睡し、翌朝の目覚めが大変よく、肌の質感の変化をより実感できました。 ありがとうございました。
From the moment I entered the hospital, the receptionist smiled and gave me a warm voice, and the atmosphere was beautiful and reassuring. The nurse in charge will respond in a meticulous and sincere manner no matter what you ask. We are indebted to the director, but under careful and easy-to-understand counseling, we will provide you with accurate, natural and effective treatment. It's a clinic that tells you what you don't need and wants to trust and keep going. Perhaps because I was satisfied with my heart, I slept soundly on the night of the treatment, and the next morning I woke up very well, and I was able to feel the change in the texture of my skin. Thank you very much.

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