
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コーヒールーム花

住所 :

Otemachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0048 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://oyadama.amebaownd.com/
街 : Gunma

Otemachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0048 Gunma,Japan
西野伸之 on Google

ナポリタンが美味しかったです。 次はハンバーグに挑戦します。 夏のかき氷が楽しみです。
Napolitan was delicious. Next, I will challenge the hamburger steak. I'm looking forward to the summer shaved ice.
Nicola Strambini on Google

Shaved ice was very delicious! The outside was hot and it was helpful. The space is small and the atmosphere is good. I think I want to go again!
なんだ on Google

オープンすぐ入店。 快適に過ごせていい感じ。 ごちそうさま
Entered immediately after opening. It feels good to spend comfortably. Feast
師走 on Google

I'm not a local, but I stopped by because I had time to open the Isesaki Municipal Hall. Cup ☕️ was Comsa. I was able to spend a relaxing time in a very easy-to-understand place. The neighbor is like a Japanese sweets shop. Kakigori will be popular in the summer ♪
そーすまよ on Google

2018年に行って今さらですが、レビュー書きます。 家族4人で気になっていた花さんに初めて行って みんなバラバラで、ピラフ・ハンバーグ・カレー・ナポリタンを注文。(写真はないけど記憶ではカレーとナポリタン) 私はハンバーグを選びました! …まず、見た目でもう美味しい!!! この写真をパソコンのホーム画面にしたいくらいの美味しそうな見た目!! 食べたらもうめちゃくちゃ美味しい!!\(^^)/♡ もう1セット食べれるくらい美味しかった〜! 家族みんな大満足で完食しました!! 食べ終わった後、店内が別のお店と繋がっているのを見つけてそちらでお饅頭などを購入しました! そちらもまた美味しかった♡ また行きたいね行きたいねってずーっと言ってますがなかなか行けてません(T_T) 食べたいーーー(T_T)
I went to 2018 and it's a long time ago, but I will write a review. I went to Hana who was interested in 4 family members for the first time Everyone was disjointed and ordered pilaf, hamburger, curry and napolitan. (I don't have a photo, but I remember curry and Napolitan) I chose hamburger steak! … First of all, it looks delicious! !! !! It looks so delicious that you want to use this photo as your computer's home screen! !! It ’s really delicious when you eat it! !! \ (^^) / ♡ It was delicious enough to eat another set! The whole family was very satisfied and finished eating! !! After I finished eating, I found that the inside of the store was connected to another store and bought buns there! That was also delicious ♡ I've always said that I want to go again, but I can't go easily (T_T) I want to eat (T_T)
りと(ぼちぼち) on Google

店内には、近くに住んでいる常連さんが多く、新顔はあまり居心地が良くない。 しかし店員さんはフレンドリーで優しい。 冬季はおしるこが限定メニューとして並ぶ。つぶあんとこしあん選べるそうだが、私が行った時はこしあんが無かった。 夏季限定のかき氷だが、冬でも楽しめるフレーバーがある。 四季を通してかよいたい店。
There are many regulars living nearby in the store, and the new face is not very comfortable. However, the clerk is friendly and kind. In winter, shiruko is lined up as a limited menu. It seems that you can choose bean paste and red bean paste, but when I went there was no red bean paste. Although it is shaved ice only in the summer, there are flavors that can be enjoyed even in the winter. A good shop throughout the four seasons.
櫻井真人 on Google

ハンバーグセットを、薬膳ごはんでいただきました。きのこのデミグラスソースで、ハンバーグ好きなら好きになる美味しさです。サラダもその日の直売で手に入れた地元野菜でつくるなど、薬膳ごはん共々心身の健康につながるお料理をいただけます。 定期・不定期に催されるさまざまなセミナーも、人生・生活をより輝かすための学びになります。ご興味ある方は、問い合わせてみてください。
I had a hamburger steak with medicinal food. Mushroom demiglace sauce is delicious if you like hamburger steak. Salads are also made from local vegetables that are sold directly on the day, and you can enjoy dishes that lead to physical and mental health together with medicinal rice. Various seminars held regularly and irregularly will also be learning to make your life and life brighter. If you are interested, please contact us.
l c on Google

以前、駅前でバス待ちをしていた時に、後ろに並んでいた方達が話題にされていて、気になっていたので、立ち寄ってみました。 お腹が空いていたので、焼きうどんをいただき、その後にクリーム白玉とコーヒーを♪ホッコリする美味しさでした! 食事しているときに、併設の和菓子コーナーでは何人もお客さんがいらして、これは美味しいに違いないと、帰りにお饅頭とあんみつをお持ち帰り♪フワッフワの皮とお饅頭によって甘さの違う餡が美味しかったです。次回の来店時には、御抹茶とスイーツをいただこうと決めました(笑)
Previously, when I was a bus waiting in front of the station, we who had lined up behind it have been a hot topic, because it was in the mood, I tried to stop by. Since the stomach was empty, I received a fried, was then to taste the cream white jade and coffee to ♪ unwind! When you are eating, many people even if the audience is needed in the sweets corner of the hotel, this is and must be a delicious, different sweetness by skin and bun takeaway ♪ Fuwa Fu Wah your bun and Anmitsu to return bean paste it was delicious. The next time you visit, I decided to hand. Visitors to your green tea and Suites (laughs)

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