和洋酒 宴 居酒屋いちか

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和洋酒 宴 居酒屋いちか

住所 :

Otedori, Nagaoka, 〒940-0062 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : https://ichika.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Niigata

Otedori, Nagaoka, 〒940-0062 Niigata,Japan
伊藤誠 on Google

After the event at Aore, it was a failure for three families to enter lightly and try to eat lightly. Beer 1 non-alcoholic beer 1 cola 1 pot 2 servings 4 points. It's slow to come out, the amount is small, and it's almost 8000 yen if you pay! Never go again.
たかひろ on Google

まず、料理が出てくるのが遅い! おまけに料理のボリュームが少ない。 2時間のコースなのに時間内に料理が出てこない。 更には他の席のセッティングの為、こちらが宴会中であるにも関わらず椅子を取りに来る始末。 興醒めしました。 とにかく最悪。 金輪際利用しません!
First of all, the food comes out late! In addition, the volume of food is small. Even though it's a 2-hour course, the food doesn't come out in time. Furthermore, because of the setting of other seats, I came to pick up the chair even though this was a banquet. I was awakened. The worst anyway. I will not use it near the gold ring!
FZ H on Google

平日夜でも予約必須。当日の昼には電話で空きを確認した方が良い。 地場野菜を使った料理が美味しい。美味しい地酒が揃っており、料理との相性も抜群。 凍ったグラスでキンッキンに冷えた生ビールは最高。
Reservation is required even on weekdays and nights. You should check the availability by phone on the day of the day. The food using local vegetables is delicious. Delicious local sake is prepared, and compatibility with food is also excellent. The draft beer chilled with a frozen glass is the best.
コスギサヤカ on Google

ランチをいただいてきました。写真は週替わり定食のキムチ肉豆腐。居酒屋らしく濃いめの味つけですが、美味しかったです。席が入り口付近からあるので、冬場は寒そうだなあとは思いました。 ちなみにこちらはディナーでいただいた茶碗蒸しが絶品だったので、やっぱり夜の利用がオススメ。
I had lunch. The photo shows kimchi meat tofu, which is a weekly set meal. It has a strong flavor like an izakaya, but it was delicious. Since the seats are near the entrance, I thought it would be cold in winter. By the way, the chawanmushi I had at dinner was excellent, so I recommend using it at night.
柳澤玲子 on Google

The clerk should be a woman. I want men to go to the kitchen.
かっちん on Google

出張の時にたまたま入ったお店でしたが、当たりでした!! 店員さんの対応も良く、味ももちろん美味しかったです。ライスの大盛が出来るみたいでしたが、メニューに書いてなかったので分からなかったのが少し残念でした。
It was a store that happened to be on a business trip, but it was a win! The staff was very friendly and the taste was of course delicious. Rice seemed to be a big success, but it was a bit disappointing that I didn't know because it wasn't written on the menu.
Kz m on Google

限定5食のステーキランチ¥1,000です。良くこのお値段で出せるなと思う内容、お肉はちゃんと牛の味ですし、サラダ、小鉢、味噌汁もそこそこ、何よりご飯が美味しいのはお見事です。長岡市内のランチ店でも出色のレベルと思います。 Google口コミで、高い遅い少ないと三重苦のような評価が付いてますが、利用のミスマッチでは無いかと思います。アオーレ前、駅至近のお店として、結構頑張ってます。
Limited 5 meals steak lunch ¥ 1,000. The contents that I think can be served at this price, the meat tastes like beef, the salad, small bowl, miso soup are all right, and above all, the rice is wonderful. I think it is at the level of color development even at lunch shops in Nagaoka city. According to Google reviews, if it is high, slow, or low, it will be evaluated as triple pain, but I think that it is a mismatch in use. As a shop near the station in front of Aore, I am doing my best.
Fede Rica on Google

Not that bad, but the choice of vegetables paired with toppings is quite difficult if you can't read or speak japanese. We ordered the mixed vegetables and some japanese sake, didn't have so much time but the food come very fast.

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