株式会社セカンドモーター 出張買取専門店 - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社セカンドモーター 出張買取専門店

住所 :

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0001 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 460-0001
Webサイト : https://2nd-motor.com/
街 : Aichi

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0001 Aichi,Japan
Shota Nishikawa on Google

4社見積もり頂いた中で一番金額が高かったのでお願いしました。 担当の若い男性が親身に対応してくださって良かったです。 若い会社とのことなので、今後も頑張って欲しいです!
I asked for it because the amount was the highest among the four companies' estimates. I'm glad that the young man in charge was kind to me. It's a young company, so I hope you continue to do your best!
Norihiro FUJIMOTO on Google

ものすごく親身になって話を聞いてくださり、こちらの無理もすごく協力的に話を聞いてくださって売却に至りました。とでも好感が持てました! 次の機会も、必ずお願いした会社さんです!!
He was very kind and listened to me, and even though I couldn't do it, he listened to me very cooperatively, which led to the sale. But I had a good impression! The next opportunity is definitely the company I asked for! !!
草西花凡 on Google

I was disappointed that the amount of money that was assessed at the beginning and the amount of money that I actually saw were completely different. The person who responded is Nakajima, and the response is that kind of customer? I had many doubts and felt sick every time I contacted him. I thought it would be better to think about the feelings of the customers and make a statement.
廣瀬学 on Google

金額も納得の金額をバシッと出していただいて、中嶋さんには感謝しております。大手には出来ないスピード間のある対応に驚きました! またなにかあればご依頼いたします!
I am grateful to Mr. Nakajima for giving me a reasonable amount of money. I was surprised at the speedy response that major companies cannot do! If there is anything else, I will request it!
小林真 on Google

ハイエースを売却しました。 若い丁寧な営業マンに査定していただきました。 2社、別の大手B社とG社査定してもらいましたが、一番高く買い取っもらえたのでここに決めました。 次も何かあれば依頼したいと思います。
I sold the Hiace. We had a young polite salesman assess it. I had two companies, another major company B and company G, assessed, but I decided here because I got the highest purchase. I would like to ask if there is anything next.
西川健太 on Google

MOTA車買取にて最も入札金額が高かった(286万)ため査定を依頼。 中島という営業マンが対応。 約束した査定日前日に連絡あり、他の業者が来る前に車を見せてくれと前倒しで訪問される。 現場に来ると250万以下で提示、理由を聞くと営業マンが車の色を登録時に間違えたため金額が30万以上違うと説明される。 とりあえず他の業者の話も聞きたいと伝えたら、今うち(セカンドモーター)に決めてくれ、とクロージングをしつこくかけられ非常に鬱陶しく不快。(20:30アポで解放されたのが22:10) 新卒レベルの営業トークに精神的に疲弊しました。 いくらだったら決めてくれますか?、じゃない。 金額で信用失っている業者の話だけで決められる訳ない。 何より、査定額を間違えたことではなく、反省の色を見せずに無理やり契約を結ぼうとする姿勢が気持ち悪い。 捨て台詞で260万ならイケる、他より高いと言われましたが、それ以上の金額で別の業者に引き取っていただきました。 今後同様の営業や間違いが減る事を願います。
Requested an assessment because the bid amount was the highest (2.86 million) in the purchase of MOTA cars. A salesman named Nakajima responds. I was contacted the day before the promised assessment date and was visited ahead of schedule to show me the car before other vendors came. When he came to the site, he presented it at less than 2.5 million, and when asked why, he explained that the amount was different by more than 300,000 because the salesman made a mistake when registering the color of the car. If I told him that I would like to hear from other companies for the time being, I was very annoyed and uncomfortable because I was persistently asked to decide on (second motor) now. (It was released at 20:30 appointment at 22:10) I was mentally exhausted by the sales talk at the new graduate level. Can you decide how much it will cost? ,not. It cannot be decided only by the story of the trader who has lost credit by the amount of money. Above all, it's not that I made a mistake in the assessed amount, but I feel uncomfortable trying to forcibly conclude a contract without showing the color of remorse. It was said that 2.6 million would be good if it was abandoned, which is higher than others, but I had another company pick it up for more than that. I hope that similar sales and mistakes will be reduced in the future.
hirosi ura on Google

今回一括査定のMOTAを利用し、こちらの会社から査定額の提示がメールでありました。 結果、こちらの会社が一番高額査定を出し一番に電話もあり担当者から『注文がありそれに当てはめるつもりなので高額で見積をしています』との話だったため不慣れな私はそれを信じて他の多くの見積をくれた業者様との打合せを断りました。 ところが当日の約束の時間の30分前になって別の担当から『昨日他の同車種を仕入れたため見積した査定額からは随分下がった金額でしか提示することが出来ない』との連絡がありました。 この会社からの『注文がある車のため高額で査定をしました』という甘い言葉には十分ご注意下さい。
This time, using MOTA for collective assessment, this company sent an email to present the assessed amount. As a result, this company issued the highest valuation and there was also a phone call first, and the person in charge said, "I have an order and I am going to apply it, so I am quoted at a high price", so I am unfamiliar with it and believe it I declined a meeting with many other companies that gave me quotations. However, 30 minutes before the promised time on the day, another person in charge contacted me saying, "Because I purchased another model of the same model yesterday, I can only offer it at a price that is considerably lower than the estimated amount." bottom. Please be careful about the sweet words from this company, "I made a high-priced assessment because of the car I ordered."
青山隆顕 on Google

一括査定サイトからご連絡いただきました。 買取のみならず販売まで一気通貫で対応してくださいました。 中嶋さんが担当でした。 金額も他社より10万円以上高い金額だった為、即決しました。 次の乗り換えに関しても色々話し、 注文という形で質のいい車をいただきました。 査定から納車/入金までスムーズに行なってくださいました。 この度はありがとうございました。
We have contacted you from the collective assessment site. Not only the purchase but also the sale was handled in one go. Mr. Nakajima was in charge. The amount was more than 100,000 yen higher than other companies, so I decided immediately. I talked a lot about the next transfer, I received a good quality car in the form of an order. It went smoothly from assessment to delivery / payment. Thank you for this time.

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