Osteria RIMA

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osteria RIMA

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://instagram.com/osteriarima%3Figshid%3Dh8kmuxtokt97
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
鏡そはら on Google

Visited at lunch on Sunday. When I told him that he was alone, he refused with a suspicious look, saying, "One person is impossible." I was looking forward to it because the evaluation was good, but unfortunately it is extremely bad. I will never come again. It's sad to be able to deal with this while there are many difficult shops due to the corona virus.
個人売買シナジー on Google

家族でディナーでお邪魔しました。 本格的なイタリアンを楽しむ事ができました。 じゃがいものミルフィーユからパスタはもちろん絶品でした。化学調味料を一切使用していないところも小さい子供がいる我が家にはありがたいです。お店の方の対応も親切、丁寧です。お若いしこの先が楽しみなお店です。
Thank you for visiting my family for dinner. I was able to enjoy authentic Italian. Pasta from potato millefeuille was of course excellent. I am thankful to my home where there are small children who do not use any chemical seasonings. The store is friendly and polite. This is a shop where you can enjoy the future.
メアリー17 on Google

友人の誕生日会で、ずっと気になってたこのお店を予約しました。 とても本格的なお料理で、前菜からパスタ、そしてデザートまで、全てが美味しかったです! 一つ一つを詳しく教えてくださるシェフもステキでした。 ゆっくり美味しくいただきました。 また来たいお店です!
At a friend's birthday party, I booked this shop, which I've always been interested in. It was a very authentic dish and everything from the appetizer to the pasta to the dessert was delicious! The chef who taught me each one in detail was also wonderful. It was delicious slowly. This is the shop I want to visit again!
ベルグリ on Google

久しぶりのイタリアン‼️相変わらず美味しかったなぁ。 有機かぶのスープオレンジ風味は、甘味があり、優しい味でした。郷土料理をベースにした前菜3種盛り合わせ、カカオを練り込んだ手打ちパスタ、自家製フォカッチャはどれも心がこもった料理でした。魚介のアクアパッツァは、真鯛、ホタテ、アサリ等と彩りの良い野菜の煮物が味も見た目も素晴らしかったです。最後にいただいた、さつまいものモンブラン ダージリンの香り金柑ソースも絶品‼️ また、みんなで食べに行きます(^-^)/
Italian after a long absenceぁ It was as delicious as ever. The organic turnip soup orange flavor was sweet and gentle. Assorted appetizers based on local cuisine, homemade pasta kneaded with cacao, and homemade focaccia were all loving dishes. The seafood aqua pazza had a wonderful taste and appearance of colorful vegetables such as red snappers, scallops and clams. The last sweet potato, Mont Blanc. ️ In addition, we go to eat together (^-^) /
カズさん on Google

ディナーでコースを注文しました。 料理の味付け、見た目、素材にこだわりを感じました。丁寧にワインや料理の説明をしてくださり、どれも美味しく、楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。 今度は他の料理も楽しみたいです。
I ordered a course for dinner. I felt particular about the seasoning, appearance, and ingredients of the food. They explained the wine and food carefully, and they were all delicious and I had a good time. I want to enjoy other dishes this time.
y kobayashi on Google

平日の夜、4名でコースをチョイス。 特に生パスタが美味しかったです。 丁寧に仕込んでいるお料理ばかりですが 全体的にボリュームもあるので男性も満足できるかと思います。 男性お二人でやられてますが、 料理、ワインの説明もバッチリでした! On weekday night, 4 people choose the course. The fresh pasta was particularly delicious. All the dishes are carefully prepared I think men can be satisfied with the overall volume. Although it is done by two men, The explanation of food and wine was perfect!
Weekday night, 4 people choose the course. The fresh pasta was particularly delicious. All the dishes are carefully prepared I think men can be satisfied with the overall volume. Although it is done by two men, The explanation of food and wine was perfect! On weekday night, 4 people choose the course. The fresh pasta was particularly delicious. All the dishes are carefully prepared I think men can be satisfied with the overall volume. Although it is done by two men, The explanation of food and wine was perfect!
KI ZU (ずっきー) on Google

何度も行っているお気に入りのお店です。今日はランチのコースをいただきました。 カブのスープは葉のピューレの部分を混ぜると味に変化が出て美味しかったです。 前菜の盛り合わせはカラフルでヘルシーなサラダとハーブの香りがする美味しい鶏肉とソースが美味しい野菜のフリッタータでした。 パスタはカカオを練り込んだ手打ちパスタのクリームソースでした。ほんのりカカオの香りがしてパンツェッタとトリュフとの相性が抜群でとても素晴らしかったです。 メインのアクアパッツァは見た目も華やかですし、魚介と野菜の出汁がこれでもかというくらい出ていました。スープはずっと飲んでいられる優しい味で美味しかったです。 デザートはサツマイモのモンブランでした。中のスポンジ部分からジュワッと紅茶の香りがして、金柑のソースで爽やかさもプラスされて上品な美味しさでした。 写真はないですがおかわり自由のフォカッチャもフワフワで大ファンです。 相変わらず穏やかで気遣いが素晴らしいシェフです。 贅沢な時間をありがとうございました。
It's my favorite shop that I go to many times. I had a lunch course today. Turnip soup was delicious when mixed with the puree part of the leaves and the taste changed. The appetizer platter was a colorful, healthy salad with a delicious chicken fried with herbs and a vegetable frittata with a delicious sauce. The pasta was a hand-made pasta cream sauce kneaded with cacao. The fragrance of cacao was a little, and the compatibility with panzetta and truffles was outstanding and very wonderful. The main Aquapazza looks gorgeous, and the soup of seafood and vegetables came out to this extent. The soup was delicious with a gentle taste that I could drink all the time. The dessert was sweet potato Mont Blanc. The sponge inside smelled sizzling black tea, and the kumquat sauce added freshness and tasted elegant. I don't have any pictures, but I'm a fan of Focaccia, which is free and fluffy. He is still a calm and caring chef. Thank you for your luxury time.
Takatoshi Takai on Google

Beautiful and sophisticated dishes. My favorite is the pasta by home made. We had requested something great red wine before the date we reserved and The master served us the great one!!

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