獅子林 - Kobe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 獅子林

住所 :

Osawa, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2414 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87897978
Postal code : 651-2414
街 : Hyogo

Osawa, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2414 Hyogo,Japan
中村敬多 on Google

半ちゃんチャンポンセット頼みました。チャーハンもチャンポンも絶品!チャーハンのオイリーさがたまらない! また食べ放題の高菜炒めもオイリーさと辛さが絶妙でめちゃくちゃうまかったです。辛いなと思ったらチャンポンのスープで薄めてください! 雰囲気は古きよき中華料理屋で座敷もあるので子連れでも行けます! ぜひとも!
I ordered a half-chan champon set. Both fried rice and champon are excellent! Fried rice oily is irresistible! Also, the all-you-can-eat fried mustard was very delicious with its exquisite oiliness and spiciness. If you find it spicy, dilute it with champon soup! The atmosphere is a good old Chinese restaurant with a tatami room so you can go with your children! By all means!
aika on Google

長崎出身です、本場ちゃんぽんと 有名だったので来店しました。 皿うどんがメニューにあり、麺は細麺のパリパリではなくちゃんぽん麺使用との事だったので、私は太麺が好きで皿うどんを注文しました。 25分後、出てきたのはただのちゃんぽんのスープ多めでした。 長崎の皿うどんとは一般に、細麺は揚げて、太麺は焼きそばのように他の具材と一緒に炒めるか、別に炒めてあんかけにしたものです。 あきらかにここのは別物です。 皿うどんと言うからには浅い平皿に盛る食べ物で、深い器でスープに沈めるものではありません。 本場とあったので期待しましたがガッカリしました。 薄味の具材の少ないちゃんぽんを 食べただけでした。 2度めの来店はありません。
I'm from Nagasaki, authentic Champon I came to the store because it was famous. Sara udon was on the menu, and the noodles were not crispy but champon noodles, so I liked thick noodles and ordered Sara udon. Twenty-five minutes later, what came out was just a lot of champon soup. Sara udon in Nagasaki is generally fried thin noodles and stir-fried thick noodles with other ingredients like yakisoba, or stir-fried separately and ankake. Obviously this is a different thing. Sara udon is a food that is served on a shallow flat plate and is not submerged in soup with a deep bowl. I expected it because it was the home, but I was disappointed. Champon with less light ingredients I just ate it. There is no second visit.
hiroyuki on Google

I went to eat for two consecutive days. The miso ramen noodles and dumplings we ate on the first day. I think it is normal. Order jjambbong a set of jjambbong and fried rice on the second day is expected because there was a delicious in the reviews, it was delicious! Fried rice is news in the hope, the taste was not good at entwined, mustard is usually delicious. The staff has a master in the kitchen three people have been cut and fill the store by one person a total of four people. I wanted to go there again.
Gardener庭 on Google

It happened that I was able to sit down at the right time, but afterwards, Mr. Okiyaku came to me ~ It's a busy shop! Well, the price is cheap and delicious !! That's busy ?
kitakinki kounotori on Google

クルマが無いと行きづらい立地ですね。 塩ラーメンや味噌ラーメンもありますが、ちゃんぽんの名店って事でよく知られています。 野菜盛りだくさんのちゃんぽんでした。スープの味付けはあっさりめ。具材を炒めたときの油が太麺によく絡んでおいしい。私はもう少し胡椒が欲しかったです。テーブルにあったのは塩コショウとニンニクだけ。チャーハンは濃い目味で、ビールが合いそうな感じです。 店員さんはテキパキされてて、料理がさらに美味しく感じました。
It's a location that's hard to reach without a car. There are also salt ramen and miso ramen, but it is well known for being a famous Champon restaurant. It was a champon with lots of vegetables. The soup is lightly seasoned. The oil from the stir-fried ingredients is often entwined with the thick noodles and is delicious. I wanted a little more pepper. Only salt and pepper and garlic were on the table. The fried rice has a strong taste, and it seems that beer goes well with it. The clerk was very cheerful and the food was even more delicious.
佐藤欣也 on Google

半ちゃんチャンポンセット@920円(税込)。 チャンポンはあっさりですが美味しい!久しぶりにスープ飲み干しました(笑) チャーハンは油っこいけど野菜たくさん入って美味しい。 辛子高菜も油っこいけど美味しいです☆ みそラーメンを頼んでいる人も何人かいたので、次は頼んでみようかな。きっとまた来ます! 店外に手洗い場があり、入店したら消毒液もあります。 トイレも清潔で言うこと無しです!
Half-chan champon set @ 920 yen (tax included). Champon is light but delicious! I drank the soup for the first time in a long time (laughs) Fried rice is oily but delicious with lots of vegetables. The mustard mustard is also oily but delicious ☆ Some people were asking for miso ramen, so I think I'll ask for it next time. I'm sure I will come again! There is a hand-washing area outside the store, and there is also a disinfectant solution when you enter the store. The toilet is clean and there is nothing to say!
Kentaro M. on Google

(2021/12/15)レバニラ炒め & 酢豚の感想。 ・レバニラは味濃い目でよく炒めている。ご飯がないと塩辛いかも。 ・酢豚は甘みはなし、でも美味い。玉ねぎの火は通るか通らないかの状態。単品で美味しい塩加減。他と違う味付けで気に入りました。 前回と同様高菜炒めをテイクアウト。 セットと単品、どちらも美味かったんで★5つにアップデートしました。 (2021/9/23)半チャン塩ラーメンの感想。 量少なめ味さっぱりで美味い。半チャンはパラパラではなくて、こってり。でも美味い。 次は単品メニューを食べてみたくなる。 かなり辛めの高菜炒めがテーブルに置いてあり、お持ち帰りで560円。 駐車場は道を挟んで向かい側に5、6台分かな?
(2021/12/15) Impressions of fried Levanilla & vinegared pork. ・ Levanilla is well fried with a strong taste. It might be salty without rice. ・ Vinegar pork is not sweet, but delicious. The state of whether the onion fire passes or does not pass. Delicious salt adjustment as a single item. I like it because it is seasoned differently. Take out the fried mustard as before. Both the set and the single item were delicious, so I updated to 5 ★. (2021/9/23) Impressions of half-chan salt ramen. The amount is small and the taste is refreshing and delicious. Half-chan is not para-para, but thick. But it's delicious. Next time I want to try a single item menu. There is a very spicy stir-fried mustard on the table, and it costs 560 yen to take it home. Is the parking lot for 5 or 6 cars across the road?
YSHK【ヨシヒコ】 on Google

半チャン+ちゃんぽんのセットを頂きました。 かなり油が多めの感じでチャーハンはお皿に油溜まりが。 味付けは美味いので、油の量さえなんとかなれば…
I got a set of half-chan + champon. The fried rice has a lot of oil on the plate. The seasoning is delicious, so if you can manage the amount of oil ...

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