Osawa Hachiman Shrine - Mitaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osawa Hachiman Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-7-15 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 181-0015
Webサイト : http://www.tokyo-jinjacho.or.jp/kitatama/mitaka/3093/

3 Chome-7-15 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan
箕輪加代子 on Google

古い八幡神社、近くの青龍権現二ッ塚神社も最近引っ越して来ました。 昔は盆踊りで賑わったのに今は,,
The old Hachiman Shrine and the nearby Seiryu Gongen Futatsuka Shrine have also recently moved. It used to be crowded with Bon festival dances, but now ...
遠山龍也 on Google

サイクリングの道中に立ち寄りました。 普段は、無人の神社ですが、境内を手入れされている方がいて、きれいにされていました。
I stopped by on the way of cycling. Normally, it is an unmanned shrine, but there were people who maintained the precincts and it was cleaned.
Tomohiko Hamada on Google

続く台風の影響で御神木に被害が出るも、 地域や関係者の方々の努力で守られ、維持され愛される神社。金にあかしたきらびやかさや壮麗さはないが、何故か懐かしい心情が湧きホッとする。
Although the sacred tree is damaged by the following typhoon, A shrine that is protected, maintained, and loved by the efforts of local communities and stakeholders. There is no glitter or splendor on the gold, but for some reason nostalgic feelings spring up.
山﨑清 on Google

Is it Ujigami in the Osawa area?
きゅうきゅう on Google

It is a local shrine along the Hitomi Kaido.
五十嵐正臣 on Google

There were Futatsuka Shrine, Seiryu Gongen, Tenma Shrine and Inari Shrine in the precincts.
箕輪加代子 on Google

It is a small Hachiman-sama that seems to be everywhere. When the joya no kane begins to ring, the number of worshipers increases from nowhere, and they return home with oranges, amazake, and chopsticks.
大和守征彦尊 on Google

It's the only shrine in this area where you can get Jingu cannabis, so I'm very happy with it on New Year's Day. It is a shrine that is not resident unless there is an event, but it is safe to have the contact information written at the office.

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