Osama no Pocket

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osama no Pocket

住所 :

Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Kaz Hir on Google

We ordered a four-item lunch of 820 yen for weekday lunch. It was carefully cooked and satisfied with my stomach. The seats are wider than the table because there is a parlor inside, so I would like to come again at night.
稲葉トモコ on Google

ランチの四品盛りがスゴい、と書かれていたので伺いました。あとヘルシーランチ(魚)も頼みました。どちらもボリューム満点でヘルシーランチの方は魚がメインでしたが小鉢も沢山あって食べごたえがありました。 ただ味つけが全体に甘めで女性向けの味つけにしてるのかな、と思いました。
I asked because it was written that the four dishes for lunch were amazing. I also ordered a healthy lunch (fish). Both were full of volume, and the healthy lunch was mainly fish, but there were many small bowls and it was delicious. However, I wondered if the seasoning was sweet overall and made it for women.
アットマークすすむ on Google

同僚と宵呑みに訪れたのは青物横丁駅から至近の「王様のポケット」さん、昼はお得なランチがあるようで同僚は昼夜共に良くお世話になっているようです! 19時半頃の訪問、火曜日なので先客さん一組です。ドアや窓は開放、入り口には消毒液、テーブル中央には透明衝立とコロナ対策も万全ですね!! 黒霧ロックで乾杯、アテは五月雨式、各人好き勝手に注文です^^; 最初に登場はチョレギサラダ、韓国海苔が沢山のっていますね、量はしっかり、ひとり小皿二回分ありました。オニオンリングは大きな輪っか、カラッと強めに揚がって香ばしい味わい、何もつけずに頂くほうが甘み感じられますね。 ピザはウインナーが沢山、生地は薄めなのでカリッとした食感、良いアテになります。エビマヨはガーリック仕様でスパイシー、エビのサイズは割と大きめ、食べごたえあります。さんまの竜田揚げは野菜餡がしっかり、さんまは強めに揚がっていますがちょっと辛めでした! モツ鍋はもう少し寒くなった方が良いでしょうが定番の味わいに満足、野菜の甘味もしっかり出て美味しい鍋ですね^^ 梅水晶はサメの軟骨、ピリッとした味わいとコリコリ食感は癖になりますね。後輩が〆で注文したパスタは濃厚な味わい、酒の嗜まない人には良い食事になりそうですね。 どのアテも量が多目、提供時間も早いのでサクサク呑めました!! 70分程の滞在、焼酎3杯で3000円/一人はコスパも良好、また伺いたいと思います。
I visited "Osama no Pocket" near Aomono Yokocho Station for a drink with my colleague, and it seems that there is a great lunch during the day, and my colleague is indebted to me both day and night! Visited around 19:30, it's Tuesday, so it's a group of predecessors. The doors and windows are open, the entrance is disinfectant, and the center of the table is transparent and has perfect measures against corona! !! Cheers with black fog rock, Ate is a May rain ceremony, each person can order as they like ^^; The first appearance was a lot of choregi salad and Korean seaweed, the amount was solid, there were two small plates per person. The onion rings are big rings, crispy and strongly fried and have a fragrant taste, and it feels sweeter to have them without adding anything. The pizza has a lot of wieners and the dough is thin, so it has a crispy texture and a good texture. The shrimp mayo is garlic and spicy, and the size of the shrimp is relatively large and it is delicious to eat. The fried saury in Tatsuta has a solid vegetable paste, and the saury is fried strongly, but it was a little spicy! Motsunabe should be a little colder, but I'm satisfied with the standard taste, and the sweetness of the vegetables comes out firmly, so it's a delicious pot ^^ Plum crystal is a shark cartilage, the spicy taste and crunchy texture become a habit I will. The pasta ordered by juniors at 〆 has a rich taste, and it seems to be a good meal for people who do not like alcohol. All of them have a large amount and the serving time is fast, so I swallowed them crisply! !! Stay for about 70 minutes, 3000 yen for 3 glasses of shochu / one person has a good cospa, I would like to visit again.
sK JJ on Google

I like the nutritionally balanced daily set meal of 4 dishes! 820 yen! cheap!
H A on Google

いろんな料理が食べられます。 全ての料理の盛り付けが綺麗で見た目が美しく、 写真は映えします。味も最高にうまい。 バーニャカウダは食べたことないような野菜が出てくるので感動します。 付け合わせのお野菜も彩りが綺麗でうまい。 しめ鯖もうまい。 ローストビーフもうまい。 カルパッチョもうまい。 エビのフリットもうまい。 デザートもボリュームあってうまいし、美しいです。 コスパは良いと思います。 よく満席なことがあるので、電話で必ず予約して行ったほうが良いです。 お母さんの対応が良いです。 娘さんが綺麗です。
You can eat various dishes. All dishes are beautifully presented and look beautiful The photo looks great. The taste is also the best. Bagna cauda is impressed with the vegetables that you have never eaten. The garnished vegetables are also beautifully colored and delicious. Shime mackerel is good. Roast beef is also good. Carpaccio is good. Shrimp frit is also good. The dessert is also voluminous and delicious. I think cospa is good. It's often full, so it's best to make a reservation over the phone. The correspondence of the mother is good. My daughter is beautiful.
Metal Session (スズかつ) on Google

【2022年】 リモートワークでの近場ランチ。 4品ランチ、820円。 おでん染みてる、トリカラデカい、お腹いっぱいで大満足です。 【2020年】 平日ランチ、ハンバーグと豚生姜焼き定食、650円。 コロナ禍でリモートワークが増えたため、地元でランチをと思い、夜しか行ったことのない王様のポケットにランチしに来ました。 ガテン系にも通用するような凄いボリュームでこの値段、全部美味しいし大満足です。 ランチは他にも、牛焼き肉定食、豚ロースカツ定食、鶏唐揚げ定食、パスタやラーメンやピザなど、全部制覇したくなるメンツが揃っていて、このお店オススメですぞ。
[2022] Near lunch with remote work. 4 dishes lunch, 820 yen. It's soaked in oden, it's big, and I'm very satisfied with my stomach. [2020] Weekday lunch, hamburger and pork ginger set meal, 650 yen. Due to the increase in remote work due to the corona, I thought about having lunch locally, so I came to lunch in the king's pocket, which I had only been to at night. It's a great volume that can be used for Gaten, and it's all delicious at this price, and I'm very satisfied. For lunch, we also have a set meal of grilled beef, a set meal of pork loin cutlet, a set meal of fried chicken, pasta, ramen, pizza, and other items that you will want to conquer, so this shop is recommended.
Sarita Worravitudomsuk on Google

Good place for a company nomikai!
秋冬夏子 on Google

The amount is quite large for the price. But I want to ask. Have you ever eaten carpaccio? Have you ever eaten ham?

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