
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栄泉堂菓子舗

住所 :

Osaki, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-7251 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Osaki, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-7251 Niigata,Japan
にゅうこりんこりん on Google

Although it is in the depths of this mountain… rude…, especially the rich taste of chocolate cake (with salt!), Far beyond the classic Tokyo souvenir classic, brings out a very unique texture that only exists here. After all, I would like to recommend it as a sweet spot unique to this land where all of air, water, rice, and sake (alcohol) merge at a high level.
サブヤマ隊長 on Google

いつも利用させてもらってます。 とにかく何でも美味しい。私は栄泉堂のスフレのファンです。 もちろんケーキもですが、どら焼きも美味しい。
I always use it. Anyway, everything is delicious. I'm a fan of Eisendo's souffle. Of course, cakes are also good, but dorayaki is also delicious.
えな on Google

There were a lot of delicious cakes!
rk2490 on Google

Always thank you for your help, from the era of the previous era. Cakes and baked goods are rich in variety. The taste is also delicious. There is no losing. It also polishes wrapping and finishes well.
yasuyuki abe on Google

近くのお寿司屋さんに伺ったのですが、こんな所にケーキ屋さん発見。 種類も結構あり生クリームがすごく美味しいです、家族にも高評価でした。
I asked a nearby sushi restaurant and found a cake shop in this place. There were quite a few types and the cream was so delicious that it was highly appreciated by the family.
ダイスケ on Google

いつも誕生日ケーキをお願いしています。 本当に丁寧に仕上げてくれます。 クリームも甘過ぎず、重くないのでいくらでも食べられる! オススメのケーキ屋さんです。
I always ask for birthday cakes. It finishes really carefully. The cream is not too sweet and not heavy, so you can eat as much as you want! Recommended cake shop.
矢部薫 on Google

『自遊人』に掲載されていた「雪国A級グルメ」の龍寿しさんが向かいにあり、そちらに通うようになって、その存在に気付いた。 まだ旧店舗の頃で、看板の「永泉堂」の文字も消えかかり、店内の様子も外からはよく見えず。寂れた田舎の和菓子屋だろうと思い込んでいた。 何回目かの魚沼訪問のとき、夫が永泉堂の書き込みを見つけた?「チョコレートケーキは東京の某有名店の半額以下で、味はそれ以上❗️」しかも、添付されているゲランドの塩で食べるらしい? 半信半疑で、寿司を食べた後に寄ってみた。ショーケースにケーキがたくさん並んでいた?焼き菓子やどら焼まで売っている? 7人で帰りのサービスエリアで食べると言ったら、7つに切り分けてくれて「同じ大きさじゃないかもしれませんけどすみません」と❇️お手数おかけしました。 チョコレートケーキは、テリーヌのように濃厚で生チョコを食べているようだった??これがまた、ゲランドの塩とベストマッチ⭐️ それ以来、毎年、龍寿しでランチを食べたら必ず寄るようになった。 その間、古かった店舗は新築ピカピカのお店に生まれ変わった?️?✨お店は新しくなっても、ケーキは相変わらず美味しい✨ 生クリームが軽く、季節のフルーツを使ったスポンジケーキやタルトかお気に入り???土地柄、値段も安く、ほとんどのケーキが300円台?✨?
“Snow Country A Class Gourmet” Ryushishi, who was listed in “Self-Friend”, was across the street and began to go there and noticed its existence. At the time of the old store, the sign “Eisen-do” disappeared and the inside of the store could not be seen from the outside. I thought it would be a lonely Japanese confectionery shop. When I visited Uonuma several times, my husband found a note written by Eisen-do. “Chocolate cake is less than half the price of a famous restaurant in Tokyo, and the taste is more ❗️”. Eat that seems to eat I tried to stop after eating sushi. A bowl of cakes in a showcase that sells baked goods and dorayaki When I said 7 people would eat at the return service area, I divided it into 7 and "I'm sorry I may not be the same size", 」️ Sorry for the trouble. The chocolate cake was like a terrine and it was like eating raw chocolate ??This is also the best match with Guerande salt ⭐️ Since then, every year when I ate lunch at Ryujushi, I have come to stop by. Meanwhile, the old store was reborn as a new shiny store ?️?✨ Even if the store is new, the cake remains delicious ✨ Light cream, sponge cake using seasonal fruits and tart or favorite ???Land pattern, cheap price, most cakes are around 300 yen
Sちゃん on Google

生クリームが甘すぎずスポンジは柔らか✨どのケーキも美味しいです。 生デコは中もイチゴ、上の飾りのフルーツは5種類です。
The fresh cream is not too sweet and the sponge is soft ✨ Every cake is delicious. The raw deco is strawberry inside, and there are 5 kinds of fruits on the top.

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