Osaka Freight Terminal - Settsu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka Freight Terminal

住所 :

2-5 Aigawa Minamimachi, Settsu, Osaka 566-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 566-0051
Webサイト :

2-5 Aigawa Minamimachi, Settsu, Osaka 566-0051, Japan
古澤修 on Google

This is a freight terminal station made of magnificent bluffs that will be the phantom freight Shinkansen Osaka terminal.
月の輪熊金太郎 on Google

昼夜問わず、貨車が行き来し、 手際良くフォークリフトがコンテナを降ろしたと思えば、別のコンテナを積んだりと、 24時間365日物流を支え続けている姿には脱帽ものです。
Freight cars come and go, day or night, If you think that the forklift lowered the container gracefully, you could load another container, The figure that continues to support logistics 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is a hat.
山下悦司 on Google

It was only seen from the connection bridge of JR Senriaoka station, but there were plenty of containers lined up, and there was moderate force!を We recommend you to look at the cargo terminal station of the former Baekje station in the northern part of the eastern part of the Tennoji Eastern market.
hiroko hariki on Google

新幹線と貨物がいっぱいあるところ。 真横を走る道路から見るか、上を走るモノレールからみるか? オススメは両方ともです。地上で見る新幹線は思ったより大きく、迫力があります。 モノレールからみると新幹線の全体が見える。 時々、ドクターイエローカーが停まっていることがあり、みることができると、本当にラッキーです。 すぐ横を新幹線が走っているので、静と動の両方がみることができます。
A place full of bullet trains and cargo. Do you see it from the road running right beside or from the monorail running above? Both are recommended. The Shinkansen seen on the ground is bigger and more powerful than expected. The entire Shinkansen can be seen from the monorail. Sometimes a doctor yellow car is parked, and I'm really lucky to see it. The Shinkansen runs right beside, so you can see both static and dynamic.
KEN Hassy on Google

今日まで”大阪貨物ターミナル駅”としての存在を知らなかった。日曜日にもかかわらず、フォークリフトが動き、コンテナ、電車が動いていました。小さい時に長い貨物列車を見て凄いなと感動していました。その後道路交通網が整備するのと反対に鉄道輸送が大きく衰退しました。しかし、現在、トラック輸送の各種問題から見直しがされて増加しています。頑張って!!! 大量輸送の手段として、非常に効果的な輸送手段。生産地から個々の配達までのインフラ整備を実現してくださいね。
I did not know existence as "Osaka cargo terminal station" to this day. Despite Sunday, the forklift moved, the container, the train was moving. When I was small I was moved to see a long cargo train and it was amazing. Thereafter, the railway transport declined greatly, contrary to the maintenance of the road transport network. However, it is currently being reviewed due to various problems of truck transport and it is increasing. Good luck!!! Very effective means of transport as a means of mass transit. Please realize infrastructure improvement from production place to individual delivery.
田代利行 on Google

I went to see the first sunrise from Mt. Ikoma on the other side of the freight terminal. The weather was nice and I was able to worship a very beautiful sunrise.
ふなまFunama on Google

There is a “Shinkansen Park” on the walking path along the Anwei River, next to the cargo terminal. There are many families on weekends.
bigbomber5000 on Google

2021年7月4日に行きました。 大阪中央環状線の東側の歩道からだと殆ど何も見えませんが、新幹線公園側からだとフェンス越しに貨物ターミナルが見れます。 この時はフェンス際にトップリフターが止まっていました。 近くに駐車場が無く、公共交通機関の利用をお勧めします。 大阪モノレールでしたら摂津駅又は南摂津駅が最寄駅です。この2駅間に乗車すると、短時間ですが貨物ターミナルを見下ろすことが出来ます。 近くには新幹線公園と新幹線の鳥飼車両基地が有り、合わせて鉄道を楽しめます。
I went on July 4, 2021. Almost nothing can be seen from the sidewalk on the east side of the Osaka Central Circular Route, but from the Shinkansen Park side, you can see the freight terminal through the fence. At this time, the top lifter was stopped near the fence. There is no parking lot nearby and we recommend using public transport. For the Osaka Monorail, Settsu Station or Minamisettsu Station is the nearest station. If you board between these two stations, you can overlook the freight terminal for a short time. There are Shinkansen Park and Shinkansen Torikai Depot nearby, and you can enjoy the railway together.

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