Osaka Designers' College - Osaka

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka Designers' College

住所 :

2 Chome-3-20 Dojima, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 530-0003
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-20 Dojima, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0003, Japan
دحمان بلحوت on Google

あれく. on Google

黄いモンスターが最低。 他の先生は最高。
Yellow monsters are the worst. Other teachers are the best.
駿見賢人(はやみけんと) on Google

I'm currently a student. Many teachers and classmates are also good people.
吉田龍神守命 on Google

こんな所に行っても絶対クリエイターになれない 先生も生徒もやる気無い 酷すぎて途中で辞めた
Even if you go to such a place, you can never become a creator Teachers and students are not motivated I quit on the way because it was too bad
かずちゃん on Google

It was an important place for me. The teachers were all good people, and it was fun to get along with them. I'm glad you remember it even after graduating. I got a job at a design office, but it didn't work out and I quit. However, when I got a job again, I noticed in my resume that I was at Osaka Designers' College, and there was just a vacancy in the Advertising Division, so I was able to get a job ☺️
hisakazu Ueda on Google

I went to see my grandson's graduation work.
あき on Google

コロナ禍において、納得のいく授業と学費ではなかったと思います。子供が行ってる本人でさえそう思うと言い、教材も1度も使わない物さえあったそうです。高い学費ですので教材の必要性の有無も見直してほしいです。 この評価をつけたのは就職できたからです。 企業説明会もほとんど中止の中、自分で会社をピックアップし2年生の4月ぐらいから就職活動。 学校に来る求人は自分の行きたい会社ではなかったようです。 4社連続で不採用通知来た時は、もしかしてかなり高いハードルなんか!!?と落ち込みましたが、アニメ会社元請けのみ受けて5社目で内定をいただきました。同時期に応募していた6社目も書類選考通過していたので、ポートフォリオの重要性をマジで感じました。 ポートフォリオは試行錯誤して落ちる度にもっとよくなる!とあがいていました。 私が親として2年間を見て、専門学校は費用の割に学生のやる気才能に大きく左右され、全ての人が夢見た職につくのは難しいと感じました。 往復4時間かけ通学、学費定期代込で2年間で約300万。安くはないです。 学校選びは4校見学しました。全て大阪です。 親として一つこだわったのは文部科学省の認定校であること。交通費の学割や学歴として履歴書に記載できるなどが理由です。 元請けのアニメーターが無理な場合本人も一般会社の就職も考えていたようです。 最終的にこちらの学校に決めたのは子供本人です。派手さはなく落ち着いた雰囲気が性格に合っていたのかなと思います。 当時はコロナ前で無料送迎バスも何度も利用させてもらい色んな学科の体験もでき、入学前から有意義な時間を過ごしていたように感じました。 補足  就職してほぼ一年経過しましたが、一人暮らしで頑張っています。仕事は定時に帰れる事は少ないようです。お給料は固定給で一人なら余裕ある生活ができると思います。 結果として好きなことを仕事にしてお給料を貰えている子供を見て、学校は行ってよかったと、、ただ2年間体調不良で数日休んた以外全て出席、課題も提出、家では絵を描きまくり当たり前の事をこなした本人の努力があってこそかなと思います。 最初クレジットされたのは、深夜のアニメだったのですが、一番最初に写メで教えてくれたのは先生とのことで、気にかけてくださり、ありがとうございました。
I don't think the lessons and tuition fees were reasonable for Corona. Even the child himself said that he thought so, and he said that there were even things that he never used teaching materials. Since it is a high tuition fee, I would like you to review whether or not you need teaching materials. I gave this rating because I was able to get a job. While the company information session was almost canceled, I picked up the company myself and started job hunting from around April of the second grade. It seems that the job offer that came to school was not the company I wanted to go to. When four companies are notified of rejection in a row, it may be a fairly high hurdle! !! ?? However, I received only the prime contractor of the animation company and got a job offer at the 5th company. The sixth company that applied at the same time also passed the document screening, so I really felt the importance of the portfolio. Your portfolio gets better every time you drop it by trial and error! I was angry. After two years as a parent, I found it difficult for everyone to get the job they dreamed of because the vocational school was heavily influenced by the motivation of the students for the cost. It takes about 3 million for 2 years, including 4 hours round trip to school and regular tuition fees. It's not cheap. I visited 4 schools to choose a school. It's all in Osaka. One thing I was particular about as a parent was that it was an accredited school by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The reason is that you can write it on your resume as a student discount for transportation expenses or as an educational background. When the animator of the prime contractor is impossible, it seems that he was thinking about getting a job at a general company. The final decision for this school was the child himself. I think that the calm atmosphere was suitable for the character without being flashy. At that time, I was able to use the free shuttle bus many times in front of Corona and experience various departments, and I felt that I was spending a meaningful time before enrolling. Supplement: Almost a year has passed since I got a job, but I am doing my best by living alone. It seems that work is rarely returned on time. The salary is fixed and I think that if you are alone, you can live a comfortable life. As a result, when I saw a child who was getting paid for what he liked, he said that he was glad he went to school. I think it's because of the efforts of the person who did the things that are commonplace in drawing. The first credit was for a late-night animation, but the first person who taught me in the photo was the teacher, and thank you for your concern.
言わせて頂きます on Google

3/5(土)の15:00くらいにODC CREATIVE EXPO2022に行かせて頂きましたが フィギュアのところで職員だか先生だか、スーツを着た卒業生だかがたむろってみつ状態でほんま鬱陶しかったです。 1階の受付では検温とアルコール消毒もやってましたけど 一部では平気であんなことやってるってヤバ過ぎますわ。 もっと観たかったんですけど気分が悪過ぎて直ぐに退場しました。 沢山の未来ある人が頑張ってるのに一部のせいで印象が最悪です。 ええ大人が一般人も居る場所で堂々と酒で酔うた話を嬉しそうにすんな。未来ある若者を巻き込むな。
I went to ODC CREATIVE EXPO 2022 around 15:00 on 3/5 (Sat). At the figure, the staff, the teacher, or the graduate in a suit hang out and was really annoyed. At the reception on the 1st floor, I also did temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection. It's too dangerous for some people to do that kind of thing. I wanted to see more, but I felt so sick that I immediately left. The impression is the worst because of some people who have a lot of futures doing their best. Yes, I'm glad to hear the story of an adult getting drunk with alcohol in a place where ordinary people are also present. Don't involve young people in the future.

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