Orita Yakimanju - Takasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Orita Yakimanju

住所 :

108 Tamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 370-0824

108 Tamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0824, Japan
Tsuneaki Sakuraba on Google

餅菓子と思いきや、どちらかと言えばパンですね? 子供が6串たべれる訳がわかりました❗️ タレがとても美味しく癖になります
I think it's mochi sweets, but if anything, it's bread ? I understand why a child can eat 6 skewers ❗️ The sauce is very delicious and addictive
佐伯もなか on Google

まず、店主のおばあさんはコロナ感染をとても気にしている為基本的に外で待つように言われます。 独特な雰囲気の方ですが、気を悪くされないで下さい。 話好きな優しいおばあちゃんです。 平日15時頃はじめての来店、私で最後でした。 2本を注文しましたが、餡入りは売り切れていた模様。 立ち去る際も何名か来ていたので地元で愛されているようですね。 帰って開けてみるとタレがたくさん入っていて溢してしまいました笑 外側は香ばしくて中はふかふかして甘辛のタレが絡んで良い感じです。 お昼を食べたばかりなのに2本ペロッと食べてしまいました。 何度でも食べたくなるお味。 おばあちゃんいつまでも元気で居てください。
First of all, the owner's grandmother is so worried about corona infection that she is basically told to wait outside. It's a unique atmosphere, but don't be offended. A gentle grandma who likes talking. It was my last visit to the store around 15:00 on weekdays. I ordered 2 bottles, but it seems that the bean paste was sold out. It seems that they are loved by the locals because some people came when they left. When I went home and opened it, there was a lot of sauce and it overflowed lol The outside is fragrant and the inside is fluffy and the sweet and spicy sauce is entwined. I just ate lunch, but I ate two bottles. A taste that makes you want to eat it again and again. Grandma Please stay healthy forever.
珍獣 on Google

群馬県の郷土料理である焼きまんじゅうの老舗。 『孤独のグルメ』に登場したことでも有名ですね。 まんじゅうというとお餅的なものを連想してしまうのですが、小麦粉主体で(こちらのお店は餅粉も入っているそうです)、ふかふかした、柔らかめのフランスパンといった趣の食感。それを焦げ目がつくまで焼いて、甘い味噌ダレを絡めて食べます。 焼きまんじゅう自体は、何年か前に国際展示場の前で全国のB級グルメが集合みたいなイベントが催されていた時に食べたことがあったのですが、その時のものより断然おいしかったです。生地はふかふかとしていて、焦げ目が香ばしく…… もし生地だけ単品で食べたらスカスカで飲みこむのに苦労したかもしれませんが、たっぷりのタレを絡ませて食べるとそれもなく、シンプルなのに最後まで飽きずに楽しめました。 残念ながらあん入りは売り切れだったので、また高崎に行く機会があれば、あん入りとあんなしの食べ比べとしゃれこみたい所です。
A long-established restaurant of grilled manju, which is a local dish of Gunma prefecture. It is also famous for appearing in "Gourmet of loneliness". Manju is associated with rice cakes, but it is mainly made of wheat flour (it seems that this shop also contains rice cake flour), and it has a fluffy, soft French bread texture. Bake it until it is browned and eat it with sweet miso sauce. I had eaten Yakimanju itself a few years ago when an event like a gathering of B-class gourmets from all over the country was being held in front of the International Exhibition Center, but it was definitely better than the one at that time. .. The dough is fluffy and the browning is fragrant ... If I ate the dough alone, I might have had a hard time swallowing it with a squid, but if I ate it with plenty of sauce, it was simple, but I enjoyed it until the end. Unfortunately, the bean paste was sold out, so if you have a chance to go to Takasaki again, it's a place where you can compare eating with bean paste and without bean paste.
T. K on Google

孤独のグルメ出演の焼きまんじゅう屋さん。 テイクアウトでいただきました。 とても美味しかったです。 駐車場はコインパーキングの利用になります。 ご馳走様でした。
A grilled manju shop with a lonely gourmet appearance. I had it for takeout. It was very delicious. The parking lot will be coin parking. It was a treat.
かぉりん on Google

It was the first grilled manju to eat, but the sauce that gives you plenty of sauce with [outside ❗ inside fluffy ❗] is also excellent. There is no parking lot and there is a time-based parking lot diagonally opposite, and I ate there because I couldn't eat in the shop due to the corona virus. I want to be a regular customer if I'm in the neighborhood of my house
PaPa HS on Google

たまたま旅先で出くわした焼きまんじゅう屋さん。ユニークなおかみさんが仕切っている。とにかく焼きたてを食べてほしいので、持ち帰りの時間をやたら確認される。時間がかかるようなら売ってくれないのではないかと思うくらい。 餡なしは一串に4個、餡ありは2個。 始めに薄いタレをかけて焼き始め、焼き上がったらタレをたっぷり掛けてくれる。このタレが強烈に甘い。砂糖醤油を濃密に煮詰めたような感じ。大概の甘党の私でも、強烈と思うくらい。でもなぜか食べた翌日にまた食べたくなってしまった。
A grilled manju shop that I happened to come across while traveling. A unique mom is in charge. Anyway, I want you to eat freshly baked, so I will check the time to take it home. If it takes time, I think they won't sell it. 4 pieces per skewer without bean paste, 2 pieces with bean paste. First, sprinkle a thin sauce on it and start baking, and when it's done, it will sprinkle a lot of sauce on it. This sauce is intensely sweet. It feels like a thick boiled sugar soy sauce. Even I, who is a sweet tooth, thinks it is intense. But for some reason I wanted to eat it again the day after I ate it.
kazz T on Google

いやぁ危ない〜私で売り切れでした。 アド街ック天国も高崎で取材来たそうです。 店主曰く、店はボロいけど、安く美味しい物を提供したいから!ってタレを沢山かけてくれました。餡子入りより無い方が美味しい
It's dangerous ~ I was sold out. It seems that Admachikku Heaven also came to cover in Takasaki. According to the owner, the store is rugged, but I want to offer cheap and delicious food! He gave me a lot of sauce. It's better without bean paste than with bean paste
山田マキ(エース) on Google

群馬名物焼きまんじゅうって以前黒い焼そばの店で食べたことがあったんだけど、こちらのお店 オリタ焼きまんじゅう店は高崎にあり絶飯リストにも名を連ねるお店で孤独のグルメにもさらっと出ていたりするお店。高崎に寄った際は必ず店の前を通るのだけど金曜日に営業しているのを見たことがなく今回営業してたので目の前のコインパーキングに車を止めてお店に向かうと「どこから来たの」「店の中では食べれないよ」とコロナ対応なので外から注文して焼き上がりを待ちました。群馬の焼きまんじゅうってただの皮だけだと思っていたらオリタにはアンコ入りもあったのでアンコなしと アン入りを注文。注文受けて焼き始まます。途中甘そうなみたらしのたれを塗りながら焼いてゆきます。アン入りは串に2個 アンなしは串に3個ついてて10円値段が違います。上にかけられたみたらしタレは甘いけどおいしくて砂糖のザラメ感を残してあるみたい。個人的にはアンなしの方が好きかな。でもアンコ入りも思ったほど甘さがくどくなくておいしかったですよ。他県の人が高崎来たら食べてみるのもいいかもしれませんね。
I used to eat Gunma's specialty Yakimanju at a black yakisoba restaurant, but this restaurant, Orita Yakimanju, is located in Takasaki and is on the list of desperate meals. A shop that goes out. Whenever I stop in Takasaki, I always pass in front of the store, but I have never seen it open on Friday, so I stopped the car at the coin parking in front of me and headed to the store. "Where did you come from?" "I can't eat it in the store," so I ordered it from the outside and waited for it to bake. I thought that Gunma's grilled manju was just skin, but Orita also had anko, so I ordered no anko and one with anko. We will take your order and start baking. On the way, apply the sweet mitarashi sauce and bake. There are 2 skewers with Anne and 3 skewers without Anne, and the price is different by 10 yen. The mitarashi sauce on top is sweet but delicious and seems to leave a rough feeling of sugar. Personally, I prefer without Anne. But the sweetness wasn't as sweet as I expected, and it was delicious. If people from other prefectures come to Takasaki, it might be a good idea to try it.

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