Orion Book Store Kami-Shakujii shop - Nerima City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Orion Book Store Kami-Shakujii shop

住所 :

2 Chome-24-1 Kamishakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 177-0044
Webサイト : https://libroplus.co.jp/shop/1015/

2 Chome-24-1 Kamishakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0044, Japan
安島潤 on Google

売り場は広く無いですが、ツボを押さえたラインアップです。 夜遅くまでやってるので、会社帰りに寄れるのが有り難いです。
The sales floor is not large, but it is a lineup that suppresses acupuncture points. I'm doing it until late at night, so I'm grateful to be able to come back to work.
とみちゃん2199 on Google

昔はどこにでもあった街の本屋さんです。 自分自身、本を書店で買うことがなくなったなぁと思います。 コミックスの発売日一覧を見て、メモした日が懐かしい‼
It is a bookstore in a town that used to be everywhere. I think I have no longer bought a book at a bookstore. Look at the release date list of the comics, the day I made a note is nostalgic !!
お犬様ポチャメンズ on Google

書店とあって、本に詳しい店員さんが多くて助かります。 特に体格の大きな店員さんが凄く詳しい。 駅前にあるので通勤や移動中に便利。
There are a lot of clerks who are familiar with books because it is a bookstore. Especially, a large sales clerk is very detailed. As it is in the station front, it is convenient during commuting and movement.
Miyuki Yamazaki on Google

This is a bookstore near Kamishakujii Station. It's not a big bookstore, but you can buy magazines and paperback books conveniently. The clerk is good at home.
小松一基 on Google

以前駅南口に、同規模の半地下書店が有りましたが、閉店してしまい上石神井唯一の書店となりました。 明るい店内、各ジャンル(雑誌、児童書、観光ガイドブック、小説、経済誌など…)をまんべんなくカバーしています。 駅直結の好アクセスで、街の人々の必要に応えています。
Previously, there was a semi-underground bookstore of the same size at the south exit of the station, but it was closed and became the only bookstore on Kamiishikami. The shop is bright and covers all genres (magazines, children's books, sightseeing guidebooks, novels, economic magazines ...). Good access directly to the station, meeting the needs of the people of the city.
大久保聡 on Google

キレイな街の本屋さんです。Tポイント貯めれます。規模の割にはコミック系充実しているほうではないでしょうか。 いつ行っても店員さんの対応がとても良く感じます。 街の本屋にとっては厳しい昨今ですが末永く続いてほしいお店です。
It is a bookstore in a beautiful city. You can save T points. Depending on the scale, it may not be a comics-rich one. I always feel that the clerk's response is very good. It is a tough time for bookstores in the city, but it is a shop that I want to continue for a long time.
井口誠治 on Google

I think the bookstore here is targeting students and women. I want you to put more effort into the paperback books. I think the correspondence is normal.
堀之内誠 on Google

A bookstore at the north exit of Kamishakujii Station. Ingenuity in product lineup. There are quite a few good paperback books, so I find them useful. The bookstores of Kamiigusa and Iogi have finally disappeared, but the local bookstores I want to remain forever.

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