4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ORIENS

住所 :

Nakazawa, Kamagaya, 〒273-0118 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.oriens-p.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Nakazawa, Kamagaya, 〒273-0118 Chiba,Japan
Nob K on Google

One of the things that made me happy last year was the exterior painting. Although it was a house built young, various things overlapped and the outer wall could not be maintained. I was looking for a paint company based on the internet and various information because of the worsening of the leaks and it was not good anymore. Thank you to President Yuasa for being really kind. He said he was grateful for his wife to meet me even during the typhoon. I wanted the younger sister's house, which had painted the outer wall earlier, to build it. In the future, I will consult with this company (President Yuasa) first if there is anything about the house.
緑川光代 on Google

As Matsudo City was with correspondence area, I asked for outer wall painting. It went from hearing to construction smoothly, and it was saved because it had a beautiful finish.
三家らいと on Google

The typhoon continued and the wall of my house in Matsudo was rusted and ragged, so I asked for the exterior wall painting. It was very helpful to have a smooth process from contract to construction.
渡辺涼 on Google

I asked for the roof painting of my old house. I asked several nearby construction shops, but it was difficult to get the construction done at the time I wanted. We were able to respond carefully while busy, and the explanation of the estimate was solid and I was convinced. Thanks for the construction. thank you for helping me.
ノブキチ on Google

From the consultation to the construction, we responded promptly, and the finish was perfect, and the neighbors said, "It has become very beautiful." I'm regaining my attachment to my beautiful home.
高橋リエ on Google

今回、外壁と屋根の塗装を、何処の業者さんに依頼しようか?色々とGoogleで調べたり クチコミを読んだりしましたが、その中に オリエンスさんがありました 築28年目になるお家がまるで新築のように 生まれ変わり大変嬉しいです 毎日、現場の進み具合を写メして送って下さりました そんなに丁寧な事をする会社は無いと思います 小さなお仕事から新築を建てるまで、親身になって相談できる社長さんを含め職人さん方に感謝しております ありがとうございました
Which vendor should you ask to paint the exterior walls and roof this time? I searched on Google in various ways I read word-of-mouth communication, but in it There was Orient A 28-year-old house looks like a new one I am very happy to be reborn Every day, he took a picture of the progress of the site and sent it to me. I don't think there is a company that does such a polite thing. Thank you Thank you very much
末永由記子 on Google

先日は大変お世話になりました。 専門的なことがわからず、年数ばかりが経ち、外観は薄汚れ、他業者が声を掛けてくるほどの家でした。 やりたいという気持ちは常々あったので、隣家がやると聞いて飛びつきました。 細かいところまで気がついて、納得いくまで説明してくれたり、毎日の進行状況を写真で送ってくれたり、良い意味でびっくりすることばかりでした。強引な勧誘もありませんでした。 見違えるほど綺麗になり、やって良かったと心から思います。これからのリフォームもお願いするつもりです。良い業者さんに出会えて良かったです。今は感謝の気持ちで一杯です。 ありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for your help the other day. It's been a long time since I didn't know what was technical, and the appearance was lightly soiled, and it was a house that other companies called out to me. I always had a desire to do it, so when I heard that my neighbor would do it, I jumped at it. I was surprised in a good way by noticing the details and explaining until I was satisfied, and sending me photos of my daily progress. There was no forcible solicitation. It became so beautiful that I couldn't believe it, and I'm really glad I did it. I will also ask for future reforms. It was good to meet a good trader. I am full of gratitude now. Thank you very much.
mori tatsuya on Google

弊社は児童福祉事業所なのですが、昨今のコロナ禍対策として株式会社ORIENS様に依頼し、光触媒を1階・2階各部屋に施工しました。 思っていたより施工時間もかなり短く業務後の施工でしたので非常に助かりました。 特にトイレの消臭効果と主な活動部屋のプレイルームの生活臭の消臭効果を感じました。更なる滅菌効果も期待しております。
Our company is a child welfare office, but we asked ORIENS Co., Ltd. to install photocatalysts in each room on the 1st and 2nd floors as a countermeasure against corona damage these days. The construction time was much shorter than I expected, and the construction was done after work, which was very helpful. In particular, I felt the deodorant effect of the toilet and the deodorant effect of the living odor of the play room of the main activity room. We also expect further sterilization effects.

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