Onsen Yado Mizuguchi - Izu

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Onsen Yado Mizuguchi

住所 :

3463-17 Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka 410-2416, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 410-2416
Webサイト : https://onsen-yado-mizuguchi.com/
Description : Streamlined rooms with tatami floors in a casual hot spring inn offering a bathhouse & river views.

3463-17 Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka 410-2416, Japan
michiko oshima on Google

せっかくのロケーションなのだから、お風呂を直しては如何でしょう! 岩風呂に白ペンキでは風情台無し♪ ミシュランの温泉地なので食事も民宿以上にしてほしいw
It's a great location, so why not fix your bath! White paint spoils the atmosphere in the rock bath ♪ Since it is a Michelin hot spring area, I want you to eat more than a guest house w
lin yu on Google

The traditional Japanese hot spring hotel has a separate soup for men and women to soak, but this soup is small and does not include breakfast, but we have a day of breakfast and can experience a more Japanese life. Sleeping is tatami and there is a complimentary bathrobe. The location is very good, next to the famous hot springs and Shuzenji Hot Spring.
CHiee K on Google

修善寺近辺の宿で一番リーズナブルでした。一人旅で素泊まり利用です。 素泊まりなら21時台のレイトチェックインも対応していただけました(要連絡)。 温泉のあっついお湯!お肌がすべすべになりました! 竹林の小径のすぐそこなので周辺観光もしやすくとても良かったです。竹林の小径はライトアップが素敵でした。 修善寺駅からバスで(片道220円/7分)バス停から徒歩5分程の距離なのでアクセスもgood!
It was the most reasonable in a hotel near Shuzenji. It is an overnight stay use by traveling alone. Late check-in at around 21 o'clock was also available if you stayed overnight (contact required). Hot water of hot spring! Your skin is smooth! As it is right there in the small path of the bamboo forest, it is very easy to do sightseeing in the surrounding area. The small diameter of the bamboo forest was nice to light up. By bus from Shuzenji Station (one way 220 yen / 7 minutes) As it is distance of approximately 5 minutes on foot from bus stop, access is good!
くぼたいと(ayakosjojo) on Google

3人宿泊で合計約24000円という値段にまず驚きました。とても安かったので不安でしたが旅館の中はとても綺麗でこの値段でこんないい宿に泊まってもいいのか?と感じた程です。 宿の周りは竹林や川、足湯などがあります。この宿に来てよかったと1番感じるのは夜にライトアップされる際の景観です。夜になると竹林や川がライトアップされとても幻想的になります。その空間の中で友人と周りを見て回ったり足湯に浸かってリラックスしたりなど、最高の思い出になりました。 18年間生きてきて初の旅行でしたが、ここにきてほんとによかったと感じています。 最高の思い出をありがとうございました。
At first we were surprised at price called a total of approximately 24000 yen with three people. It was uneasy because it was very cheap, but the inside of the inn is very beautiful and it is good to stay at such a good inn at this price? I felt that. There are bamboo groves, rivers and footbaths around the lodgings. The first thing I feel good to come to this inn is the scenery when it is lit up at night. At night, the bamboo grove and the river are lighted up and it becomes very fantastic. Looking around with my friends in the space and relaxing in the bath was a great memory. I have lived for 18 years and my first trip, but I feel that it was really nice to be here. Thank you for the great memories.
コバサト on Google

7月の三連休で利用させてもらいました。天気はあいにくの梅雨空でしたが、楽しい旅行でした。 宿自体リニューアルされた後なのか、内外の見た目は黄土色のカラーに統一されていてなんともいぶし銀な宿です。 館内の調度品は品よく並べられて、いかもに温泉宿に来たなという感じを演出しています。 浴場は一般のご家庭のものを改修したような感じで、4人も入ればいっぱいになりそうな感じ。洗い場もふたつしかないため、一組ご家族で入れればいいほうかな。 しかし温泉の泉質もさることながら、私が入浴するときは誰一人入っておらず半ば以上貸し切り状態だったので大満足です。 部屋の中も小物や掛け軸などが程よく置いてあり、海外からの観光客の方を意識している様子が見受けられました。 朝ごはんも美味しくいただけて、気分よく旅行を満喫できました。 また修善寺に来たときはよらせてもらおうと思います。 追伸:宿で教えてもらった居酒屋さんに行ったときに、宿の大将とばったりお会いし、少し驚きながらも乾杯の音頭とともに美味しいお酒と料理を楽しませてもらいました。
I used it for the three consecutive holidays in July. The weather was unfortunately rainy, but it was a pleasant trip. The hotel itself has been renewed, and the appearance of the inside and outside is unified with the color of ocher color and it is a hotel of very good silver. The furniture in the hotel is lined with items, which creates the feeling that you have not been to a hot spring hotel. The baths seem to have been restored to the general family, and it seems to be full if four people enter. Because there are only two washrooms, it would be better to put in a family. However, besides the spring quality of the hot spring, when I take a bath, no one is in it and I am very happy because I was in a state of being over for more than half. There were small accessories and hanging scrolls in the room, and I was able to see that I was conscious of tourists from overseas. The breakfast was delicious and I was able to enjoy the trip feeling well. Also, when I come to Shuzenji, I will try to get it to you. PS: When I went to a pub I was taught at the inn, I met with the general of the inn and had a little surprise, but also enjoyed a good drink and food along with the toast.
Shigehisa Ishii on Google

I've stayed here today. It has a nice atmosphere and is located in the center of Shuzenji sightseeing spot, so you can go around the bamboo grove, Tokko no Yu, Shuzenji, the tomb of the source, and the viewing platform, so the location is the best. The hot springs are also flushed from the source, and I will carry the illness recovery and go again when I recover.
萩原高雄 on Google

I enjoyed staying without meals at the Japanese hot spring inn in Shuzenji. I had my favorite meal at a restaurant in the hot spring town of Shuzenji.
Satoko Suzuki on Google

土曜に宿泊しましたが、お風呂など他の宿泊客の方と被ることはなく、ゆったり入れました。お風呂は広くはないですが気持ちよくあたたまりました。内装もおしゃれで、綺麗でした。朝食もおいしかったです。 こんな綺麗な宿にお安く泊まれてとてもコスパの良い宿だと思いました。 ありがとうございました!
I stayed on Saturday, but I didn't suffer from other guests such as a bath, so I could relax. The bath is not large, but it warms up comfortably. The interior was fashionable and beautiful. Breakfast was also delicious. I thought it was a very cospa inn because I could stay cheaply in such a beautiful inn. thank you very much!

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