Onoya - Kurokawa District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Onoya

住所 :

Kitaharahigashi-77 Yoshioka, Taiwa, Kurokawa District, Miyagi 981-3621, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 981-3621
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

Kitaharahigashi-77 Yoshioka, Taiwa, Kurokawa District, Miyagi 981-3621, Japan
ファンタジーモーリ on Google

初来店。お店入る前にクチコミ拝見。 皆さんのクチコミ評価を見て、あーなるほど!と思った点が帰るまでの間に何点かやっぱりありました。塩ラーメン食べましたが、お湯を飲んでいるだけ?という感じの薄い、しかもなんだこれ?なんの臭い?……という塩では感じたことのない臭み感じました。 ラーメンを食べる時はスープまで全部飲んでどんぶりを空にして帰るんですが、さすがに残して帰りました。ごめんなさい ご主人さんの感心したところは、お会計のときに女性の方がレジに立ち、何も見ず、どのラーメン食べたか全部言っていく事です。記憶力凄いなと感心しました 最後に、ご主人さんの顔見知りの方が自分達と同じ時間帯に居たようで、なぜかその方が食事中にその席に行ってマスク外している(←食べている人)状態での会話 おいおい止めて下さい‼️せめてマスク付けて会話して。と思いました
First visit. See word-of-mouth before entering the store. Looking at everyone's word-of-mouth evaluation, I see! After all, there were some points before I returned. I ate salt ramen, but are you just drinking hot water? It's not like that, and what's this? What does it smell like? I felt an odor that I had never felt with salt. When I eat ramen, I drink all the soup and empty the bowl, but I left it and went home. sorry What impressed my husband was that at the time of checkout, a woman stood at the cash register, looked nothing, and said everything about which ramen she ate. I was impressed with the great memory Finally, it seems that the husband's acquaintance was at the same time as ourselves, and for some reason he went to the seat during the meal and took off the mask (← eating person) conversation Please stop! ️ At least put on a mask and have a conversation. I thought
山本和彦 on Google

ホールの女の人パニクり。 もうちょい仕事覚えないと大将が大変。 ラーメンは醤油チャーシュー麺少し薄いかな。 繁盛店みたいす。 高校の隣の普通の民家ぽい、
Panic the woman in the hall. If you don't remember a little work, the general will have a hard time. The ramen is soy sauce char siu noodles a little thin. It looks like a prosperous store. Like an ordinary private house next to a high school,
J “Peechan” 鈴木 on Google

塩 あっさりさっぱり 量は普通かやや多い、半熟味玉半分付きで670円コスパは良い、特に味的に主張はない故、何系とかに分類は出来ない普通のラーメンで総合的にはリピート必須には至らず。 ほぼ厨房を1人でやりくりしているので時間に余裕がないと厳しい、入店時に事前に説明があるが待ち時間が20分はかかる。
The amount of salt is light, and the amount is normal, and the amount is 670 yen with a half-boiled egg. Does not reach. Almost all the kitchen is handled by one person, so it's tough if you don't have enough time. There is an explanation in advance when entering the store, but the waiting time is 20 minutes.
ISHI YUKA on Google

チャーシューは美味しいです。私は塩ラーメン、主人はしょう油チャーシューの中盛り、チャーシュー丼(小)をオーダー。普通盛りでも麺は結構あります。中盛りを注文した主人は、普通のお店の大盛りがここの中盛り相当と言ってました。大盛り頼んでいたらチャーシュー丼は食べれなかった…とか。 節系と動物系のスープとのコラボとの事ですが、パンチはありません。焦がしネギがアクセントであっさりしたスープ。細麺はスープが絡んで美味しかったです。チャーシューがしっかり味がついてるのでバランスが取れてるのかな。しょう油ラーメンもあっさり。こちらもパンチが無いなのでどうしたかったのかな?という感じ。味噌や辛味噌はどうなんだろう…。とにかくパンチ効いたラーメンを求める方は違うと思います。 店内は15席あるかないか。うちテーブル席は4名席1つだけです。路上駐車を懸念して、お店の方が車両に声を掛けますが、作り手の店長さんと女性の店員さん2人で切り盛りしているので、どうしても忙しそうです。
The char siu is delicious. I ordered salt ramen, my husband was in the middle of a barbecued pork cutlet, and I ordered a chashuedon (small). There are quite a few noodles even in ordinary prime. The owner who ordered the middle grain said that the plenty of ordinary shops is at the middle of here. I was not able to eat chashued don bowl when I was on a big bargain ... or something. Although it is a collaboration between clause and animal soup, there is no punch. Soup which was burned green onions with an accent. The thin noodle was delicious with soup entangled. I guess the balance is good as the taste is good. Soy sauce ramen is also easy. Because there is no punch here, what did you want to do? Feeling. What about miso and spicy miso .... Anyway, I think that those who ask for punchy ramen are different. Do you have 15 seats in the shop? The table seat is only one for 4 people. Concerning street parking, the store speaks to the car, but it seems that he is busy because the shop manager and the female shop clerk are cutting out with two people.
リバーロックデニム on Google

前店舗の時からいただいております。 塩ならここ!というくらいこだわりスープで、塩が食べたい時は必ず行きます。 チャーシュー丼もおすすめです。下にあるタレが最高に美味い!
I have received it since the time of the previous store. Here for salt! It's a special soup, and I always go there when I want to eat salt. Char siu bowl is also recommended. The sauce below is the best!

あっさりしお うまかった 麺の感じは個人的に柔らかツルツルなので もう少しコシがあったらよかったが うまかった
Lightly It was good The noodles feel soft and smooth personally I wish I had a little more stiffness It was good
隆高橋 on Google

I finally came because it was a shop I was interested in ❗️ I ordered salt and soy sauce ❗️ Both were delicious, but personally I feel that salt is good (^_^) The soup was good! I want to try miso this time ✌️
しんせんぐみ on Google

お昼に寄りました。 しょうゆラーメン中盛りとチャーシュー丼大を頂きました。 ラーメンも丼も盛りが良くてとてもお腹がいっぱいになりました。 というより苦しいくらいでした。 ここのチャーシューは絶品だと思います。 柔らかく食べ応えもあって最高です。 是非また行きたいと思います。
I stopped by at noon. I had a medium soy sauce ramen and a large char siu bowl. The ramen and rice bowls were very good and I was very full. It was rather painful. I think the char siu here is excellent. It's soft and responsive, so it's the best. I definitely want to go there again.

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