ごぶやまパート2 タイヤ ホイール

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ごぶやまパート2 タイヤ ホイール

住所 :

Onojimachi, Machida, 〒195-0064 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.gobuyama2.com/
街 : Tokyo

Onojimachi, Machida, 〒195-0064 Tokyo,Japan
T T on Google

デリカのホイール交換をお願いしました。 メールでのやり取りでしたが、返信も早くわからない事も丁寧に教えてくれて安心できました。家からは遠いですが、こちらにお願いして良かったと思っています。実績もあり信頼できるショップだと思います。また機会があればお願いしたいです。
I asked you to replace the Delica wheel. It was exchanged by e-mail, but I was relieved that he politely told me that I did not understand the reply quickly. It's far from home, but I'm glad I asked for it. I think it is a reliable shop with a proven track record. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
工藤正人 on Google

とても懇切丁寧に説明してくれて助かりました。感謝しかない。 良いお店ですよー‼️
It was very helpful for me to explain it very carefully. I have no choice but to thank you. It's a good shop! ️
ジョンくろ on Google

Kangoo also understands. It is a safe shop.
w on Google

They will respond very politely. The price is not cheap, but it is a specialty store that you can rest assured. The Delica placed in the demo car is super cool!
今西栄 on Google

デリカを買うと決めてから、即電話して相談、本当に親切に対応していただき、先日晴れて納車&タイヤ・アルミ交換となりました。 安い買い物ではないので、納得するものを納得出来るお店で買えて良かった! 乗ると年甲斐もなくニヤニヤしちゃいます。 ありがとうございました!
After deciding to buy the Delica, I immediately called and consulted with him, and he was really kind to me. The other day, the car was delivered and the tires and aluminum were replaced. It's not a cheap purchase, so I'm glad I could buy it at a store that I was satisfied with! When I get on it, I grin without any reason. thank you!
もも太郎の日常・ on Google

概ね、ホイールはいくつか決まっていましたが、実際に目で見ると少し違いがあり、見比べるために、快くタイヤ横に持っていっていただきました。 私はオフロード関係のタイヤの知識はほぼなかったので、車の乗るスタイルに合わせ選んでいただきました。 見比べた上納得いくものをで購入させていただきました。 装着後は確認時に見た通りの仕上がりで満足しています! ありがとうございました! またスタッドレスタイヤ等で購入に伺えればと思います!
In general, some wheels were decided, but there were some differences when I actually saw them, so I was willing to bring them to the side of the tires for comparison. I had little knowledge of off-road tires, so I chose them according to the style of the car. I bought the one that I was satisfied with after comparing them. After mounting, I am satisfied with the finish as I saw at the time of confirmation! thank you! In addition, I would like to ask you to purchase with studless tires etc.!
たむ吉 on Google

The staff is kind and will choose a variety of tires and wheels. The price is cheap and the service is perfect! A favorite shop that is always indebted! ︎
Terrence Reyes on Google

They didn't really speak much english but we talked through Google translate and they got what I wanted and fast! Highly recommend for some nice tires or wheels. They were very friendly and worked with me through the whole process even if they didn't speak english. I appreciate the shop and happy with my set! Would go back in a heart beat. Thank you!

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