
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くだもの畑MOMO

住所 :

Onoharahigashi, Minoo, 〒562-0031 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779877
街 : Osaka

Onoharahigashi, Minoo, 〒562-0031 Osaka,Japan
極 楽一直線 on Google

高槻イオンにも支店有り。彼方は店舗規模が大きいので野菜等も扱っている。 また、価格も此方より若干安価。 ただし、此方の店の方が対面販売なので物が少々痛んでいればレジで交換してくれる。 相談しながら選別出来るので、安心して買物が出来る。
Takatsuki Aeon also has a branch. Beyond that, the store is large and handles vegetables. Also, the price is slightly cheaper than this. However, because this store is a face-to-face sales, if the item is a little painful, it will be exchanged at the cash register. Since you can select while consulting, you can shop with confidence.
村田秀則 on Google

I bought a box of oranges about 3 times. Before delivery, we will check the box for defective products and replace them if any, so you can purchase with confidence. There are always about 5 to 10 types depending on the production area and sugar content, and there are 3 kg, 5 kg, and 10 kg. Some of them are reasonably priced, so if you want to buy a box of oranges, please do.
てぃだ on Google

前回の口コミは良く書いた。それは若いお店のお兄さんが美味しい果物を教えてくれたから。 今回、店の経営者の人でした。夕張メロンの食べ頃のを聞いて勧められたので買って帰ったら、腐ってた。皮が黄色いとは思ってたけど、お勧めされたので信じた。お金返して欲しい! 騙すつもりだったハズ。自分で「果物屋30年してるから分かる」って言ってたもの。本当に悔しい気持ち!腹立つ!
I wrote a word of mouth last time. That's because my younger brother taught me delicious fruits. This time, I was the owner of the store. I heard about Yubari melon when I was eating, and when I bought it, it was rotten. I thought the skin was yellow, but I believed it because it was recommended. I want you to return the money! Haz who was going to trick you. I said "I know it because I've been a fruit shop for 30 years". I'm really disappointed! Get angry!
ちくわでらっくす on Google

The most favorite fruit shop in Kansai (’-’ *) ♪ This assortment in this place! ! I am surprised every time. You can get really delicious fruits and rare fruits cheaply. I always shop while feeling the spirit of the owner.
山田浩史 on Google

今時珍しくなった町の果物屋さん。 スーパーと比べても値段はそれほど変わらないと思います。店員さんが親切で果物の事について色々聞けて良かった。難点は駐車場が無いこと。
A fruit shop in a town that has become rare nowadays. I don't think the price will change much compared to supermarkets. It was good that the clerk was kind and asked me a lot about fruits. The difficulty is that there is no parking lot.
S OKN on Google

季節ものだけに難しい商売をきちんとしている。 こだわりと産地情報をしっかり持っているのでそれを聞いて品定めすれば間違いない。 後は本人の好み。 でも、皆さん口込んでおられるように、安い! それでいて新鮮。 贈答用であれば、百貨店よりは、3割は安いかな? 粋な店主のファッションも注目。 何着服持っているのか??聞きたい!
It has a decent business that is difficult only for seasonal items. Since I have a firm commitment and information on the production area, there is no doubt that I will listen to it and decide on the product. The rest is his own taste. But, as everyone is saying, it's cheap! Still fresh. Is it 30% cheaper than a department store for gifts? Also pay attention to the fashion of the stylish shopkeeper. How many clothes do you have? ?? I want to hear!
Google Lover on Google

Malikul Ikram on Google

Very welcoming staff with a great lines of fruits in Onohara!

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