Ono Clock Shop - Higashiosaka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ono Clock Shop

住所 :

3 Chome-11-1 Kotobukicho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0837, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 577-0837
Webサイト : http://ohnotokeiten.jp/

3 Chome-11-1 Kotobukicho, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0837, Japan
たかたまゆこ on Google

It was Mr. Ohno's fault. I asked for a repair, but I regret that I shouldn't have asked for the repair without being refused and refunded.
タナケンどうでしょうタナケンどうでしょう on Google

ロレックス GMTマスター2不動品のOHをして頂きました。 修理期間、一週間で完全復活!! 修理内容は ・オーバーホール ・ゼンマイ交換 ・劣化したパッキン×3交換 ・劣化したバネ棒×3交換 ・ケース、ブレスの新品研磨仕上げ 料金は破格の31000円!! 納得の仕上り&プライス また、ロレックスで修理を頼むと交換後のパーツの返却は有りませんが『大野時計店』で修理を依頼すると、交換後のパーツも貰えます。 店主も時計が大好きで、関西の中古アンティーク時計スポットで話が盛り上がり楽しい一時でした。 店頭にて販売している『アンティークセイコー』も、見るだけでも価値有り‼ 時計コレクターの見方です!!
OH of Rolex GMT Master 2 immovable product. Repair period, complete revival in one week! !! Repair contents ·overhaul ・ Mainspring exchange ・ Replacement of deteriorated packing x 3 ・ Replaced deteriorated spring rod x 3 ・ New polishing finish for case and breath The price is 31,000 yen which is exceptional! ! Convincing finish & price Also, if you ask for repair at Rolex, there will be no return of parts after replacement, but if you request repair at "Ono Watch Store", you will also receive parts after replacement. Shopkeepers also loved watches, and the story was exciting at a used antique clock spot in Kansai. The "Antique Seiko" sold at the store is also worth seeing! This is a watch collector's view! !
合田晶 on Google

古いグランドセイコーの 風防交換とケースの研磨をお願いしました。 メールの問い合わせに対しても 店主の暖かい人柄を感じましたし、 その後の修理に関しても 迅速で丁寧な対応していただけました。 月曜日にメールで対応してもらってから 修理してその週の木曜日に届きました。 他の時計店ではありえない程のスピードです。 これからもずーっとお付き合いしたいお店です。 私が知りうる中でですがNo. 1店です。
Old grand seiko I asked to replace the windshield and polish the case. Also for email inquiries I felt the warm personality of the shopkeeper, Regarding subsequent repairs You were able to respond promptly and politely. After receiving an email on Monday It was repaired and arrived on Thursday of that week. It's a speed that can't be found at other watch stores. It is a store that I would like to keep on with for a long time. This is the No. 1 store that I can know.
Miyatake K on Google

56 We asked King Seiko to overhaul, repair the fast-forward function on Sunday, replace the packing, and finish it. Since it was far away, I exchanged it by e-mail and mail, but I am very glad that you responded promptly. I would like to ask you again next time.
中原陽亮 on Google

I had it repaired that I could not send the date correctly. It is an old watch, but I'm glad I can use it again. Although it was not a watch I bought here, the price was reasonable and I was able to fix it quickly.
あああああ on Google

アンティーク時計が欲しくて、実店舗にお邪魔してセイコーの56系LMを購入いたしました。 今修理が忙しくて、品揃えが少なくて…と店員さん。 それだけ、アフターも信頼できるんだなと思いました。 修理で忙しいだろうにわざわざ手を止めて接客くださり、じっくり品物を拝見させていただきました。 O/Hの際も是非、お世話になりたいと思います。
I wanted an antique watch, so I went to the actual store and purchased Seiko's 56 series LM. The clerk said that the repairs are busy now and the product lineup is small. I thought that the after-sales service was reliable. Although I would be busy with repairs, I took the trouble to stop and serve customers, and I took a closer look at the items. I would like to take care of you during O / H.
Sierra on Google

セイコー 56ロードマチックの曜日早送り修理を依頼させていただきました。 僕自身あまり腕時計に詳しくなくメール添付の写真にて修理対応できる腕時計かを確認していただきました。 遠方からの依頼でしたが、その後の修理対応の流れも迅速丁寧でした。 急な問合せでしたのに親切丁寧に対応、修理をしていただき、とても感謝しております。
Seiko 56 Roadmatic I requested a fast-forward repair on the day of the week. I myself am not very familiar with watches, so I asked them to confirm whether they can be repaired by using the photo attached to the email. It was a request from a distance, but the flow of repairs after that was quick and polite. We are very grateful to you for your kind and polite response and repairs despite the sudden inquiry.
hakim bekaddour on Google

Very polite and extremely helpful, more than 20 years of experience,the owner is a professional who will take care of your watch like his own. He has also some beautiful vintage watches exposed for a good price! He understands English and can communicate with you. Thank you for everything @Ono Clock shop

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