
2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 越谷児童相談所

住所 :

Onma, Koshigaya, 〒343-0033 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
街 : Saitama

Onma, Koshigaya, 〒343-0033 Saitama,Japan
秘密のチャンネル on Google

Rukito ...
Pon on Google

Be caught in the body
G TABIRA on Google

Life was raptured.
テツテツ鉄 on Google

This is a counselor who does not work. Despite the name "counseling office", when I consulted, he said, "Because it is not under the jurisdiction of the department here ...", he told me to consult a lawyer. A man under the age of 18 is trying to do something about it, but I can't understand what it is for. Wouldn't people in the neighborhood be pleased if there was a convenience store or supermarket after crushing?
ニコちゃん on Google

ふるばやしという若い男職員に愛娘との人生を奪われました。高圧的でこちらの言い分聞きません。一方的になんでも決められ、ふるばやしのやりたい放題。子供も産んだこともない若い男が さも偉そうに言いたい放題 子供の人生を決めます。こちらが なぜ決定したのか理由教えてと言っても無視(何度も居留守) 誰が決めたか教えてと言っても無視(居留守) 担当変えてと言っても無視(上司にも言ってない) うちはサラリーマン家庭でしたので舐められてたようです。肩書き偉い人や怖い人(ヤクザなど)そうゆう強い相手なら高圧的な態度にでないはずです。相手の言い分聞くはずです。あくまで公務員ですから、自分の出世が大事です。児童相談所は子供保護したりすると1人あたり60万?だったかたしかお金が上からでます。要するに 子供のことより自分の生計の為に働いていますから。所詮はどうだっていいんです。私は誰にも頼るところがなく SOS番号、1人で悩んでいるお母さん電話ください みたいなとこに電話したら、なぜか越谷児童相談所の人たちが来てしまい、最悪の結果になってしまいました。後で調べてみるとその電話番号 保健所か何かで そこから児童相談所に連絡が行くらしいです。SOSでもなんでもありませんでした。子育て大変な皆様が私のような被害にあいませんように投稿します。
I was robbed of my life with my daughter by a young man staff called Fubuyaji. I do not hear the word here in high pressure. Unlimitedly decided on anything, all you want to do is Furibayashi. A young man who never gave birth also wanted to tell himself as a great boyfriend. Ignoring why this has been decided (ignoring Izumo many times) Even if it says saying who decided it ignored (Igamori) Ignoring even if you change the charge (ignoring to your boss) out of it He was a salaryman family so it seems he was licked. A title or a scary person (such as a yakuza) If it is a strong opponent it should not be in a high-pressure attitude. You should hear what others say. Because it is a civil servant to the last, my career is important. Child guidance center is 600,000 per person if protecting children? Whether it was, I will get money from above. In short, I am working for my living rather than my child. After all it does not matter. I can not rely on anyone and I can not rely on anyone, but if I call the SOS number, mother suffering by one person like a phone call, some people at the Koshigaya child consultation center came and the worst result was obtained . After examining it, it seems that we will contact the child guidance center from that telephone number public health center or something. There was nothing in SOS either. I will post so that everyone who raises children will not suffer the damage like me.
ちゃぼちゃぼ on Google

以前、警察官の不手際で通報され、こちらの児童相談所より連絡がきましたが、最低な対応及び児童相談所としての最低な質しか持ち合わせない対応をされました。 電話がかかってきた際にこちらを挑発しふざけた対応で感情を煽る行為に対してこちらは真剣に対応するため内容にも熱がこもるのを利用しさらに煽ってくる職員、挙げ句に「怒ってるんですか?w」とさらにふざけた対応。 流石に我慢の限界を越えたので、県の児童相談所を管轄する部署に対して苦情を伝えどういった対応をするのかと詰めると素直に謝罪及び今後はこのようなことが無いようにすると約束を頂きましたが、子供を育てたこともない人が教科書上だけで子供のことを学び対応している今の行政のやり方に一番の問題があるように感じます。 今も野田市の児童相談所の問題が起きているからこそ、もう一度見直すべきだと感じます。
In the past, we were informed by a police officer 's absence and contact was received from this child guidance center, but we responded with the lowest quality of correspondence and the lowest quality as a child guidance center. In the act of encouraging emotions by countering the embarrassment response when a phone call comes in, this is seriously responding to the content so that it uses heat to keep up with the staff who further fucked up, "I am angry It is correspondence further playfully with [w]? W. Since I exceeded the limit of patience for funkishi, if I complain to the department that has jurisdiction over the prefectural child guidance office and comply with what kind of response I will deal with, I will obediently apologize and if I try to avoid such things in future Although I got a promise, I feel that there is the biggest problem in the administration's way now that people who have never raised children learned and responded to children only on textbooks. I still feel that it is necessary to review again because there is a problem with the Noda city's child counselor.
高橋知子 on Google

越谷児童相談所に大切な子供を連れて行かれた人の話を聞きまして、これは大問題だと感じました。 以前、私がお店でレジをしていた所、いつも子供を連れて皆で楽しそうにしているお母さんが、その日は独りで来て、非常に思い詰めた暗い表情だったので、子供はどうしたのか聞いてみました。 子供を越谷児童相談所に強引な形で連れて行かれ、いつ戻ってくるかわからないし、精神的にやられて心は深く傷付いたとのことでした。 強引に命のように大切な子供を連れて行かれ、一生絶対許すことは出来ないという絶望的で切実な気持ちを話していました。 入れていた大事な予定も全てキャンセルせざるを得なかったとのこと。周りの人や知人、弁護士事務所や相談できる所には一通り相談したそうです。 最初は児童相談所が彼女がいつも親しんで信頼していた施設に母親を呼んで、子供を別室に連れて行き、「あなたに通報がありました。一時保護同意書にサインしなければ、裁判所を利用して裁判します」とのことで、裁判所などを利用したりして、あれこれ脅して子供を連れて行ったとのことでした。 旦那様は会社でいなかったので、家に帰ってきた旦那様からすると楽しみにしていた子供は不在でいつの間にか無断で児童相談所に連れて行かれ、酷く腹を立てていたそうで、会社仲間や家族に相談したりしたそうです。 私の見解では、虐待している確かな事実があったと確認して子供を連れて行っているのではなく、虐待している可能性の通報があっただけで、両親ときちんと話す前に簡単に子供を連れて行っている様子だと感じました。 幼い乳幼児と親を引き離す事に対して無慈悲で全く抵抗がない。 すごく大事な予定があっても、無理矢理キャンセルさせられてしまうのは理不尽だと思います。 検索してみたら、児童相談所の一時保護問題の本があったり、困っている親も多いそうです。 彼女と話しましたが児童相談所の想像する以上に、子供を奪われた親への精神的ダメージは生死に関わるほど深刻なものです。旦那様も落ち込んで生気がなくなったそうです。 一時保護予算を多く確保したいのもあるのかもしれませんが、このようにきちんと両親と話し合いをせず、すぐに強引に子供を親から引き離して連れて行くのは信用も失い、非人道的で、親子共々に深い心の傷を負わせてしまうので改善するべきだと思います。 耐えられない苦しみにより、精神的におかしくなり家でひたすら泣いて苦しむ、そのような被害者がもう生まれない事を願っています。 私は児童相談所は厳しい境遇にある子供たちを保護し、里親募集相談会もしたり、すごく温かい職員達が集まっていて信用できると思っていたので話を聞いて裏の姿を知り、残念に思いました。
I heard the story of the person who took the important children to Koshigaya Children's Counseling Center, and I felt this was a big problem. Before, when I was cashier at the shop, the mom who always had fun with everyone with the child came alone by that day, and it was a dark look that I thought very much about, so how was the child? I asked if you did. The child was taken to the Koshigaya Children's Counseling Center in a forceful manner, and it was said that he did not know when he would come back and that his mind was deeply wounded mentally. He was forced to take an important child like life and talk about hopelessness and audacious feeling that he can never forgive for a lifetime. He had to cancel all the important plans he had put in. I heard that I consulted with people around me, acquaintances, a lawyer's office and where I can consult. At first, the child counseling center called her mother to a facility where she had always felt familiar and trusted, took her child to a separate room, and said, "I have notified you. If you do not sign a temporary protection agreement, "We will use the court to take advantage of it," he said, for example, using a court etc., and threateningly taking a child. Since the husband was not at work, the child who was looking forward to it when he came home was taken to the child counseling center without notice in the absence, and it was said that the company was getting angry. It seems that I consulted with my friends and family. From my point of view, it is not easy to take the child to confirm that there is a certain fact that he is abused, but to report the possibility of being abused, it is easy before you talk properly with your parents I felt that I was taking my child to No mercy and no resistance at all to separate the young infants and their parents. I think it is unreasonable to be forced to cancel even if it is a very important plan. When I search, there is a book of temporary protection problem of the child counseling center and there are many parents who are in trouble. I talked to her, but beyond the imagination of the child counseling center, the mental damage to the parents who lost their children is so serious as to be fatal. My husband was so depressed that she didn't feel well. There may be a need to secure a large amount of temporary protection budget, but it is inhumane to lose the trust to take the child away from the parent immediately without forcing a discussion with the parents. And I think that should be improved as it causes parents and children to suffer deep heart damage. I hope that by the unbearable suffering, there will be no more victims like this who are mentally freaking and crying and suffering at home. As I thought that the child counseling center protected the children who were in a difficult situation, made a foster parent recruitment consultation meeting, and thought that they could be trusted because they had very warm staff, they heard the story and knew the back of the picture, unfortunately thought.
Thtne Ttie on Google

It seems that it was troublesome to protect the abusive child, and when the uncle responded at night even though the neighbors were reporting, he laughed and listened to only half the story, and answered the phone while watching a comedy program. It seems that it was. Later, the police eventually came in and listened, but I wondered why they didn't respond on the spot.

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