Onda Medical Clinic - Matsudo

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Onda Medical Clinic

住所 :

1828 Mabashi, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 271-0051
Webサイト : https://onda-medical.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:30AM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
Wednesday 9–11:30AM
Thursday 9–11:30AM
Friday 9–11:30AM

1828 Mabashi, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0051, Japan
Nori T on Google

It's crowded in the morning, but it's free in the afternoon, so you can rest assured.
堀内やすと on Google

I'm a family doctor. It is a clinic that you can always go to with peace of mind. Thank you very much.
サンティアさん on Google

My elderly mother is always indebted to me. I have a careful examination.
Yuriko S on Google

まだ1度しか行っていませんが、 恩田先生、親切❗️ 直感で、そう思いました。
I've only done it once, Onda sensei, kindness ❗️ Intuitively, I thought so.
兔虎ジュノ on Google

アレルギー科の先生は物凄く話も聞いてくれ、管轄外のこともお話してくれた上で親身に対応してくださいました。 整形外科の先生はハズレだったのか、ほぼ門前払い状態。現に症状があるにも関わらず、「当たり前」「鍛えろ」みたいな一言で済まされ、更には「病院にお世話になる年齢ではない」とまで。看護師さんがフォローしてくださいましたし、確かにアドバイスなのかもしれませんが、症状が出ているのに年齢を口実に一切診ないのは医師としてどうなんでしょう。縋る思いで来たのに悲しい気分にさせられて終わりました。 まだ管轄外だとか言ってくれた方がよかったです。触診も何もせず年齢で判断するって何??
The teacher in the allergy department listened to the stories and talked about things outside the jurisdiction and responded to them in kind. Perhaps the orthopedic teacher was lost, but it is almost paid in advance. Despite the fact that he has symptoms, he was able to say something like "obvious" or "train", and even "it is not the age to be taken care of by a hospital". The nurse followed me, and it may be a piece of advice, but what about me as a doctor who doesn't pretend to be an age, even though I have symptoms? It came to me in a sad feeling, but I ended up feeling sad. It would have been nice to have told me that I was still outside the jurisdiction. What is it to judge by age without doing any palpation? ?
ma no on Google

整形外科医が最低。 ☆1つもつけたくない。 2人いるみたいだけど、そのうちの1人。もう1人はどうか知りません。 とりあえず、常に何かしらにキレてる。 初診にも関わらず、初っ端から喧嘩腰。 しまいには「じゃあここの病院に何しにきたの!?」とかキレながら患者に言っちゃう始末。 看護師曰く、院内外問わず常にキレ気味の口調態度らしいけど、それって医者の前に人としてどうなの? ここの整形外科行くくらいなら、近所の松戸整形外科クリニック行くことを強くお勧めします。 ちなみにここの小児科の先生や受付の方は☆5つです。その整形外科医のせいで、ここのクリニックの評判を下げたくはないけど、本当に最低な整形外科医です。
Orthopedic surgeon is the worst. ☆ I don't want to attach one. It seems that there are two people, but one of them. I don't know about the other one. For the time being, I'm always sharp. Despite the first visit, he has a fight from the beginning. In the end, he said to the patient, "Then what did you come to this hospital?" According to the nurse, it seems that the tone is always sharp both inside and outside the hospital, but what about as a person in front of the doctor? I highly recommend going to the nearby Matsudo Orthopedic Clinic, rather than going to the orthopedic surgery here. By the way, there are 5 pediatrics teachers and receptionists here. I don't want to hurt the clinic's reputation because of that orthopedic surgeon, but he's really the worst orthopedic surgeon.
purple on Google

I don't want to add a single star! Orthopedist seriously bad attitude! It's no wonder why you can make it look so great!
s N on Google

内科、小児科のかかりつけ医です。 引越しのために通えなくなるのが本当に本当に残念だと思うくらい良心的で大好きな病院です。 内科の先生はとても優しく手技も丁寧でこちらの不安を親身に聞いてくださります。 ワクチンのみの時でも診察が丁寧で素敵な先生です。 小児科の先生も懇切丁寧でいつもしっかりこどもに向き合って下さいます。何かあるたびにすぐに頼らせていただきました。ゆっくりしっかり最後まで対話ができ、本当に信頼できます。 受付の看護師さんも優しく、テキパキされています。 とてもいい病院です。
I am a family doctor in internal medicine and pediatrics. It's a hospital that I love so conscientious that I'm really really sorry that I can't go because of moving. The internal medicine teacher is very kind and polite, and he listens to my anxiety. He is a wonderful teacher who has a polite examination even when he only has a vaccine. The pediatrics teacher is also polite and always willing to deal with children. I immediately relied on it whenever something happened. You can talk slowly and firmly to the end, and you can really trust it. The nurse at the reception is also kind and cheerful. It's a very nice hospital.

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