満天酒場 大森店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 満天酒場 大森店

住所 :

Omorikita, Ota City, 〒143-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.daisyo.co.jp/whatsnew/new_img/smp/tenpo2.php%3Fcode%3D4259
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Sunday 12–10:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–11:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Omorikita, Ota City, 〒143-0016 Tokyo,Japan
b k on Google

月曜日12時前。1階席。すでに半分近くの席が埋まっていました。 後客も続々来店。「明日の日替わりは?」と聞く方もおり、常連さんが多い印象。 ご飯を少なめでオーダーする方が多かったです。 丁寧・上品という接客ではなく、大衆酒場らしい活気のある接客。 豚もつ煮定食550円。 ご飯はふっくら、もつは柔らかく、コロッケと唐揚げも美味しかったです。 ランチ激戦区、近隣には850円程度のランチなどもあります。 ここはコスパ最強です。
Before 12:00 on Monday. First floor seat. Almost half of the seats were already full. Later customers also come to the store one after another. Some people ask, “What is the change tomorrow?” There were many people who ordered less rice. Not a polite and elegant customer service, but a lively customer service like a mass bar. Boiled pork set meal 550 yen. The rice was plump and soft and the croquettes and fried chicken were delicious. There is also a lunch battle for about 850 yen nearby. This is the best COSPA.
yusuke koga on Google

これでランチ500円はとてもお得。 日替わりAとBがあるらしく、後は毎日あるランチのよう。唐揚げ、鳥大根、豚モツなど。今日のAランチは海鮮丼。素晴らしい。安いゆえに回転率をあげているようなので、メニューは決めてお店に入る事をお勧めします。今度は違う物を食べてみよう。鳥大根は絶品。
This is a great deal for lunch at 500 yen. It seems that there are daily A and B, and the rest is like lunch every day. Fried chicken, chicken radish, pork offal, etc. Today's A lunch is a seafood bowl. You look amazing. It seems that the turnover rate is increasing because it is cheap, so it is recommended to decide the menu and enter the store. Let's eat something different this time. The chicken radish is excellent.
ww羽生 on Google

とり大根ランチ(550円)頂きました。 接客もしっかり丁寧な上、ランチは6種類全て550円で、提供時間も2分!ビジネスマンにはありがたいです。
I had a radish lunch (550 yen). The customer service is also polite, and all 6 types of lunch are 550 yen, and the service time is 2 minutes! I'm grateful to businessmen.
だー池 on Google

ランチは550円から。 煮込み大根、唐揚げ、 豚もつ煮(コロッケ&唐揚げ2個)は固定メニュー。 日替わりでAとBセットがあります。 冬に必ずもつ煮食べます。 テレビで紹介されたお店で、元気のいい女性定員さんがいらっしゃいます。 2020年11月追加 支払いはPayPayやメルペイなど電子決済出来るようになってました! メニューも唐揚げ定食以外日替わりになってました! おかずは唐揚げ2個にサラダ、コロッケから餃子になってました!
Lunch starts from 550 yen. Stewed radish, fried, Boiled pork (croquette & 2 fried) is a fixed menu. There are A and B sets on a daily basis. I always eat motsuni in winter. At the shop introduced on TV, there is a cheerful female capacity. Added in November 2020 Payment can now be made electronically, such as PayPay and Melpay! The menu has changed daily except for the fried set meal! The side dishes were 2 fried foods, salad, and croquette to dumplings!
ぱんだぱんだ on Google

満天酒場、大森店に伺いました 店内は昭和のポスターが貼っていて、BGMも昭和の曲が流れていて懐かしさを感じるお店です。ランチの定食も有り、昼飲みもできます。センベロセットは、お得です!鮮料理も美味しく満足でした。
I visited Manten Sakaba and Omori store Showa posters are posted inside the store, and the BGM also plays Showa songs, which makes you feel nostalgic. There is also a set meal for lunch, and you can also have lunch. Senbero set is a great deal! The fresh food was delicious and I was satisfied.
Kana YAMAGUCHI on Google

お手頃価格の居酒屋さんですが、お料理が意外とおいしい! 昨日お伺いしたときは、大根と鶏肉の煮物がお通しでしたが、ボリュームがあり、お母さんの煮物的な味付けで、全く悪くない! あと、とうものこしのはいったすり身揚げみたいなのも美味しかったです。 食べ物も飲みものもメニュー豊富で、カジュアルなお店としてお勧めします!
It's an affordable izakaya, but the food is surprisingly delicious! When I visited yesterday, I was familiar with simmered radish and chicken, but it was voluminous and seasoned with my mother's simmered meat, so it's not bad at all! Also, it was delicious that the tofu was deep-fried. We recommend it as a casual shop with a wide selection of food and drinks!
まきもん on Google

5/26日より再開したそうです。 大森駅徒歩3分のビルのあいだの小道にあります。 大庄グループですがとてもおいしく、オリジナルのおつまみもかなりあります。 お値段は、とても財布に優しいお店です。 焼き鳥や居酒屋おつまみもおいしく、刺身や魚は太田市場から仕入れてるとのことで新鮮です。 ぜひおすすめします。 ちなみにランチは550円で定食が食べられます。
It seems that it restarted from May 26th. It is located on a path between buildings that is a 3-minute walk from Omori Station. Although it is the Ojo group, it is very delicious and there are quite a few original snacks. The price is very wallet friendly. Yakitori and izakaya snacks are also delicious, and sashimi and fish are fresh from Ota Market. I highly recommend it. By the way, you can eat a set meal for lunch at 550 yen.
kin yashin on Google

550円で定食ランチがいただける店。ご飯(大盛り無料)、味噌汁、漬物付き。 絶対的な安価と十分なボリュームで、日常のランチには最高なので★5。 大森のランチは満点酒場、おづ、ニイハオあたりを中心に開拓していけば間違いない。 【詳細】 ・唐揚げ定食、モツ煮定食、生姜焼き定食、日替わり二種がすべて550円(税込)でいただける。 ・オススメはモツ煮。辛味噌にて味変可。なかなかランチでモツ煮を食べることはないのでありがたい。 ・各種レビューでは唐揚げが人気の様だが当たり外れがあるのか?美味と思ったのは3回に1回程度。揚げ具合の(日や作業者による)ムラがあるのかも。遅い時間の時も冷めている印象。 ・生姜焼きは普通。マヨ付き。ショボい肉だが値段から見たら十分頑張っていると言える。
A restaurant where you can have a set lunch for 550 yen. Includes rice (large serving free), miso soup, and pickles. Absolutely cheap and ample volume, it's the best for everyday lunch ★ 5. There is no doubt that Omori's lunch will be cultivated around the perfect bar, Ozu, and Niihao. 【detail】 ・ Fried chicken set meal, motsuni set meal, ginger-grilled set meal, and two daily specials are all available for 550 yen (tax included). ・ Recommended is motsuni. You can change the taste with spicy miso. I'm grateful that I don't eat motsuni at lunch. ・ It seems that fried chicken is popular in various reviews, but is there a hit or miss? I thought it was delicious about once every three times. There may be unevenness in the frying condition (depending on the day and the worker). Impression that it is cold even in the late hours. ・ Ginger grilled is normal. With mayo. It's shobo meat, but from the price point of view, it can be said that it is doing its best.

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