Omatsuzuka no Hokora - Nerima City

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Contact Omatsuzuka no Hokora

住所 :

5 Chome-6 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan

Postal code : 178-0064

5 Chome-6 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan
ABCDFEG on Google

児童遊園の南側に隣接して「お松塚の祠」があります。 練馬区教育委員会の説明板があり、「お松塚の祠」について記されています。 『首都圏沿線ガイド2 西武池袋線各駅停車』椿書院 昭和48年 という本によると、 「江戸時代の中期、白子川のほとりに一人のお松という老婆が住んでいて、花嫁行列が通るたびに白髪を振りかざして行列に襲いかかり、花嫁の晴れ着を引き裂いてしまった。そのために、せっかくの結婚が破談になるしまつ。それを恐れて花嫁行列は回り道をするようになった。しかし、老婆が死んでからも、こんどは老婆の亡霊があらわれて花嫁行列を襲うので、村人たちは亡霊を静めるために、老婆の住んでいた小屋の跡に石の祠を建てて供養した」という伝承があるそうです。 嘗て祠は、少し離れた石材店の辺りにあった「お松塚」「お松様の塚」にあったそうですが、塚は道路の拡幅や開発で徐々に削られやがて均されてしまい、最終的に祠は公園を造る時にこちらに移されたそうです。 「でぃすかばー・とうきょう 歩いてみました東京の町」という個人運営のサイトで昔の写真を公開されておられますね。(サイト自体が素晴らしい!) 『第23号 ねりまの文化財』(平成6年(1994)4月) には、「平成四年三月に移し変えられた四代目お松塚」の一文が見えます。しかし実際には「塚」は存在せず、祠が残るのみです。
Adjacent to the south side of the children's amusement park is the "Omatsuzuka Shrine". There is an explanation board of the Nerima Ward Board of Education, which describes "Omatsuzuka no Shrine". "Guide 2 along the Tokyo metropolitan area, local trains on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line" Tsubaki Shoin According to the book 1973, "In the middle of the Edo period, an old woman named Omatsu lived on the banks of the Shirako River, and every time the bride's procession passed, she shook her gray hair and attacked the procession, tearing the bride's clothes. The marriage is broken. Fearing that, the bride procession began to make a detour. However, even after the old woman died, the ghost of the old woman appeared and attacked the bride procession, so the villagers were ghosts. In order to calm down, a stone shrine was built on the site of the hut where the old woman lived, and a memorial service was held. " It is said that the shrine was located in "Omatsuzuka" and "Omatsu-sama no Tsuka", which were located near the stone store a little away, but the mound was gradually scraped due to the widening and development of the road and was eventually leveled. It seems that the shrine was finally moved here when the park was built. You can see old photos on a privately run site called "Discover, Tokyo, I walked around the town of Tokyo". (The site itself is wonderful!) In "No. 23 Nerima Cultural Property" (April 1994), you can see a sentence of "The 4th generation Omatsuzuka that was transferred in March 1992". However, in reality, there is no "mound", only a shrine remains.

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