
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)タカヤマ自動車板金塗装

住所 :

Omachihigashi, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0124 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888797
街 : Hiroshima

Omachihigashi, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0124 Hiroshima,Japan
くんぬこ on Google

口コミを見て来店しました。 店長さんスタッフさん共に自分の意見を聞いてくれて、 凄くいい人達です。 仕上がりも大満足でした! ここの店に通います。
Visited the store after seeing the word of mouth. The manager and staff listened to their opinions, Very nice people. The finish was also very satisfying! I go to the store here.
めめ on Google

クチコミを拝見して、今日行ってきました。 キズとヘコミが酷いので、かなり料金がかかるのでは(T_T)と思っていましたが、すごく良心的なお値段でビックリしました!! 対応して下さった社長さんも優しい素敵な方でしたよ(^^♪ 今まで色々な所で修理をしてもらいましたが、タカヤマさんが1番いいと思います。
After seeing the word of mouth, I went today. I thought it would cost a lot (T_T) because the scratches and dents are terrible, but I was surprised at the very reasonable price! !! The president who responded was also a nice and kind person (^^ ♪ I have had repairs done in various places so far, but I think Takayama is the best.
h “kei” k on Google

(Translated by Google) Thanks again to Mr. Takayama. Where did your family rub on your way to the hospital after being hospitalized? After rubbing on the bumper. T_T It was a time when I was fluttering to get help from Mr. Takayama, but I went. Then, I knew that the windshield was hit by a stone and cracked, but Takayama's employee had to repair this one first. If you hit the car, the glass will break, and if it is cold, the temperature difference will cause cracks to grow. Takayama immediately arranged for a glass shop. No fees are charged. On the contrary, the glass shop has a fixed price. Excuse me, Mr. Takayama. What a nice person. Please paint the bumper again. (๑> ◡ ◡<๑)大変な時に助けて頂きました。ビール6缶気持ち持って行くと、大好きです。と。 どんな職種でも、損得抜きで動いてくださる人は今や存在するのでしょうか? なかなかご縁のない板金塗装ですが、困った方は一度ご相談おすすめします。٩(^‿^)۶
土井義秀 on Google

18日に修理してもらいました。修理の出来が良くて、夫婦共々 喜んでいます。ボンネットのへこみ、ナンバープレートのへこみ、バンパーの傷、スポイラーの傷、全てを予算内に収めてもらい、助けてもらいました。初日の見積時から、とても親切でお客目線で話され、信頼できると思いましたので、皆さんも一度は相談されてみてはと思います。ちなみに、他社でボンネットを修理するより、タカヤマさんで全てを修理してもらうほうが、半額近く安く出来ました。
We had to repair to 18 days. The repair is good and the couple is pleased. I got a hood dent, a license plate dent, a bumper scratch, a spoiler scratch, everything on my budget to help. Since I thought it was very kind, customer-oriented, and credible since I was quoted on the first day, I think you should be consulted once. By the way, rather than repairing the bonnet at another company, it was cheaper by nearly half to have Takayama repair everything.
K T on Google

I got stuck in a hole at the construction site and opened a hole near the lower right of the bumper. The word of mouth was good, so we called and visited that evening. It was in a state of being bent up to the middle frame, but I was able to respond flexibly. As price was low, we are satisfied. If you have a chance to repair it, we will use it. (It is better not to have a chance to repair ...)
大畠聡 on Google

バンパーをコスってしまった所を直していただきました。とても満足してます。 派手な看板も無ければ綺麗なショールームも無いので、一見さんは入りにくいかもしれないですが、それは余計な経費を掛けていないということ。 そしてそんな会社だから、安くて良い仕事が出来るんだと思います。 社長さんも優しくて丁寧な人ですので、相談してみることをオススメします。
I have fixed the place where I got down the bumper. I am very happy. There may not be a beautiful showroom if there are no flashy signs, so it may be difficult to enter at first glance, but that means that it is not spending extra expenses. And because I am such a company, I think I can do a good job cheaply. The president is also a kind and polite person, so I recommend that you consult.
ありやせ on Google

相談をじっくり聞いてくださる、本当に親切なお店です。ディーラーでは『部品まるごと交換しかない』の一点張りだった箇所もきれいに修復して下さいましたので、とても技術が高いお店だと思います。(そのディーラーは板金屋へ外注です) 部品代がセーブされましたし、社長さんのご配慮やスタッフさんの工夫もあって、私のケースでは、驚くほどお安く修理を済ませる事ができ家族も喜んでいます。 そして…お願いしてなかった、小さな傷までケアして下さって、そちらもキレイに消えていました! 本当にありがとうございました!!
It's a very kind shop that listens carefully to you. The dealer also repaired the point where the only thing I had to do was to replace the entire part, so I think it's a very technical store. (The dealer outsources to a sheet metal shop) The cost of parts has been saved, and due to the consideration of the president and the ingenuity of the staff, in my case, the repair was surprisingly cheap, and the family is happy. And... I wasn't asking you to take care of even the small scratches, and they were completely gone! I'm really thankful to you! !
かまどうま on Google

バックドアを派手にぶつけてしまい、ディーラーでは全交換とのことでした。他の方の口コミを見て、タカヤマさんに相談。傷の程度を見ていただき、交換は必要だが、中古品を修理してもらうことで値段が半額で済みました。仕上がりは非常に綺麗で、中古品とは思えないほどでした。 突然の問い合わせにも関わらず、親身になってにご相談に乗っていただいて本当に助かりました!またぶつけてしまったら、タカヤマさんにお願いしたいと思います。笑
I hit the back door flashy, and the dealer said that it would be completely replaced. See the reviews of other people and consult with Takayama-san. It was necessary to replace it after checking the degree of scratches, but the price was reduced to half by having the used item repaired. The finish was very beautiful and I couldn't think of it as a used item. Despite the sudden inquiry, it was really helpful to have a friendly consultation! If you hit it again, I would like to ask Mr. Takayama. Lol

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