街なか産直 新鮮館おおまち

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 街なか産直 新鮮館おおまち

住所 :

Omachi, Ichinoseki, 〒021-0881 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/shinsenkanoomachi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Iwate

Omachi, Ichinoseki, 〒021-0881 Iwate,Japan
千葉千恵美 on Google

I had ramen. It was simple and had a light taste, and I was surprised at the thickness of the char siu. It was delicious! It's a lunch box, it's reasonably priced, there are a lot of vegetables, and it's a shop where you want to try your hand every day.
小岩明美 on Google

レジが自動になったのはいつから?! とても使いやすいですね?
When did the cash register become automatic? !! It's very easy to use ?
鎌上真紀 on Google

I went there on weekdays, but there were places where I could take a break, and it felt like a place for local residents to relax. There was also a reception desk, directions, and a local radio station. The building is old because it was originally a department store, but it seems that it is being used in various ways.
上野織子 on Google

一関のなだたるお店の商品が買えて楽しいです! お弁当買いましたがチーズメンチおいしかった!\(^o^)/ 電子マネーOK! 奥には子どもが遊べる室内遊具が!! 広くてタノシそーです!!! (予約みたいですが)
It's fun to buy products from Ichinoseki's soothing shop! I bought a lunch box, but the cheese menchi was delicious! \ (^ O ^) / Electronic money is OK! There are indoor playground equipment in the back where children can play! !! It's wide and tanoshi! !! !! (It looks like a reservation)
popo kiti on Google

以前はよくここで買い物をしていたが、段々行かなくなり今はスーパーで買っている。 最も大きな理由は品質が悪いからだ。農家が直接出店しているのだから、スーパーより新鮮で安いのではと期待していたが、農協など市場に出せない半端物の寄せ集めやB・C級品をここに出品していることに気づいた。梨を買ったら殆どが落下したものらしく中が腐っていたことがあった。モラルの低い出店者にとっては都合の良いゴミ処分所になっているのではないか。売る方も典型的なお役所仕事で出店者任せでただ並べて売っているだけで品質のチェックなどは全くやっていない。客は足のない近隣の老人が多く、段々出店者も減ってスペースが余ってきたようだ。
I used to shop here a lot, but now I'm not going and I'm buying at the supermarket. The biggest reason is poor quality. I expected that it would be fresher and cheaper than supermarkets because the farmers are opening stores directly, but I decided to sell a collection of odd-sized items such as agricultural cooperatives that can not be put on the market and B / C grade products here. Noticed. When I bought a pear, most of it seemed to have fallen and the inside was rotten. It may be a convenient garbage disposal site for those who have low morals. The sellers are also typical office workers, and they just sell them side by side, leaving it to the store owners, and do not check the quality at all. Many of the customers are old people in the neighborhood who have no legs, and it seems that the number of store openings has gradually decreased and space has been left over.
浮草 on Google

地域の物産を扱っている小規模なお店。お年寄りがたむろしていらっしゃいます。 お弁当は少しお高めかも? イートインコーナーがあり、カレーの香りがしていました。
A small shop that sells local products. The elderly are hanging out. Is the lunch box a little expensive? There was an eat-in corner and it smelled like curry.
こじこじ on Google

It looks a little old, but ? Vegetables, fruits, and products from the prefecture are lined up. It's a pity that the eat-in was closed.
NMZN on Google

新鮮野菜が数多くあり、重宝します。お弁当も豊富です。 QRコード決済が対応になり、財布なしでも買い物でき便利です。
There are many fresh vegetables, which is useful. Lunch boxes are also abundant. QR code payment is supported, making it convenient to shop without a wallet.

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