oldway 免疫力を高める料理

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact oldway 免疫力を高める料理

住所 :

Yotsuya, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879877
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Yotsuya, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0004 Tokyo,Japan
倉内しおん on Google

四谷でランチを探していて、調べて行きました。店内が可愛くて、一緒にいた友人もテンションが上がっていました。 料理もお洒落で美味しくいただけました♪
I was looking for lunch in Yotsuya and went to check it out. The inside of the store was cute and the friends who were with it were also in tension. The food was stylish and delicious!
Yoshiki【吉敷】 on Google

The atmosphere in the store seemed to be good, so it was passing, but I tried to enter. The food was good and my friends were happy. I want to go again if Yotsuya comes.
ワタナベタダスケ on Google

珍しいシチュー専門店! ランチタイムに初めていって、ホワイトシチューをいただきましたが、なかにはいっているパンがとても美味しかったです。 今度はディナー帯に行ってみたいと思います。
An unusual stew store! I went to lunch for the first time and had a white stew, but the bread inside was very tasty. Next time I would like to go to the dinner zone.
上原蓮 on Google

Yotsuya is an office district, so there aren't many restaurants in the area. When I made an appointment on the weekend, I was satisfied with the atmosphere in the stylish restaurant and delicious food! This is the store you want to visit again!
渡辺和樹 on Google

When I went to Yotsuya for work, I saw it walking as if it was a hula, and I was attracted to a stylish store and entered the store. Lunch is also reasonably priced and the taste is delicious and very satisfying. I'm worried about dinner, so I'd like to go there at night.
阿部友紀 on Google

This is a reasonably priced restaurant with a good atmosphere. Above all, the recommended stew is delicious, and the bread soaked in the stew is the most delicious. I found a nice restaurant in Yotsuya, which is off the busy and busy streets.
小松天道 on Google

まさに穴場! 四ツ谷に行った際は必ずと言って良いほど利用しています。 飲食街から外れた人通りの少ないところにあるため、最初に見つけた時はとても嬉しかったです! 本格的な欧風シチューがとてもリーズナブルな値段で食べられます。 彩り豊かな野菜、柔らかくてとろけるお肉、チーズ入り柔らかな白パンに、クリーミーな特製ソースが絡み合った味はホント絶品で、高級レストラン並み。 種類も牛タン、白身魚、仔牛の頰肉、、など色々あります。 シャンパンやワイン、カクテルなども多く置いてあるため、 夜、美味しい料理とお酒を楽しみつつ、落ち着いてお話ししたい時にもいいでしょう 特に、店内はとても可愛らしい雰囲気なので、女子会やデートにもオススメ! 大好きなお店の一つです
This is a secret spot! When I go to Yotsuya, I definitely use it. I was very happy when I first found it because there are few people out of the dining area! Authentic European stew can be eaten at a very reasonable price. The taste of colorful vegetables, soft and mellow meat, soft white bread with cheese and creamy special sauce is truly exquisite, and it is like a luxury restaurant. There are various types of beef tongue, white fish, veal fillet, and so on. There are many champagnes, wines, cocktails, etc. It's also good when you want to talk calmly while enjoying delicious food and sake at night In particular, the shop has a very cute atmosphere, so it is recommended for girls-only gatherings and dates! One of my favorite shops
SU DA on Google

シチューは中央ヨーロッパ流で、ソースが味も見た目も珍しく、とにかく美味しいです。今まで食べたことのない味わい深いルゥに、パンが浸っているので、ボリュームもあります。パンも一見普通のパンに見えますが、中にチーズがサンドされていて、程よくとろけて何度も味が楽しめます。 コースの前菜とは呼べないほどの野菜料理が豪華でソースが美味しく、見た目も美しく舌でも目でも楽しめるお料理でした。 シェフのこだわりが細部に感じられ、接客も丁寧で食後のデザートまでゆっくり楽しめました。 ランチコースはとにかくお得の一言です。 また再訪し、別のメニューも挑戦してみたいと思います。
The stew is Central European style, the sauce is unusual in taste and appearance, and it is delicious anyway. The bread is soaked in a tasty ru that I have never eaten before, so it has a lot of volume. At first glance, the bread looks like ordinary bread, but the cheese is sandwiched inside, so it melts moderately and you can enjoy the taste many times. The vegetable dishes that could not be called an appetizer of the course were gorgeous and the sauce was delicious, and it was a dish that looked beautiful and could be enjoyed with the tongue and eyes. The chef's attention was felt in the details, the customer service was polite, and I enjoyed the dessert after meals slowly. The lunch course is just a great deal. I would like to visit again and try another menu.

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