
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホットハーブ錦秋

住所 :

Okutsu, Nishiwaga, Waga District, 〒029-5507 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
街 : Iwate

Okutsu, Nishiwaga, Waga District, 〒029-5507 Iwate,Japan
ton to on Google

湯田温泉郷の入浴施設。 300円。無色透明で特徴はないけど、湯量多くて湯船からじゃばじゃ溢れてる。鮮度良い。
Bathing facilities in Yuda Onsenkyo. 300 yen. It is clear and colorless and has no features, but it has a lot of hot water and it overflows from the bathtub. Freshness is good.
上杉小平太 on Google

湯量は豊富、源泉かけ流し、透明さっぱり お湯はかなり熱め 入浴料金 超安! あまりめだたないたたずまい 地元の方が多く利用されてるようだ 夜9時までやっている 穴場中の穴場だ 近所には格安スーパーマーケット「おせん」があり お買い物もたのしめる
Abundant amount of hot water, flowing from the source, clear and refreshing The hot water is quite hot Bathing fee is super cheap! Not very noticeable appearance It seems that the locals are using it more I'm doing it until 9 pm It's a little-known spot There is a cheap supermarket "Osen" in the neighborhood Enjoy shopping
どもるがん. on Google

泉質:ナトリウム―硫酸塩・塩化物泉 掛け流しの有無:完全掛け流し 無色透明のお湯はサッパリしていますが、上がってからも体がポカポカでした。あつ湯とぬる湯と歩行湯があり、気持ちよく入れました。
Spring quality: Sodium-sulfate, chloride spring With or without sink: Complete with sink The clear and colorless hot water is sizzling, but the body was still warm after rising. There were hot and cold hot water and walking hot water, and I put it in comfort.
ドライバーしんいち on Google

There are about 6 showers in the men's bath, but it's a shame that they are broken and can hardly be used. However, if you lick it, a little salty hot water seems to have a fairly good quality. Many people feel that the temperature is a little hot? I think.
yuta chan on Google

2月の日曜午後に入湯。終始貸切状態だったので床に大の字に寝転んで浴槽から溢れる源泉を楽しんだりして遊びました。 体感であつ湯43℃.ぬる湯41℃~42℃.歩行湯40℃で露天やサウナはありません。シャワーはまともには使えないものと思ったほうが良いです。 脱衣所にはロッカーがありませんので貴重品はフロントへ。 かなり設備が古くなってるようでしたが源泉ジャバジャバかけ流しの贅沢なお風呂を湯温を違えて楽しめて独り占め率が相当高いと思われる貴重な温泉で正直あまり人に教えたくない個人的秘湯です。
Bath on Sunday afternoon in February. Since it was in a private state from beginning to end, I lay down on the floor in a large shape and enjoyed the source overflowing from the bathtub. The hot spring is 43 ℃. The lukewarm water is 41 ℃ ~ 42 ℃. The walking water is 40 ℃. There is no open-air or sauna. You should think that shower cannot be used properly. There is no locker at the dressing room, so valuables go to the front desk. Although the facilities seemed to be quite old, it is a private hot spring that I do not want to tell people too much at a precious hot spring that seems to have a high occupancy rate because you can enjoy a luxurious bath with a hot spring flowing from the source Javaba with a different hot water temperature .
harutin go on Google

いつも温泉本を利用して砂ゆっこに来るとき泊まっています。 ペンションみたいな外観ですが、和室の宿です。 平成2年の開業でもう30年になりますが、それほど古い印象はありません。 トイレも綺麗で、時々建物に修繕をしているのでしょう。 お湯はナトリウム‐硫酸塩・塩化物泉とのこと。癖がなくさっぱりしていて、浴後はぽかぽかと湯冷めしにくい感じです。 さらに、ここには歩行湯があり、底に玉砂利がしいてあるためツボが刺激されて思わず叫びそうになりますが、ぐっとこらえて心の中で叫んでいます? この歩行湯のためにこちらに来ると言っても過言ではありません。 女将さんが一人で切り盛りしており、以前お話を伺った時は、「他所みたいにネットとかに載せればお客様は今より増えるかもしれないけど、私一人だから手が回らなくなってしまうと困るから」とのことでした。 お体を大切にしていつまでも続けて頂きたいと思います。
I always stay at Sunayukko when I use a hot spring book. It looks like a pension, but it is a Japanese-style inn. It's been 30 years since it opened in 1990, but it doesn't look so old. The toilets are also clean, and the building may be repaired from time to time. The hot water is a sodium-sulfate / chloride spring. It has no habit and is refreshing, and it feels warm and difficult to cool after bathing. In addition, there is a walking bath here, and the acupuncture points are stimulated by the gravel on the bottom, which makes you feel like screaming, but you are screaming in your heart ? It is no exaggeration to say that you will come here for this walking bath. The proprietress is working alone, and when I heard about it before, she said, "If you put it on the internet like other places, the number of customers may increase, but since I am alone, it will be a problem if I can not get around. "is what they said. I would like you to take good care of yourself and continue forever.
コーキ on Google

オセンに買い物に行く途中に何度も目にしていた奇抜な外観の建物。 いつも建物を見ていたために、道路沿いにあるデカデカとした看板を見逃していた。 まさか温泉宿だったなんて、気が付いて以来日帰りで何度か利用。意外にも外観とは違い建物内部は割と普通の温泉旅館、それなりに古さは感じられます。若干掃除が行き届いていない所も見受けられますが、温泉で帳消し。 源泉掛け流しで、湯口からドバドバ温泉が出ており、先客がいなければ湯船から洗い場に豪快に溢れている様を見る事が出来ます。お陰で洗い場の床も暖かいし、気持ちいい。 お湯は無色透明、湯上がり後も身体がポカポカ。 こんなにいい温泉なのにいつもお客さんは疎ら、勿体ないなぁ。
A building with a strange appearance that I saw many times on my way to Osen for shopping. Because I was always looking at the building, I missed the big signboard along the road. Since I realized that it was a hot spring inn, I used it several times on a day trip. Surprisingly, unlike the exterior, the interior of the building is a rather ordinary hot spring inn, and you can feel its age. There are some places that are not well cleaned, but they are canceled at the hot springs. The hot springs of Dobadoba come out from the sprue, and if there are no previous customers, you can see the bathtub overflowing the washing area. Thanks to that, the floor of the washing place is warm and comfortable. The water is colorless and transparent, and your body is warm even after the water is finished. Even though it's such a nice hot spring, the customers are always sparse, so it's a waste.
Green Odori on Google

Hidden gem. There is a indoor bath separated to three parts with different temperature. The water is 100% natural hot spring without circulation. The notification board says chlorine is added but I didn’t notice the smell. The inflow of the water smells sulfur and iron. The water is clear. There are six showers for body wash. The shower water is also hot spring. The facilities are clean. There is a locker in the changing room.

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