Okumurano Orchards - Shimoina District

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okumurano Orchards

住所 :

4763-2 Motoojima, Matsukawa, Shimoina District, Nagano 399-3303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 399-3303

4763-2 Motoojima, Matsukawa, Shimoina District, Nagano 399-3303, Japan
奥村寛二 on Google

もりぞう on Google

Fuji apple is very delicious. ️
トリヤマ on Google

I will visit it annually
三津原厚子 on Google

The apples here are really delicious.
高垣哲之 on Google

Last year, I received the Kiyo from Okumura Farm and it was excellent. I couldn't buy it because it's about 20 days early this year, but I'll make a reservation and send it by courier. I'm looking forward to it.
とぅーる on Google

A gentle handsome brother will guide you.
yama和 on Google

毎年、リンゴ購入の為訪れます。今年はちびっこ二人も連れて来ました。現地に来ないとこんなに新鮮でお値打ちな物は手に入りません。 子供も、木に成っている姿を目にして勉強になったようです。 追記…今年(21年)も伺いました。アンケート記入して帰って来ましたが、つい最近 ラ.フランスが届きました。 あらっ!当選したのねーと感謝しています。
I visit every year to buy apples. I brought two little kids this year. If you don't come to the site, you won't be able to get such a fresh and value-for-money item. It seems that the children also learned by seeing the tree. Postscript ... I visited this year (21 years) as well. I filled out the questionnaire and came back, but just recently La France arrived. Oh! I am grateful that you won.
花木桜道 on Google

夏は桃やスモモが、秋はりんご、梨、ブドウが食べられます。 桃もりんごも色んな品種があり、時期によって違った美味しさが楽しめます。 高級な貴陽や、長野パープルもあり、本当においしいフルーツが味わえます。 傷ものも、味はそのままですがとてもお買い得に販売されています。 どの果物を採っても美味しいですが、美味しい見分け方も教えてくださり、とても温かな農園です。 とてもおすすめです。
You can eat peaches and plums in the summer, and apples, pears and grapes in the fall. There are various varieties of peaches and apples, and you can enjoy different tastes depending on the season. There are also high-class Guiyang and Nagano purple, and you can taste really delicious fruits. The scratched ones have the same taste but are sold at a great bargain. It's delicious no matter which fruit you pick, but it's a very warm farm because it teaches you how to distinguish it. I highly recommend it.

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