
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スエスペース東新宿

住所 :

Okubo, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0072 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : https://upnow.jp/sway_gsheim/swayspace1
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Tokyo

Okubo, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0072 Tokyo,Japan
Toshi K on Google

4人でピザパーティしました。 プライベート空間なので周りを気にせず深い話もできました。 立食形式だと23人まで入れるスペースらしいので、 4人だと非常にゆったりして寛げたので、それくらいの人数でもオススメです。 お店と違って最後に後片付けは必要ですが、それも4人だと負荷も軽く手早く済みました。 近くにドンキもあってお酒やおつまみの調達もしやすいです。 また利用させていただきます。
We had a pizza party with 4 people. Since it is a private space, I could talk deeply without worrying about the surroundings. Since it seems to be a space for up to 23 people in the stand-up format, Four people made it very relaxing and relaxing, so we recommend that many people. Unlike the store, it needs to be cleaned up at the end, but with 4 people, the load was light and quick. There is a donki nearby, so it is easy to procure alcohol and snacks. I will be using this again.
藤本吉寛 on Google

友人らで誕生日パーティにて利用させて頂きました。 室内の清潔感、広さ、レイアウトのしやすさ、設備、対応、とてもクオリティが高くて安心して利用できました。 周りからも喜んで頂けてこちらを選んでよかったです。 駅から少し歩くので星4ですが、内容は大満足です。 またぜひ宜しくお願い致します。
I used it at a birthday party with my friends. The cleanliness of the room, the size, the ease of layout, the facilities, the correspondence, and the quality were very high, so I was able to use it with confidence. I am glad that I was pleased by the people around me and chose this one. It's a 4 star because I walk a little from the station, but I'm very satisfied with the content. I look forward to working with you again.
横林秀飛 on Google

I used it at a party. It was a very comfortable space with cleanliness and full facilities. I would appreciate your favor if there is another opportunity.
Asami Kawano on Google

I used it at the girls' association. It was nice that the interior was cute. It shines.
p f on Google

I used it with nearly 20 people at Kripa in the circle, but it was spacious and comfortable ?
Yuriko Kawai on Google

It's very beautiful, clean and comfortable. It was used by 9 people, but it is large enough.
ごむかん on Google

サークルの忘年会として予約しましたが、返信がはやく疑問点などを素早く解決ができてとても助かりました! 消毒類も用意されており、今のご時世にはうってつけの貸切スペースだと思います! 次回周辺を利用するとしたらリピート確定です!
I made a reservation for the year-end party of the circle, but it was very helpful to be able to quickly answer questions and so on! Disinfectants are also available, and I think it is a perfect reserved space for today's world! The next time you use the area, the repeat will be confirmed!
Rei Sonoda on Google

I used it with 14 people, but I was relieved that it was very clean and had good measures against corona infection! The lighting was beautiful and I felt better!

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