Oku-yōrō Village - Ichihara

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oku-yōrō Village

住所 :

746 Tozura, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0536, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 290-0536
Webサイト : https://okuyorovillage.com/

746 Tozura, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0536, Japan
2 wata on Google

手軽にワイルドな一日を過ごしたい方へ。 小学生を市原市で過ごした人はこの施設を学校行事で利用した方も多いのではないかと思います。 車であれば近くまで行くことができますが、当時は小湊鐵道の"養老渓谷駅"経由で現地まで山間の2kmの道のりを歩きだったのでかなりしんどい記憶でした。 その代わり現地はとにかく自然しかありませんので現実とは隔絶した新鮮さを楽しむことができます。 川遊び、山遊びと自然相手の遊びなので時に上手くいかず自分だけではどうにもならないことがあるということを学べます。 バンガロー自体は木造の倉庫のような外観ですが中は畳敷きになっているので意外と落ち着きます。 バンガロー以外にはBBQサイトや炊事場、シャワー室も完備しているので思った以上に快適に過ごせますがあくまでテントの代わりですので清潔さは期待できません。 大自然なので様々な虫もいます。 小学生の頃に夜トイレに行くと羽の幅が15cmもあるような蛾に遭遇した時には冷や汗ものでした。 大人も十分楽しめますが、子供がいる家庭には小さいうちに是非バンガロー生活と自炊を体験させてあげてください。
For those who want to spend a wild day easily. I think that many people who spent elementary school in Ichihara City used this facility for school events. If it was a car, it was possible to go nearby, but at that time it was a very difficult memory because I was walking 2km to the mountain via "Yorokei Station" on Kominato. Instead, you can enjoy the freshness isolated from reality because the place is only natural. You can learn that there are things you can't do on your own because it's a play with the river, a mountain play and a natural opponent. The bungalow itself looks like a wooden warehouse, but it has a tatami floor, so it's surprisingly calm. In addition to the bungalows, there is a BBQ site, a kitchen, and a shower room, so you can spend more comfortably than you thought, but you can't expect cleanliness because it is just a tent. There are various insects because of nature. When I went to the toilet at night when I was an elementary school student, I was cold and sweaty when I encountered a wing with a width of 15cm. Adults can enjoy it enough, but for families with children, please enjoy bungalow life and self-catering while you are small.
市原沙織 on Google

はじめて行きました。 階段多いですがとっても楽しく過ごせました♪♪ たまには自然の中で非日常的な生活も良いなと思いました!! また行きたいと思います!
I went for the first time. There are many stairs, but I had a lot of fun ♪♪ Sometimes I thought that extraordinary life in nature is also good! !! I think I want to go again!
えりそん on Google

バンガローの前は狭くてタープを張れず、小さめのテーブルとチェアのみ置き焚き火を楽しみました。バンガローの中は綺麗で電源もあり、トイレは1箇所だけでしたが、水洗で綺麗でした。 階段が多いので手荷物で運べるようにすると便利です。
The front of the bungalow was so small that I couldn't put up a tarp, so I put only a small table and chairs and enjoyed the bonfire. The inside of the bungalow was clean and there was a power supply, and there was only one toilet, but it was clean by flushing. Since there are many stairs, it is convenient to carry it with your baggage.

I used it at this year's Golden Week. The nature was very rich and the air was good, and the children were very happy. From the parking lot, walk for about 5 minutes, but when you go down the stairs, the river flows and you will cross the bridge. At this point the child is very excited. I will go up the stairs from there, but I feel like climbing a little. The administration building is at the top. The correspondence of the lady at the reception was also good. The room is a little old, but tatami mats are fine. I think the shower is also beautiful for a campsite. I would also like to bring my children to come even in the summer.
小出浩丸 on Google

2階建てトンネルを過ぎて、トンネルをもう一つ越えた少し先に駐車場と荷物を運ぶケーブル基地があります。今はやりのオートキャンプ場ではなく、車で直接キャンプ場に行く方法がなく、離れたところに車を止めて大きな荷物はケーブルで谷を渡して運びます。ものすごく辺鄙な場所でものすごく不便で本当に何もないのすけど、大自然と静寂を楽しむことが好きな人には素晴らしいキャンプ場・冒険体験になると思います。とにかく秘境感満載です。水辺がたくさんあり探検もできます。川はとても綺麗で浅く、比較的安全に川遊びができると思います。(水着より濡れても良い服装と靴がベスト。サンダルは滑ります。)トイレ・シャワーは十分な数があるようです。一方で近隣にはお店(CVS)がないので簡単に補給はできませんのでご注意ください。(場内の売店はあるそうです。)階段にウッドチップが敷いてあり歩きやすかった。ただ、受付が遠いのが難点ですね。駅から遠いので、電車の場合はここまで来るまでが大変かも。特に養老渓谷駅の裏側からまっすぐに歩いて来ると入口を見失いやすいです。 森に囲まれているので夜は真っ暗闇になるでしょう。夏でも比較的涼しいと思いますが、森が深いので星空は見えづらいかな。リニューアルしたばかりということなので・・・穴場です。静寂と瞑想を楽しむ方、手つかずの大自然にまみれたい方、都会では絶対体験できない田舎の不便を体験したい方、夜の真暗闇を体験したい方にお勧めです。子供はびしょ濡れになって遊びましょう。 ※千葉の山は5~10月ぐらいまでは山蛭が出ます。マダニもいるので雑草地には不用意に入らないでください。蛭には虫よけスプレーは効果なし。念のため濃塩水のスプレーを用意しておきましょう。(駅前の観光案内所でヒル除けを販売していました。山蛭は病気を媒介しませんが、マダニ・マムシには要注意です。)この付近の野山で長時間遊ぶ場合、サンダルではなく靴と靴下をしっかり履きましょう。川の中でも靴の方が滑らないので安心です。なお、蛭は湿った河原(特に落ち葉が多いところや草地)には現れることはあるものの、川の中までは出ません。獣道やイノシシの掘り返した跡は特に注意です。 ※宿泊目的でなくても、日帰りでふらっと立ち寄れて楽しめる何かの仕掛け・バーベキュー以外の体験が欲しいですね。また、最近は都会のカップルの散策も多いので何か(仕掛け)が欲しいな・・・とも思います。流しそうめんなんて楽しそう。また、大福院でやっている陶芸などとのコラボも面白いと思います。(思い付きですが・・・) ※オーナーさんがすぐ返事をくれたことに期待と感謝を込めて☆を増やしました。頑張ってください。
After the double-decker tunnel, there is a parking lot and a cable base for carrying luggage just beyond the tunnel. Nowadays, there is no way to go directly to the campsite by car instead of the auto campsite, so you can park your car at a distance and carry large luggage across the valley with a cable. It's very inconvenient and nothing really in a very remote place, but I think it will be a great campsite / adventure experience for those who like to enjoy nature and silence. Anyway, it is full of unexplored feeling. There are many waterfronts and you can explore. The river is very beautiful and shallow, so I think you can play in the river relatively safely. (Clothes and shoes that can get wet better than swimwear are best. Sandals slip.) There seem to be enough toilets and showers. On the other hand, please note that there is no store (CVS) in the neighborhood, so it is not easy to replenish. (It seems that there is a shop in the hall.) Wood chips were laid on the stairs and it was easy to walk. However, the drawback is that the reception is far away. It's far from the station, so it may be difficult to get here by train. Especially if you walk straight from the back of Yoro Valley Station, you can easily lose sight of the entrance. Surrounded by forests, it will be pitch black at night. I think it's relatively cool even in summer, but it's hard to see the starry sky because the forest is deep. It's just renewed, so it's a little-known spot. Recommended for those who enjoy silence and meditation, those who want to be covered in untouched nature, those who want to experience the inconvenience of the countryside that can never be experienced in the city, and those who want to experience the darkness of the night. Let your child get soaked and play. * The mountains of Chiba have leeches from May to October. There are also ticks, so please do not enter the weeds carelessly. Insect repellent spray has no effect on leeches. Have a spray of concentrated salt water ready just in case. (Leech leeches were sold at the tourist information center in front of the station. Leeches do not transmit illness, but be careful of ticks and pit vipers.) If you play for a long time in the wild mountains near here, shoes instead of sandals Let's wear socks firmly. You can rest assured that your shoes will not slip even in the river. Leeches may appear in moist riverbanks (especially in areas with many fallen leaves and grasslands), but they do not go into the river. Be especially careful of the beast trails and the digging marks of wild boars. * Even if it is not for the purpose of staying, I would like to have an experience other than barbecue and something that you can enjoy by stopping by on a day trip. Also, recently, there are many walks by couples in the city, so I think I want something (device). It looks like somen noodles are fun. Also, I think it's interesting to collaborate with ceramic arts at Daifukuin. (I have an idea ...) * We have increased the number of ☆ with the expectation and gratitude that the owner responded immediately. Please do your best.
たけうち on Google

土日に利用しました。 とても静かでゆっくり過ごせます。 駐車場から距離があり、階段の昇り降りも多く受付まで息切れします… 景色や空気は最高でした。 トイレは男女共同ですが、とても綺麗でした。
I used it on Saturdays and Sundays. It's very quiet and you can spend your time slowly. There is a distance from the parking lot, and there are many stairs going up and down, so you can't breathe until the reception ... The scenery and the air were amazing. The toilet is shared by both men and women, but it was very clean.
conics net on Google

In the jungle, quiet
Marlyn Ozawa on Google

Love the beauty of the nature's green forest.It's a nice place to stay and enjoy with family and friends.

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