Okazakishi Fukushi Hall - Okazaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okazakishi Fukushi Hall

住所 :

3 Chome Asahicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0022, Japan

Postal code : 444-0022

3 Chome Asahicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0022, Japan
中村かおる on Google

When I was standing without being able to speak to him, the person at the counter immediately responded.
矢藤裕之 on Google

It's a new hall, but it's always clean and well-cleaned.
Suzuki suzuki on Google

Muito bom atendimento principalmente para BRASILEIROS…. Confiram
Very good service, especially for BRAZILIANS…. check it out
浅野智也 on Google

I visited with a mass vaccination.
Artistclip J's Sound Clip on Google

ラグビーワールドカップ2019 地元出身の田村優選手を応援しよう!
Rugby World Cup 2019 Let's support local Tamura Yu!
LA LA on Google

I went to update the documents. It seems that he moved from Genkikan. There was no waiting time and the response at the counter was very good.
さゆ on Google

窓口の方ひとつで相談内容の返答が詳しかったり詳しくなかったりします。 ある程度調べてからいく場合もあるので、 窓口のかたが知らないと困ります。 その時はすぐ調べていただくか、わかる人に変わってほしいです。 窓口で話される方はある程度最低限でも、知識をもって対応して頂きたいと思います。 案件にたいし、関連したことを調べてくれる方やしてくれな方が見えます。 切羽つまっていく場合もあります。 特にここの窓口は、自分の担当部署知識+αで他の部署に回せる知識をお願いしたいです。
One person at the counter may or may not be familiar with the response to the consultation. I may check it to some extent, so I'm in trouble if I don't know the person at the counter. At that time, I would like you to check it immediately or change to someone who understands it. I would like those who speak at the counter to respond with knowledge, at least to some extent. You can see people who can find out what is related to the matter and who can do it. In some cases, the face may get stuck. In particular, I would like to ask the contact person here for knowledge that can be transferred to other departments with the knowledge of the department in charge + α.
プラハの休日 on Google

岡崎市役所の隣にあり、駐車場も多くて立地はとても良いと思う。 新型コロナウイルスのワクチン接種のため訪問したが、会場となったホールも広いので、様々な用途で利用することができるだろう。
It is next to Okazaki City Hall, and there are many parking lots, so I think the location is very good. I visited for vaccination with the new coronavirus, but the hall that was the venue is also large, so it can be used for various purposes.

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