Okayama-no Shun-to Jizake-no Mise Wasuke - Okayama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okayama-no Shun-to Jizake-no Mise Wasuke

住所 :

ダイヤビル 1階 10-3 Togiyacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0826, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 700-0826
Webサイト : https://wasuke-okayama.gorp.jp/%3Fsc_cid%3Dgoogle_mb

ダイヤビル 1階 10-3 Togiyacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0826, Japan
のかおとぼけ on Google

It was delicious and the price was satisfactory, but even though the law was amended, it wasn't a private room, and it was a small shop with poor ventilation and poor condition. I thought. I'm pregnant, so if I knew where I could smoke at my seat, I would never go
P P on Google

ロン毛を後ろで束ねた店員がいるのはいただけない。見た瞬間酔いが醒めた。私のように先輩上司に言われて宴席をセッティングした者は特に…。皆さんも気付いただろうか、それが心配。 店長さんがそれを是としている姿勢も如何なものか。
I can't have a clerk with Ron's hair tied up behind him. The moment I saw it, my sickness awakened. Especially those like me who set up a banquet when my senior boss told me ... I'm worried that you all noticed it. What is the attitude of the store manager to take that into consideration?
masa sawai on Google

ちょい呑み手帳を利用しての訪問 小鉢が美味しかったです。 追加で肉味噌豆腐頼みました。
Visit using a little swallowing notebook The small bowl was delicious. I ordered additional meat miso tofu.
ウッディトミー on Google

岡山の地酒が豊富にあり、店員さんの説明も丁寧でとても良かったです。 比較的辛口の地酒が多い印象でしたが、県外のお酒も取り揃えており様々味わえます。 食事は地物が多く、特に作州名物の牛のそずり肉の煮込みと焼うどんが絶品でした。 そずりは、牛の骨周りの肉を削ぎ落とすことを言い、それが訛ってそずり肉となったそうです。 岡山に訪れた際にはのがしてはならない逸品だと思います。
There were plenty of local sake in Okayama, and the explanation of the clerk was polite and very good. It was an impression that there were a lot of relatively dry local sake, but liquor from outside the prefecture is also available and can be tasted in various ways. The food was rich in local features, and in particular the stew and grilled udon noodles of the specialty of Sakushu beef were excellent. Suzuri says that he scrapes the meat around the bones of a cow, and it is said that it has turned into meat. I think it's a must-do item when visiting Okayama.
deden tatsuyanjp on Google

大将が作州辺りの御出身とのことで、津山や美咲町の旬の食材がふんだんに使われた料理が食べられるお店です。 中でもおすすめなのは津山の郷土食材の干し肉。これって、初めて聞いた時には「ビーフジャーキーでしょ?」って思っちゃいましたけど、そうでは無いのです。 「塩をした赤身のお肉を風通しの良いところで何日もかけて干しまして、ギュッと旨味を凝縮したその干し肉を薄くスライスして、フライパンで軽く炙ります。火が通ったところに醤油を鍋肌にひと回し!あとは七味を振ってどうぞ。」と、説明された干し肉は酒呑みの心をガツンと掴んで離しません。同じ製法の鶏肉バージョン、とり干しも是非!取り敢えず行って食べてみてください。ホントに美味しいですよ♪ 津山の名物になりつつあるそずり肉を使った「そずり鍋」もこちらで食べられます。県北部の名産奈義ビーフのステーキや、作州黒豆豆腐の冷奴、岡山名産の黄ニラを使った料理ととにかく肴の種類の多さにはいつも圧倒されます。 日生漁港直送の魚介類も豊富に取り揃えてくれていますし、お刺身やお造りに加えて自家製の一夜干しとか、お酒の大好きなお魚好きの方にもオススメできます。
It is a shop where you can eat dishes that abundantly use the seasonal ingredients of Tsuyama and Misaki Town because the general is from Osaka. Among them, recommended meat is dried meat of Tsuyama's local food ingredients. When I heard it for the first time, I thought "Beef jerky, right?", But it is not so. "Dried lean meat with salt in a well-ventilated place for many days, sliced ​​its dried meat that condensed taste and taste gently, and grill it in a frying pan lightly.When soaked in a place where fire took place Turn the pot to the skin and then shake the shrimp, please, please, please do not leave the dried meat grabbing the heart of drunkenness as a gun. Chicken version of the same recipe, also dried bonito! Go eat and go eat. It is really tasty ♪ You can also eat 'Sori noodles' using sliced ​​meat becoming a specialty of Tsuyama here. It is always overwhelmed by the variety of the variety of relishes anyway with the steak of the specialty Nanji beef in the northern part of the prefecture, the cold fish of Oshima black bean curd, the yellow leek of Okayama specialties. We also have plentiful seafood directly brought to the fishery fishery harbor, and you can also recommend it for homemade overnight drying in addition to sashimi and making, or for fish lovers who love alcohol.
ハルhalu on Google

会社の送別会で利用しました 飲み放題付き3500円で正直期待してなかったのですが良い意味で裏切られました 岡山産の食材を使ったコース料理でどれもこれも美味しい!岡山産のマッシュルームの入ったサラダなんて居酒屋さんで初めて見ました 常にスタッフさんが待機していて飲み放題のドリンクも待たされる事なくどんどん来ます 今度は宴会コースではなく普通に食事に来たいです そずり肉?というのが気になる!!
I used it at the company farewell party I did not expect honestly at 3500 yen with all-you-can-drink, but I was betrayed in a good way Everything is delicious with course dishes using ingredients from Okayama! I first saw a salad with mushrooms from Okayama at an izakaya The staff is always waiting and all-you-can-drink drinks come without waiting I want to come to a meal this time instead of a banquet course Sled meat? I'm worried about that! !
yosuke yamamoto on Google

岡山駅周辺に初めてきましたが飲食店が多いし個人店ぽいところが多いですね。 事前に調べていて気になっていたわすけさんに訪問。 三連休の初日で予約無しでしたがぎりぎり入店できました。次に来られていた方は断られていたので、予約が多いお店なのかも。 店内は落ち着いた座敷メインの和風な空間。広間をカーテンで仕切った感じですが安っぽい感じはしません。 というか、周りの客層が良いのか皆さん静かめに飲んでいてザワザワしていないのが良かった。 フードは刺身盛り合わせ、真イカのウニ和え、そずり肉の特製タレ炒めを注文。 ドリンクはビールと地酒とハイボールを注文。 料理は総じて美味いし、価格もお手頃です。そずり肉を初めて食べましたが固すぎず柔らかすぎず肉の旨味が詰まった噛みごたえのあるお肉で美味! 特製タレが食欲をそそり、ハイボールによく合う。 胃袋の関係であまり食べられませんでしたが気になるメニューが沢山あってまた来たいですね。
I came to the area around Okayama station for the first time, but there are many restaurants and many private shops. I visited Mr. Wasuke who was interested in researching in advance. I didn't have a reservation on the first day of the three consecutive holidays, but I was able to enter the store at the last minute. The person who came next was refused, so it may be a shop with many reservations. The inside of the store is a Japanese-style space with a calm tatami room. It feels like the hall is separated by curtains, but it doesn't feel cheap. Or rather, it was good that everyone was drinking quietly and not rushing because the customer base around them was good. As for the food, I ordered assorted sashimi, mixed with true squid sea urchin, and stir-fried special sauce of sashimi meat. For drinks, I ordered beer, local sake and highball. The food is generally delicious and the prices are reasonable. I ate sozuri meat for the first time, but it was not too hard and not too soft, and it was delicious with chewy meat filled with the umami of the meat! The special sauce is appetizing and goes well with highball. I couldn't eat much because of my stomach, but there are many menus that I'm curious about, so I'd like to come back again.
alina on Google

The menu was in Japanese so we told the waitress to bring us a selection of different things to try. Everything tasted ok but underwhelming. We have eaten much better at other restaurants for the price.

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