Okasei - Oshika District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okasei

住所 :

Onagawahama, Onagawa, Oshika District, Miyagi 986-2261, Japan

Postal code : 986-2261
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM

Onagawahama, Onagawa, Oshika District, Miyagi 986-2261, Japan
まきらぼmaki on Google

ここの女川丼はすごく量が多いです! ウニ丼も美味しかったです!
The Onagawa bowl here is very large! The sea urchin bowl was also delicious!
kazunori watanabe on Google

この新鮮な鮮魚詰め合わせ一箱で1000円! 一週間、美味しい鮮魚を楽しめました ホヤやウニも市価の半額以下でした!
One box of this fresh fresh fish assortment is 1000 yen! I enjoyed delicious fresh fish for a week Sea squirts and sea urchins were less than half the market price!
Sato Yamazaki on Google

In front of the sea ? ❗ From Onagawa station, it is a car ? or a roadside station ❗, you can eat various fresh fish ?, seafood bowl ❗ You can bake it once (^-^) / ?,
Chi yan on Google

It is in the Hama Terrace in front of Onagawa Station. Seafood bowl with plenty of fresh seafood!
弘一 on Google

久々にお伺い致しました。相変わらず休日は混んでいました。メニューが一新されていましたが定番の女川丼は、健在でしたので女川丼を選んで番号を呼ばれるのを待っておりました。 丼を一目見て、あれっ?なんかネタの種類が以前より少なく成っている様な? 乗っている切り身の1切れ1切れは、大振りに成っている様な? まぁ時期によって魚の種類も違うだろうし、1,500円でこのボリュームとクオリティは、他のお店では頂けないので、コスパは最高です。チョッと違和感は有りましたが、相変わらず美味しく頂けたので星4つです。
I visited you after a long time. The holidays were still crowded. The menu was renewed, but the classic Onagawa bowl was still alive, so I chose the Onagawa bowl and waited for the number to be called. At a glance at the bowl, that? It seems that there are fewer types of material than before? Does each piece of fillet on board seem to be oversized? Well, the type of fish will be different depending on the season, and for 1,500 yen, this volume and quality is not available at other shops, so the cost performance is the best. It was a little strange, but it was still delicious, so it has 4 stars.
銭祐 on Google

女川町のご飯といえばここ。 女川丼を食べずしてここは素通りできないと行っても過言ではない(個人的な感想) もともとお魚屋さんだったのかな。 以前は道路挟んで海側の港にあったのですがシーパルピア女川内に移転してより一層賑わっています。 言い換えると、めっちゃ混雑します。でも並んでも食べる価値はあると思いますよ。
Speaking of Onagawa-cho rice. It is no exaggeration to go here without eating Onagawa coffee (personal impression) Was it originally a fish shop? In the past, it was at the seaside port across the road, but moved to Seapalpia Onagawa. In other words, it ’s really crowded. But I think it ’s worth eating side by side.
m. maura on Google

I had a sashimi set meal at breakfast. Today's miso soup was luxuriously filled with cod fillets. Thank you for the meal.
Hiromi Ishimori on Google

It is a fish shop in Onagawa Hama Terrace. There is a dining room where you can eat fresh fish. The special Onagawa bowl was very delicious with plenty of shrimp, conger eel, and local fish.

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