手打ちそば 一石(いっこく)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ちそば 一石(いっこく)

住所 :

Okamicho, Ushiku, 〒300-1204 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987887
Webサイト : http://www.ushiku-ikkoku.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

Okamicho, Ushiku, 〒300-1204 Ibaraki,Japan
前田政志 on Google

I ate the mini cutlet bowl set, but I recommend it for those who are looking for the amount because there is volume.
T.T H.T. on Google

牛久大仏に行く途中で寄りました。 口コミ評価通り、お蕎麦はとても美味しかったです。 訪れた日は祝日でしたがランチやってますよと親切にお声かけいただき、もりそばと小カツ丼と香の物と一口デザートのセットを食べました。 お蕎麦はしっかり一人前の量がありカツ丼も小丼とは思えないボリューム。 そしてとっても美味しい!!!! お店の方もとても親切ですし、清潔で居心地良かったです。 一つだけ残念なところは店内がとても寒くて座敷席に上がった我々は足が冷えて痛くて辛かった。 テーブル席の女性もコードを脱がずに食事してました。 次回があればもっと季節の良い時に訪問したいです。
I stopped by on the way to the Buddha of Ushiku. According to the word-of-mouth evaluation, the soba was very delicious. The day I visited was a holiday, but he kindly asked me to have lunch, and I ate a set of mori soba, small katsudon, pickles, and a bite of dessert. The soba has a large amount for one person, and the katsudon is a volume that you can't think of as a small bowl. And very delicious !!!! The shop was very kind and clean and cozy. The only unfortunate thing is that the inside of the store was very cold and we went up to the tatami room and our feet were cold and it was painful and painful. The woman at the table also ate without taking off the cord. If there is next time, I would like to visit when the season is better.
NANA TAKE on Google

突発のドライブで 美味しい蕎麦が食べたく、口コミを見て こちらに行きました。 口コミ通り「茄子の付けそば」と「天丼と盛りそばのセットランチ」を頂きました。 茄子の付けそばは、温かいつけ汁で、とてもコクの有る汁。茄子を素揚げにしてたので 熱々で、とてもお勧めしたい物でした。〆の蕎麦湯で割った汁も 美味しく飲み干せました。 天丼もサクサクの揚げで こちらに来た時は 必ず寄りたいお店と成りました。
I wanted to eat delicious soba on a sudden drive, so I went to see the word of mouth. According to the word of mouth, I had "Eggplant soba noodles" and "Tendon and Morisoba set lunch". Eggplant soba is a warm soba that is very rich. The eggplant was fried, so it was hot and I highly recommend it. The soup that was divided with soba hot water was also deliciously drunk. Tendon was also crispy fried, and when I came here, it became a shop I definitely wanted to visit.
ik_mickey on Google

I had duck soba, pork and eggplant soba. The pork and eggplant soba was also delicious, but the duck soba is exceptional! I'm not good at it, so I don't usually ask, so I got my husband's, but it's very delicious! It's fragrant like charcoal-grilled, and it's worth trying once in a boiled ♪ If you eat here, you might not be able to eat duck soba noodles elsewhere! Also, the atmosphere of his wife is very good ♪
Tak on Google

茄子と弓豚のつけそば。オススメメニューです。たっぷりの茄子、茨城特産の弓豚の甘い油の味、つけ汁の塩味がマッチしてます。 手打ちの常陸秋蕎麦も?
Noodles with eggplant and bow pork. Recommended menu. Plenty of eggplant, sweet oil taste of Ibaraki's special Yumi pork, salty taste of soup match. Hand-made Hitachi Autumn Soba also ?
Taku Price on Google

Correspondence is polite. The parking lot is right in front of you. You can also feel the commitment. You can enjoy it.
だいふくもち三等兵 on Google

つけナス、ミニカツ丼 オーソドックスにうまい。つけ汁の器がなかなか保温性高いなと思った。
Eggplant, mini cutlet bowl Good at orthodox. I thought that the soup bowl had high heat retention.
バイク寺社 on Google

牛久大仏に行った帰りに、口コミが高評価だったので伺いました。 弓豚のつけ茄子蕎麦とミニ親子丼セット、天ぷら盛り合わせを注文。 どれも美味しく、大満足なランチになりました。 土日でもランチセットがあるのはいいですね。 従業員の方の接客もとても丁寧で好感持てました。
On the way back to the Buddha of Ushiku, I asked because the word of mouth was highly evaluated. I ordered the soba noodles with bow pork, a mini oyakodon set, and a tempura platter. Everything was delicious and it was a very satisfying lunch. It's nice to have a lunch set even on Saturdays and Sundays. The customer service of the employees was also very polite and I liked it.

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