炭火焼肉笑門来福 枚方店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉笑門来福 枚方店

住所 :

Okahigashicho, Hirakata, 〒572-0032 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878899
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/osaka/A2707/A270702/27037713/
街 : Osaka

Okahigashicho, Hirakata, 〒572-0032 Osaka,Japan
D H田 on Google

厚切り上塩タンが絶品でした! でも上ロースてこんなんやっけ? という疑問が… まぁある程度差が出るのは仕方ないのでしょうがなんか上ロースだけはスッキリしませんでした 全体的には接客も丁寧でおいしかったです
The thick-sliced ​​beef tongue was excellent! But what about upper loin? The question is ... Well, it can't be helped that there is a difference to some extent, but somehow only the upper loin was not refreshing. Overall, the customer service was polite and delicious.
惟任日向 on Google

リーズナブルな焼肉屋。 希少部位なども仕入れ次第でしょうが良いものを置いておられめす。 また、パーテーションで完全個室になるのでゆっくりいただけます。 が、繁忙期は2時間制になります(笑) これからの年末にかけては要予約。
Reasonable yakiniku restaurant. Rare parts may depend on the purchase, but good ones are placed. In addition, you can relax as it becomes a completely private room with a partition. However, it will be a 2-hour system during the busy season (laughs) Reservation required for the end of the year.
Masa T on Google

料理が出てくるのが遅いし頼んだ順番もバラバラで食べ終わるのに2時間かかりました。QR決済も出来ないのもあってもう行く事もないと思います。 お肉は、美味しいと思いますが...
s捺己 on Google

何もかも美味しくて、肉の種類もたくさんありおいしかったー! これはまた来たいと思いますが少し高くついたのでたまに贅沢するのにいいかもしれないです! 1人1万円くらい食べました!
Everything was delicious and there were many kinds of meat and it was delicious! I'd love to come back again, but it's a bit expensive so it might be a good idea to be extravagant once in a while! I ate about 10,000 yen per person!
ミートテックくん(Meatteck_kun) on Google

全席個室の焼肉屋さんです。店員さんもマスクをしていて、感染対策ができていると思います。 アルバイトの店員さんも元気よく愛想よく接客してくれます。 週末は当日予約が困難な時も多いので、前もって予約することがオススメです。 あぶって食べる上レバーは生レバーの懐かしい味を思い出させてくれます。ハラミユッケも美味しいです。やや高いですがシャトーブリアンとヘレは最高です。あっさりしてて、なお肉の味がしっかりしてます。他にも厚切りタンやハラミも美味しかったです。肉の薬味も豊富で、しかも無料です。組み合わせて色々な味が楽しめます。 枚方市駅周辺でオススメの焼肉屋さんです。
It is a yakiniku restaurant with all seats in a private room. I think the clerk is also wearing a mask and is taking measures against infection. The part-time clerk also serves customers cheerfully and amiably. On weekends, it is often difficult to make a reservation on the day, so it is recommended to make a reservation in advance. The upper liver that you eat hot reminds you of the nostalgic taste of raw liver. Harami Yukke is also delicious. It's a little expensive, but Chateaubriand and Here are the best. It's light and the meat tastes good. Besides, the thick sliced ​​tongue and skirt steak were also delicious. The meat is rich in condiments and is free. You can enjoy various tastes in combination. It is a recommended yakiniku restaurant around Hirakatashi Station.
なめしさん on Google

Speaking of yakiniku in Hirakata, here and the Meigetsukan. It is a completely private room. I can hear the side voice. It's this time of the year, so it's easy to go. It's delicious from the regular cabbage. It's covered with sesame oil and salted kelp. Besides the sauce, you can choose a lot of condiments. There are lots of attractive things such as garlic chips and rock salt, so I get lost. The meat is delicious, of course, but the fillets and Chateaubriand are especially delicious. Recommended if you want to eat light and tender meat. The price is a bit high, but I think it's worth the money. After that, I'm glad that there are living things. There are few places where you can eat yukhoe. I will go again.
賢司金城 on Google

お肉の種類がたくさんあって、焼くのも楽しかったです! もちろん食べても、最高に美味しかったです! 個室もあり、お店もとても綺麗でとても良かったです!
There were many kinds of meat and it was fun to bake! Of course, it was delicious even if I ate it! There is also a private room, and the shop is very beautiful and very good!

Good taste

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