
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パイの家エム・ワン

住所 :

Oizumicho Yato, Hokuto, 〒409-1502 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.pai-m1.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : Yamanashi

Oizumicho Yato, Hokuto, 〒409-1502 Yamanashi,Japan
satoru on Google

正直、コロナ対策として中途半端です しかし、昔からあるお店でアップルパイは絶品です。子供達もこちらのお店は好きで、八ヶ岳に行けば必ず購入してくるお店です
To be honest, it is halfway as a measure against corona However, apple pies are excellent at old shops. Children also like this shop, and if you go to Yatsugatake, you will definitely buy it.
ちゃちゃ on Google

焼き立てパンのチーズパン130円、マロンパン130円。アップルパイの1080円をおみやげ用に買いました。 パンはは柔らかく美味しかったです。中が空洞部分が多く、見た目は食べごたえ有りそうに思いましたが、空洞部分が多く、実際の量は見た目の半分以下の量になるかと思います。チーズパンはパンの生地が見た目よりかなり少ないので濃厚チーズの味で半分チーズのパンのようで美味しかったです。マロンも空洞で生地があまり無い上に中のマロンが少く、、、見た目は普通に量が有りそうなパンに見えますが、食べた気があまりしないかと、、。1人で3つぐらいはペロリと食べれそうです。個人的にチーズパン美味しかったです。4つぐらいはペロリと食べれそうです。 見た目だと1つで足りるかなぁぐらいでしたが、1つでは食べた気がしなかったです。 おみやげのアップルパイはビニール梱包で箱詰め、次の日に少しもらい食べましたが、パイ生地はしっとり系で、普通のアップルパイとあまり変わり無いかもです。美味しいは美味しいです。パイのパリパリ感は無かったです。 梱包箱詰めなので、おみやげには見た目がきちんと見えるので人にあげるには良いと思います。おみやげ用のアップルパイとしてはランクアップのパイの方だと思います。 常温でも、車でも大丈夫らしく、おみやげには持って帰りやいです。おみやげにオススメ致します。
Freshly baked cheese bun 130 yen, malon bread 130 yen. I bought an apple pie for 1080 yen as a souvenir. The bread was soft and delicious. There are many hollow parts inside, and I thought that it would be delicious to eat, but there are many hollow parts, and I think that the actual amount will be less than half of what it looks like. Cheese buns had much less dough than they looked, so the taste of rich cheese was like half cheese buns and it was delicious. Marrons are also hollow and there is not much dough, and there are few marrons inside ... It looks like bread that seems to have a normal amount, but I wonder if I feel like eating it. It seems that one person can eat about three with licking. Personally, the cheese bun was delicious. I think I can eat about 4 of them. At first glance, one was enough, but I didn't feel like I ate one. The souvenir apple pie was packed in vinyl and ate a little the next day, but the pie crust is moist and may not be much different from a normal apple pie. Delicious is delicious. There was no crispness of the pie. Since it is packed in a wrapping box, it looks good as a souvenir, so I think it is good to give it to people. As an apple pie for souvenirs, I think it's a higher-ranked pie. It seems that it's okay at room temperature or in a car, so it's easy to take it home as a souvenir. We recommend it as a souvenir.
yo on Google

以前からお世話になっているパン屋さん。外観は年期が入っていますがパンのクオリティは確実。 美味しくて、お安くて最高。レーズンパンなど東京ではありえないボリュー厶感。お店の人も優しいですよ。
A bakery who has been indebted for a long time. The appearance is aged, but the quality of the bread is certain. Delicious, cheap and great. The sensation of volume that can't be found in Tokyo, such as raisin bread. The shop people are also kind.
青滿(Mayu mitsu) on Google

Reservation required. Petit sausage is the best cospa. It is the best bakery with the taste and texture of bread dough. The next pie is also delicious so please try it ❣️ The natural water in the garden is also delicious ❣️
忍栗田 on Google

パイの家パンの家 とても静かな場所にあり、遅い時間に行ったためパンはなく、金時パイを買いました。外には、湧水もあり、宇宙を旅した桜の子孫があった。又近くをドライブしたさいには、寄ってみたいです。
Pai no Ie Bread no Ie I bought a Kintoki pie because it was in a very quiet place and I went there late so I didn't have any bread. There was also a spring outside, and there were descendants of cherry blossoms who traveled in space. Also, when I drive nearby, I would like to stop by.
M K on Google

ここのアップルパイは旨い! 以前は中央道の双葉サービスエリア(上り)で売っていたのだけれど最近は見掛けなくなってしまったのが残念。 仕方ないので今回は寄り道して店舗まで買いに来ました。 店番のおばちゃんの対応も良かったし、また機会を狙って来たいと思います。
The apple pie here is delicious! It used to be sold in the Futaba service area (up) on the Chuo Expressway, but it's a pity that it has disappeared recently. I couldn't help it, so I took a detour this time and came to the store to buy it. The storekeeper's aunt's response was also good, and I would like to take the opportunity again.
M S on Google

山梨県内のあちらこちらのお土産物屋さんで販売されていたエムワンのアップルパイ。あまりにも気になったので、アップルパイを購入しに行ってみました。 ハーフサイズでも結構な大きさ。冷やして食べるといいとのことで冷やしていただいてみましたが、素朴で美味しかったです。りんごの程よい甘さに、あっさりとした生地…ものすごくバランスが良く、うっかり全部食べてしまいそうになりました 笑 これはまた買いたいなと思えるアップルパイでした!
M-one's apple pie, which was sold at souvenir shops around Yamanashi Prefecture. I was too worried, so I went to buy an apple pie. Even half size is fine size. I tried to have it chilled and eat cold, but it was rustic and delicious. Moderate sweetness of the apple, light dough ... very well balanced, it was about to eat all inadvertently This was an apple pie that I would like to buy again!
futty vianora on Google

Oishii cake

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