Ohkuni Shrine - Sendai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ohkuni Shrine

住所 :

Batsusaka-27-14 Imozawa, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3212, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 989-3212
Webサイト : https://ohkunijinja.org/

Batsusaka-27-14 Imozawa, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3212, Japan
TAKAHIRO, HikomaOrz火独楽 (ヒコマ) on Google

大和教団本部なのですが、 この地は、西に定義山更に西に出羽三山があります。3km東にこの地では、最古の宇那禰神社もあり、出羽三山系の古石碑などが沢山あるのです。 そういう意味で、聖地に向いてたのでしょうか、、、、?
Although it is the headquarters of the Yamato cult, This area has Mt. Haguro in the west and Mt. Haguro in the west. There is also the oldest Unane Shrine in this area 3km east, and there are many old stone monuments of the Dewa Sanzan system. In that sense, was it suitable for the sacred place?
ゆずぽっぽ(papa3nanoda) on Google

新興宗教と言うと、なかなか印象が悪いですが、大和教団はオオクニヌシノミコトを祀っているのかな?真面目な宗教な感じです。 神社ではいつも修行者が真面目に修行していて、敷地内は手入れが行き届いて、参拝者来観者に怪しげな目を向けることもありませんでした。 願いが叶うだの霊力だの宇宙の中心のエネルギーだのと、妙なことを宣っていますが、信じるのは人の自由ですし、それで救われたと思えるならそれで心穏やかに生活できるならそれで良いでしょう。 神仏を一切信じない、というかそんなもの無いと断言する私ですが、ヒマがあればお参りしてます。 うさんくさい静かな雰囲気が妙に心地良い。 気持ち良く御朱印頂戴できました。
Speaking of new religions, I have a bad impression, but does the Yamato sect enshrine Okuninushi no Mikoto? It feels like a serious religion. At the shrine, the practitioners were always practicing seriously, and the grounds were well maintained, and they did not look suspiciously at the worshipers. It's strange to say that it's the spiritual power of your wishes, the energy of the center of the universe, but it's up to you to believe, and if you think you've been saved, then if you can live calmly, then that's it. It will be good. I assert that I don't believe in God and Buddha at all, or that there is no such thing, but if I have a free time, I will visit you. The ugly and quiet atmosphere is strangely comfortable. I was able to receive the red stamp comfortably.
北村智紀(こさぶろう) on Google

There is also a walking course, and there are other attractions besides worship.
杏野郷 on Google

仙台市に、こんな雄壮な神社があったなんて知らなかったわ。鎌倉の八幡宮とか、京都の神社のような感じ。 そう、そう、出雲大社とも関わりがあるとか。 是非、一度訪れて見て欲しい場所です。? 休憩所もあり、ゆっくり時間が過ごせそうです。
I didn't know there was such a magnificent shrine in Sendai. It feels like Hachimangu in Kamakura or a shrine in Kyoto. Yes, yes, it has something to do with Izumo Taisha. By all means, this is a place you should visit and see. ? There is also a rest area, so you can spend your time slowly.
masa masa on Google

Various fine shrines. The area around the Donto Festival parking lot was dangerous due to heavy snow.
ぬこ山あんじー on Google

I saw the signboard and somehow visited it. When you arrive at the parking lot, there are two fixed-route buses waiting, and is it a shrine of a reasonable size? I thought, but it was written that the shop was preparing even though it was lunchtime. There were many footprints on the approach, but there was no sign of people at all, so was it the main shrine? When I saw a small building, I felt "what's here?" And turned back because of the tranquility. I like Izumo Taisha, so I expected it because there is a shrine of Okuninushi, but I was disappointed. If you look it up, is it the Yamato cult? It was like a facility of a group called.
yokoyama fukka on Google

大国主大神様は、スサノオの子孫で、因幡の白兎を助けた心優しき神様だそうです。 お守りも兎のお守りがありました。 山、火、海の神様もいらっしゃいます。 神変社、地蔵堂もあります。 縁結びでも有名なようで、御利益を頂けるようです。
Okuninushi is a descendant of Susanoo and is a kind-hearted god who helped Inaba's white rabbit. There was also a rabbit amulet. There are also gods of mountains, fire and the sea. There are also Shinhensha and Jizo-do. It seems that it is also famous for marriage, and it seems that you can benefit from it.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県仙台市青葉区にあります 大國神社⛩に行って来ました✨ こちらの神社は見どころ満載で全部参拝するのに長時間かかります✨ 楽しんで全部参拝させていただきました✨ 自分の参拝したい所だけでもいいと思いますよ✨ とっても大きな神社で綺麗に整備されていて気持ちがいいです✨ 私共の心に深く宿る大いなる神、大國主大神おおくにぬしのおおかみのご神徳しんとくは、 福徳開運ふくとくかいうん、事業達成じぎょうたっせい、商売繁盛しょうばいはんじょう、病気平癒びょうきへいゆ、災難消滅さいなんしょうめつ、 健康長寿けんこうちょうじゅ、方位災除ほういさいじょ、縁結えんむすび、交通安全こうつうあんぜんなど あらゆる心願成就しんがんじょうじゅをみちびく神として、敬虔けいけんな信仰を集めております✨ ご祭神 天之御中主大神 高皇産霊大神 神皇産霊大神 国常立大神 天照大御神 大國主大神 少彦名大神 事代主大神 産土大神 ありがとうございました✨ #仙台市 #大國神社 #大國主大神 #神社巡り #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #宮城県神社
Located in Aoba Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Oguni Shrine ⛩ ✨ This shrine is full of highlights and it takes a long time to visit all of them ✨ I enjoyed worshiping everything ✨ I think it's okay to just visit the place you want to worship ✨ It's a very big shrine and it feels good to be in good condition ✨ Okuninushi, the great god who dwells deep in our hearts, is the god of the wolf. Fukutoku Kaiun Fukutokukai, Business Achievement, Business Prosperity, Illness Healing, Disaster Disappearance, Healthy longevity health, orientation disaster prevention, marriage enmusubi, traffic safety As a god who fulfills all wishes, we are gathering reverent faith. Saijin Ame-no-Mikoto Omikami, Takami Musubi Omikami, Kamimusubi Omikami, Kuni-no-Mitsuru Omikami Amaterasu Okami, Okuninushi Okami, Okuninushi Okami, Kotoshironushi Okami, Ubusunagami Thank you ✨ #Sendai city #Oguni Shrine #Okuninushi Okuninushi #Shinto shrine tour #I want to connect with people who like shrines #Miyagi Shrine

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