Ogino Orthopedic Clinic - Osaka

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

淀川区十三・豊中市で評判の接骨院│荻野接骨院 - Ogino-sekkotsu.com


Contact Ogino Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

マンション浜口 3 Chome-4-10 Jusomotoimazato, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0028, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 532-0028
Webサイト : http://ogino-sekkotsu.com/

マンション浜口 3 Chome-4-10 Jusomotoimazato, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0028, Japan
いとうひろみ on Google

通うようになってから どんどん 体調が良くなりました!
Since I started going to school, I'm getting better and better!
小林熊夫 on Google

股関節が悪く運動ができなかったのが、よくなり、運動もできてます。 おすすめです。??
My hip joint was so bad that I couldn't exercise, but now I'm getting better and I can exercise. it's recommended. ??
愛子 on Google

こちらで夫婦でお世話になってます。 マッサージ通いしてたけどこちらでお世話になってから肩凝りがなくなりました。旦那も昔から体調が治らなかった病も荻野さんで治療してもらってから原因が分かり良くなってます。
I am indebted to my husband and wife here. I used to go to a massage, but since I was taken care of here, my shoulder stiffness has disappeared. The cause of my husband's illness, which hasn't been cured for a long time, has become clearer since he was treated by Mr. Ogino.
川畑千壽子 on Google

My knees aren't feeling well, so I'm taking care of them ? First of all, I'm convinced that I'm good at listening, and the logic and the operation are good, and this time, my third time, my body feels crunchy ? Knees Has become much easier! ️
kayo on Google

腰の痛みでお世話になっています。色々なクリニックや病院に通ってましたが、初めて納得できる痛みの原因をご説明頂きました。原因 ・改善法・注意点などのアドバイスを頂き、不安も軽減し心身共に楽になってきています。本当に有難いです。
I am indebted to my back pain. I went to various clinics and hospitals, but for the first time, he explained the cause of the pain that I could understand. Cause ・ I have received advice on improvement methods and precautions, and my anxiety has been reduced and my mind and body have become easier. I really appreciate it.
氏江正臣 on Google

Pain in my back suddenly resulted in ladder orthopedic surgery as a result of doing ladder, I did not understand anything, I cared for straw and thoughtfully taking care of it and now I have no pain. Moreover, I was very thankful because I can tell you the cause and measures.
lan 500 on Google

2年位前から定期的にお世話になっています。 無理なトレーニングから膝を痛め、整形外科を転々としても改善せず徐々に悪化。遂には階段下りでは手すりを伝うほどに。それが、荻野さんに通うようになってから、みるみる痛みが和らぎ、遂には走れるほどに改善しました。先生いわく、あちこちの歪みや詰りを元の状態に戻すとのこと。信頼できる先生です。
I have been indebted to him regularly for about two years. I hurt my knee from unreasonable training, and even if I changed orthopedics, it did not improve and gradually deteriorated. Finally, when going down the stairs, you can walk down the railing. Since I started going to Mr. Ogino, my pain has eased and I have finally improved to the point where I can run. According to the teacher, the distortion and clogging here and there will be restored to their original state. A reliable teacher.
m m on Google

I was taken care of by manipulative treatment for infertility four years ago. Even though I wasn't pushing hard, my body was getting lighter after each treatment! I was able to get pregnant in about half a year, and I think it's thanks to my teacher. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for infertility manipulative treatment.

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