豊川市サッカー場 - Toyokawa

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 豊川市サッカー場

住所 :

Ogicho, Toyokawa, 〒441-1205 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 441-1205
Webサイト : http://www.city.toyokawa.lg.jp/shisetsu/sprtsshisetsu/soccerjo.html
街 : Aichi

Ogicho, Toyokawa, 〒441-1205 Aichi,Japan
石原よしえ on Google

It's cold in winter because it's a mountain.
杉本明恵 on Google

Yae Sakura is beautiful now ❗
MkWalker on Google

It ’s a very nice natural grass ground ??✨
河野博文 on Google

I came to support my grandson's soccer match. It is in good condition.
Misokusikatu Nt on Google

試合がやりやすく、観戦もしやすいです。 徒歩圏内にコンビニなどはありませんので、飲食物は予め準備が必要です。 ナビは裏の駐車場を案内するので、住宅街を通りますが間違いです。 表の正門から入場できます。
The game is easy to play and watching. There are no convenience stores within walking distance, so food and drinks must be prepared in advance. Navi will guide you through the parking lot on the back, so it will pass through the residential area, but it is wrong. You can enter from the front gate.
isましか on Google

アクセスが非常に悪いです。 市外在住なのですが最寄りの三河一宮駅まで1時間近く歩きます。 設備はとても良いです。アップ用グラウンドもきちんと手入れしてくれればなお良し。
Access is very bad. I live outside the city, but I walk to the nearest Mikawa-Ichinomiya station for almost an hour. The facilities are very good. It would be even better if the up ground was properly maintained.
Andres on Google

周りにコンビニ等もなく、 車がないとアクセスは不便ですが、グラウンドは天然芝で、この辺りの地域だと1番綺麗だと思います。
There are no convenience stores around, Access is inconvenient without a car, but the ground is natural grass, and I think it is the most beautiful in this area.
安藤嘉信 on Google

There was a soccer match. It's pretty cold because there are no days, but I managed to win with my young power. Thank you

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