
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大茅スキー場

住所 :

Ogaya, Nishiawakura, Aida District, 〒707-0501 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Webサイト : https://awakura-gr.com/outdoor/
街 : Okayama

Ogaya, Nishiawakura, Aida District, 〒707-0501 Okayama,Japan
松尾弘司 on Google

I went there on February 4th. There are about 20 people on the lift. It is the best to break in. It can be blown away, so two hours is enough.
武内直樹 on Google

I didn't think that there was a place for growing cypresses on the side of the road that went up slightly in front of the ski area.
上田浩史 on Google

子供の雪遊びで行きました 駐車場は無料でありますが、ゲレンデ入り口までかなり歩いて上がるのでほとんど停めている人いません 大体の人は路駐です ゲレンデ入り口付近から埋まっていきます 混雑時は駐車場まで行ってしまうと思います その時は、駐車場に停めて歩くしかありません 小学校就学前の子供でも歩いて上がれますので問題ないとは思います ただ、駐車場まで車がつながっているのを私は見たことありません(笑) ゲレンデはリフト1本だけですが、滑りやすいです 10年以上滑っていない私は安心でした 休憩所は、暖まるだけの建物(自販機あり)食事ができる建物に分かれていて利用しやすいです レンタル品も充実しています
I went playing with children in the snow Parking is free, but there are almost no people parked because it walks a lot to the slope entrance Most people are stationed It will be filled from near the slope entrance I think I will go to the parking lot when it is crowded At that time, there is no choice but to park in the parking lot and walk Even pre-school children can walk up, so I don't think it's a problem. However, I have never seen a car connected to the parking lot (laugh) There is only one lift on the slopes, but it is slippery I haven't slipped for more than 10 years The rest area is easy to use because it is divided into buildings that only warm up (there is a vending machine) and restaurants where you can eat. A lot of rental items are available
Emi YI on Google

小さな子供連れ雪遊びには最高 特にキッズスペースは無いですが、人がとにかく少なく、日によっては貸しきりのような気分でストレス無く遊べます。そり専用ゲレンデでない所でそりを滑っても問題ないくらい。小規模で、見渡せば子供が何処に居てもすぐ見つけられて安心。 営業は雪のある土日のみ。年によっては数日しか営業してません。営業していなくてもトイレは使えるそうで、遊んでもかまわないそうです。 ただレンタルはダメです。大人でもKIDSと書いたワンバックルのブーツ&昭和の懐かしい傷だらけの板のみです。特に大人はやめた方が無難です。
Best for snow play with young children Especially, there is no kids space, but there are few people anyway, depending on the day you can play without stress with a feeling like renting out. Sled only It is not a problem to slip on a sleigh where it is not a ski slope. Small scale, if you look it is safe to be found immediately wherever the child is. Sales only on Saturdays and Sundays with snow. We are open only a few days depending on the year. It seems that the toilet can be used even if it is not open, it seems to be okay to play. However, rental is useless. Even adults wrote KIDS and one buckle boots & Showa 's nostalgic scratches are only boards. Especially the one who stopped adults is safe.
ブルースブルー on Google

とても気に入っていてスキー場がオープンしている時は良く利用しています。 なんと言っても料金が安い! 駐車場は無料だし。ゲレンデ前の道路に駐車できます。 食堂のメニューも安いです。ワンコインでほとんどが食べられます。 リフトは、一本しかないけど初心者、子供を教えるのに、とても向いているスキー場です。 従業員の方達も色々と親切です。 本当にオススメです☆ ただ積雪の状態が悪いと閉鎖されている場合もあるので行くときは一度連絡して確認してからのほうが良いです。
I like it very much and I often use it when the ski area is open. The price is cheap! Parking is free. You can park on the road in front of the slopes. The cafeteria menu is also cheap. Most can be eaten with one coin. Although there is only one lift, it is a ski area that is very suitable for teaching beginners and children. The employees are also kind. I really recommend it ☆ However, it may be closed due to bad snow conditions, so it is better to contact and check once when you go.
misao konishi on Google

キャンプ場利用しました。 静かにゆっくり過ごしたいならここのキャンプ場がオススメです。天気が良ければ、夜は満天の星空が楽しめます。
I used a campsite. If you want to spend time quietly and slowly, we recommend this campsite. If the weather is fine, you can enjoy the starry sky at night.
To Nbn on Google

2022/2/13 (日) 冬季はスキー場の先の道は行き止まりなので 路駐オッケーでした。スタッフの方の車らしきのを含めても全部で20台位の車がとまってました。2分でリフト乗り場です~! めちゃ近いです。 ゲレンデは初心者向けのコースですが、少し急なところもあり単調ではないです。スノボーデビューだと少し怖い所も有るかもしれませんがそんなにコースは長く無いので大丈夫でしょう。 ファミリーでソリ遊びの人もいました。 タダで遊べますね。 もしかしたら平日もソリなら勝手に遊べるのでは? リフトは土日祝のみの営業ですので注意です。 カップラーメンとかの自販機は有りましたが販売は中止してましたのでお昼ご飯は持参が良いと思います。
2022/2/13 (Sun) In winter, the road ahead of the ski resort is a dead end It was okay to stay on the road. A total of about 20 cars were parked, including the ones that seemed to be the staff's cars. It takes 2 minutes to get to the lift! It's very close. The slopes are for beginners, but they are a bit steep and not monotonous. It may be a little scary if you make your snowboard debut, but it's okay because the course isn't that long. There were also people in the family who played sledging. You can play for free. Maybe you can play without permission if you sled on weekdays? Please note that the lift is open only on weekends and holidays. There were vending machines such as cup ramen, but sales were discontinued, so I think it's a good idea to bring your own lunch.
Itai Dagan on Google

Basic but good, take your kids there even when it's closed to slide down the slope with a small sled

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