Ogaki Civic Hall - Ogaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ogaki Civic Hall

住所 :

1 Chome-2 Shindencho, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0856, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 503-0856
Webサイト : https://www.city.ogaki.lg.jp/0000001200.html

1 Chome-2 Shindencho, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0856, Japan
足立勇雄 on Google

I filed a tax return. Line numbered tickets will continue to be distributed in advance every year. Direct distribution allows for smoother declarations.
荒霊和霊 on Google

今日は母のコロナワクチン二回目接種にお邪魔しました 各staffの方の気遣いが細やかで安心していられました ありがとうございました。
Today I went to my mother's second vaccination with coronavirus The care of each staff was delicate and reassuring Thank you very much.
R哲也 on Google

○:大垣市内でイベントや演奏会など行う場合、スイトピアセンター・ソフトピア共に名前の挙がる場所。施設自体の作りはかなり古いと言わざるをえないがキレイに保たれている。トイレもキレイで嫌な臭いもない。 住民票などを土日でも出して貰える施設もある為、人によっては重宝するかも。 ▲:駅からかなり離れている為、自家用車かバスしか交通手段がない。 中に売店もないので(自販機はある)食料調達にコンビニや弁当屋まで歩かねばならない。 イベントある時は車が入りきらない位混むし、無いときは土日でも車ゼロ。もう少し有効利用出来ないものかとも思うが。
○: Where events and concerts are held in Ogaki City, the name of both the SUITOPIA Center and Softpia is given. The facilities themselves are fairly old, but they are kept clean. The toilets are clean and have no bad smell. There are facilities where you can get your resident's card on Saturdays and Sundays, so it may be useful for some people. ▲: Because it is far from the station, there is only transportation by private car or bus. There are no shops inside (there are vending machines), so you have to walk to convenience stores and lunch boxes for food procurement. When there is an event, cars are too crowded to fit in, and when there is no car, there are no cars on weekends. I guess it's a little less effective.
180 “‪団長‬” GRS on Google

大垣市民の 為に コロナの 接種会場に 使用されています。 令和3年 6月 ですが 高齢者の為で あるが 三階建て エレベーターが 一基しかないのが 残念 問診が 三階 接種と 二階が 待機場所と なっていた。
It is used as a corona inoculation site for Ogaki citizens. It's June 3rd year of Reiwa For the elderly Three-story elevator It's a pity that there is only one Interview with third floor inoculation The second floor is a waiting place It was.
スーちゃん on Google

There is a parking lot. It's unexpectedly wide. Next to the hall, you can see the waterslide of the citizen pool ?. There is a civic center in such a place. When I went inside, I felt that the building was old and a little narrow.
Elis Menezes on Google

Minha mae vacinou aqui!Predio lindo e moderno por dentro!
My mother was vaccinated here! Beautiful and modern building inside!
説むらさき on Google

The building is old. The elevator is also narrow. (In this age, only one person can do it if you want to keep the social distance.) There is only a disabled toilet on the second floor. The slope is too steep and I think it's for a trader.
K. Ichihara on Google

Though the building looks old, its design of the windows is unique.

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