Ogaki City Hall - Ogaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ogaki City Hall

住所 :

2 Chome-29 Marunouchi, Ogaki, Gifu 503-8601, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 503-8601
Webサイト : https://www.city.ogaki.lg.jp/

2 Chome-29 Marunouchi, Ogaki, Gifu 503-8601, Japan
カネちゃん on Google

Ogaki City Hall staff are not using the pedestrian crossing to get to and from the parking lot in Babacho, even though it is nearby. I think it's dangerous. When crossing Prefectural Road 18, there is a pedestrian crossing if you go a little north, but most of them do not pass there.
yurie Fujmoto on Google

The staff of the general information staff smiles and responds ~ wonderful. If the staff at the counter is at a loss, they will come and take immediate action. God's trick! It's different from any government office! I want you to emulate (laughs)
榎本幹郎 on Google

The view from the 8th floor was good. The 650 yen for the cafeteria lunch is a little expensive, so ❓
金魚 on Google

数年前の当時新人ぽい女に最悪なミスをされた。個人情報の取り扱いどうなってるんだろうと思った。 しかも謝りもしないで誤魔化そうと色々言われた。「〜ではこういうことですか?」と言い返してたらどう足掻いても誤魔化せないと悟ったようだったが最後まで謝罪はなかった。
A few years ago, a rookie woman made the worst mistake. I wondered what happened to the handling of personal information. Moreover, he was told variously to cheat without apologizing. When I replied, "Is this the case?", He seemed to realize that he couldn't be fooled no matter how he struggled, but he didn't apologize until the end.
kimura kei on Google

Compared to Gifu City Hall, which looks like a mass of waste, appearance, and self-satisfaction, the impression of the appropriate scale and facilities for the city. I am familiar with the scenery. Is the parking lot a little small and far away?
どらニャンた GO! on Google

役場の職員なんてどこに行っても良し悪しは、上から下まで様々でしょう。良い方に対応して頂けました。 ですが市の掲げるマニフェストとは、かけ離れていると住んでいる側としては思います。市民ではなく、市外にしか目を向けていない市です。その象徴が大垣市役所。
No matter where you go, the staff of the government office will vary from top to bottom. I was able to respond to the good one. However, as a living side, I think that it is far from the manifesto of the city. It is a city that looks only outside the city, not as a citizen. The symbol is Ogaki City Hall.
ゆっきー on Google

立体駐車場は雨に濡れないので便利ですが 駐車場から市役所までの100メートル程は 屋根が無いのでそれが不便。 立体駐車場は143台も停めれる 大きな駐車場で1階からどんどん 車で埋まっていきます。 エレベーター近くや階段近くに停めれる 3階や4階に停める方がいいです。 この駐車場で嫌なのは 交差点に向かって出庫する車が多いと 出口から進めなくなることです。 さらに入口と出口の間隔が近いのに 駐車している車があるので 大きな車はすれ違うのがちょっと大変。 それを考えると平面駐車場の方が 気楽に停めれるなと思います。
The multi-storey car park is convenient because it doesn't get wet in the rain. About 100 meters from the parking lot to the city hall It is inconvenient because there is no roof. 143 cars can be parked in the multi-storey car park From the 1st floor in a large parking lot It will be filled with cars. Can be parked near elevators or stairs It is better to park on the 3rd or 4th floor. What I don't like about this parking lot If there are many cars leaving for the intersection You will not be able to proceed from the exit. Even though the distance between the entrance and the exit is close Because there are cars parked It's a little difficult for big cars to pass each other. Considering that, the flat parking lot is better I don't think you can stop comfortably.
Sophie M. on Google

It is well developed as compare to that old city hall,it's very clean and spacious.

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