新鮮大売 ユータカラヤ 大船東口店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新鮮大売 ユータカラヤ 大船東口店

住所 :

Ofuna, Kamakura, 〒247-0056 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87798
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ofuna, Kamakura, 〒247-0056 Kanagawa,Japan
片桐政広 on Google

The variety of meat is abundant and fresh.
はまかぜ on Google

良い品が安く買える、大船の仲通り商店街の中で人気のお店のひとつです。 支払いは現金のみです。店内にレジがありますが、道路に面した、店先のショーケースのみ別会計です。 物による部分もありますが、価格は総じて安いです。そして、質も良いです。並んでいない品でも、相談すると在庫から出してもらえることもあります。 店内は通路が狭いので、譲り合って移動します。総菜、鶏・豚、牛と、量り売りはショーケースごとにならんで注文するのでご注意ください。 量り売り場の店員さんの手際の良さには、いつも感心します。特に店先の担当は、強い風に包装紙やお札が飛ばされないように配慮しつつ、計量、包装、会計までをスピーディーに一人でこなす必要があります。 私は心の中で花形の店員さんのみが担当できる売り場というか、この売り場を担当できるのが花形の証というか、と尊敬の念を込めて勝手に思っています。 いつまでも残って欲しい、市民の味方のお店です。
It is one of the most popular shops in Ofuna's Nakadori shopping district where you can buy good products at a low price. Payment is cash only. There is a cash register in the store, but only the storefront showcase facing the road is a separate account. There is also a part due to things, but the price is generally low. And the quality is also good. Even products not in line may be taken out of stock when you consult. Because the aisles are narrow in the store, they move by giving each other. Please be careful as you order side dishes, chickens, pigs, cows and weighing sellers every showcase. I am always admired for the goodness of the sales clerk at the sales floor. In particular, it is necessary for the store clerk to handle weighing, packaging, and accounting quickly alone, while taking care so that wrapping paper and bills are not blown away in a strong wind. I think that it is a self-respect that it is the proof of the flower form that it can be in charge of the sales department that can be in charge of only the flower shape shop clerk in my heart. It is a shop of the citizen's ally who wants you to remain forever.
柚子 on Google

大船で多分1番安くて、良心的。 レジ付近が分かりにくく会計しにくいのが、少し残念。 年齢層も高いので杖の方もいらして、ベビーカーで入るのは危険かも。お互いに譲り合って利用したいです。
Probably the cheapest and most conscientious in Ofuna. It's a little disappointing that the area around the cash register is difficult to understand and check out. Since the age group is high, it may be dangerous to enter with a stroller with a cane. I want to give in to each other and use it.
Masataka Maruyama (てげてげ) on Google

ユータカラヤは現在はロピアとなっています。 したがってプライスカードや値札等はロピアの物。 商品仕入れも共通なのでパッケージされた商品は値段もロピアと共通です。 ですが肉はいわゆるバラ売りgいくらの対面ショーケースがあります。 これは昭和を感じますが、回り回ってエコロジーだと思います。
Utakaraya is now Lopia. Therefore, price cards and price tags are from Lopia. Since the product purchase is also common, the price of the packaged product is the same as that of Lopia. However, there are so-called face-to-face showcases for meat sold separately. This feels like Showa, but I think it's ecology around the world.
estima saaki on Google

As the number of shops with this kind of atmosphere disappears, meat and vegetables are cheap, so I just buy them. The macaroni salad and potato salad are sold alternately at an exceptional price of 48 yen (tax excluded) for 100g, so it's a great deal. If you don't go early, it will disappear.
小笠原弘美(ヒロ) on Google

大好きなお店です(*^^*)他店では手に入らないお魚が購入できます。クジラ?美味しいですよ?生良し。オススメはカレーにクジラと生もずく( ☆∀☆)野菜はあえて無し。八百屋さんもお肉屋さんも安いので助かりますよ‼️
This is my favorite shop (* ^^ *) You can buy fish that you can't get at other shops. Whale ? It's delicious ? Good raw. We recommend curry with whales and raw mozuku (☆ ∀ ☆) without vegetables. Both the greengrocer and the butcher are cheap, so it's helpful! ️
佐藤好浩 on Google

It is a butcher shop in Ofuna. There is a bargain on weekends and you can buy it relatively cheaply. It is sold by measure, but it will be adjusted as needed. We also measure and sell various types of meat, ham, and sausages.
Hirano Ponta on Google

通常でも安いですが、9のつく日は、お肉とか、もっと、やすいと思います。 スーパーの肉と比べて、同じ価格だと、こちらのほうが、いい質のものがかえるとおもいます。 量り売りがメインなので、無駄なく購入することができます。
It's usually cheap, but I think it's easier to eat meat on the 9th day. Compared to supermarket meat, if the price is the same, I think that this one will have better quality. Since it is mainly sold by weight, you can purchase it without waste.

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