
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おおつか内科クリニック

住所 :

Odomomachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0847 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.otsuka-clinic.biz/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Gunma

Odomomachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0847 Gunma,Japan

Everything has changed in place of my father's generation ? By the way, Otsuka is my classmate ? I also have good skills. It's strange ?
寅真司 on Google

ここでの評価が悪かったので心配していたのですが、過剰に薬を出すこともなく、普通の診察でした。 強いて言えば、混んでいたので、たくさん待ったくらいです。
I was worried because the evaluation here was bad, but it was a normal examination without taking too much medicine. Speaking of strength, it was crowded, so I waited a lot.
からしとみぃ(からし) on Google

The teacher will give you a very gentle and careful examination. The receptionist is very polite. I thought the drug prescription was also appropriate.
白井桂子 on Google

The doctor's explanation is kind and easy to understand, the nurses are cheerful, and the atmosphere is very good.
on Google

銭ゲバ病院!医師の印象は良いのですが、大した事無いことでもやたら検査したがる 高くつきます 時間外なんとかとかいうのも加点されてるし1ヶ月以内に行って他の症状を話して治療なんてされてないのにしっかり初診料も取られてました 銭ゲバって感じ お薬も勉強してないなあ~と思う事が何度もありました 普通の時間に行ってなんで時間外とか加点されてるかそれで通用するのかわかりませんがまあ高いです だからもう行かないです 普通は院内処方だからお安い筈なのにね
Qian Geba Hospital! The impression of the doctor is good, but I want to test it even if there is no big deal I want to be expensive It is also added that something is manageable over time and I went within one month to talk about other symptoms and have not been treated But the first medical examination fee was taken well I felt that feeling was gonna feel that I did not study medicine Many times I thought that I thought ... I went to ordinary time and why it has been added out of time or it is valid I don't know, but it's expensive so I won't go anymore It's usually a hospital prescription but it's a cheap bag
妙義山大好き on Google

結論から言うと…こちらの話は聞いてくれず、ほぼ右から左の様です。 処方は市販されている何にでも効きます…がウリの総合治療薬のような、あたりさわりの無いものを大量にくれます。 4〜5日しても熱が下がらず、話を聞いてくれる別の所で診て頂くと、原因が直ぐにわかり次の日にはほぼ治ってしまいました。(あぁ、私の1週間が…orz) やはりなんの仕事もコミュ力が重要だなぁ…と痛感しました。 昔からある様なので、近所のおじいちゃん達で潰れる心配はなさそうです。保険の適用で当たり障りの無い薬が大量に欲しい稀有な方にはおすすめです! 私はですが…おそらく2度とは伺わないと思います^_^; 追伸 あ、あと。。。 熱があると伝えたのに、熱も計ってもらえませんでした…f^_^;
From the conclusion ... I do not hear this story, almost like right to left. The prescription works on anything that is marketed ... but it gives a large amount of casual stuff like Uri's comprehensive treatment. The fever did not go down even on the 4th to 5th, and when I had a look at another place where I could hear the story, the cause was immediately understood and it was almost cured the next day. (Oh my week is ... orz) After all I felt that commuting power is important for any work. It seems like it has been from the old days, so there is no fear of being crushed by the grandpas in the neighborhood. It is recommended for the rare person who wants a large amount of bland drugs with the application of insurance! I think ... but I think probably never meet again ^ _ ^; Postscript Oh, later. . . Even though I told that I had a fever, I did not get the fever either ... f ^ _ ^;
ちまお on Google

咳でかかりました。咳止め1ヶ月分もお薬出してくれました。これを配慮ととるか、診療報酬の上乗せとみるか。 結局、1ヶ月飲んでも良くならなかったので、他にかかりました。 診療時間はHPでは12時30分とありますが、受付は12時までとのことでした。わかり易く記載しておいてくれると助かります。
I took a cough. She gave me a month's worth of cough. Do you take this into consideration or add to the medical fee? After all, it wasn't good to drink for a month, so it took others. The consultation time is 12:30 on HP, but the reception was until 12:00. It will be helpful if you write it clearly.
林和也 on Google

2年ぶりに来院 3年前に高評価したが少し変わったのかな 別室で診察は待たされず5分 会計に30分近く待たされた いつも打ってもらってたニンニク注射も コロナのなんたらで拒否され 一週間つづく熱も無い扁桃炎で 2類の特別料金を何故か請求されるという… 先代の時から40年近く通った街医者でしたが もう行かないでしょう
Visited the hospital for the first time in 2 years I highly evaluated it three years ago, but I wonder if it has changed a little. 5 minutes without waiting for a medical examination in a separate room I had to wait for nearly 30 minutes to check out The garlic injection that I always had Rejected by Corona With tonsillitis without fever that lasts for a week For some reason, you will be charged a special fee for class 2 ... I was a city doctor who had been attending for nearly 40 years since my predecessor. Will not go anymore

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