
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大竹堂

住所 :

Odake, Narita, 〒286-0841 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Odake, Narita, 〒286-0841 Chiba,Japan
cken Pino on Google

Traditional Japanese confectionery with a narrow path that seems to have existed since ancient times. It was beautiful and the hospitality was polite. Sakura mochi was Kanto style and delicious.
北口憲太郎 on Google

道に迷って偶然見つけたお店です。 スクーターで片道30分ほどかかりますが、月1回(少なすぎ!)は買いに行っています。 とても優しい味がするので、私的ベスト10ランキングのスイーツ店です。
It is a shop that I found by chance when I got lost. It takes about 30 minutes one way on a scooter, but I go to buy it once a month (too little!). It tastes very gentle, so it's a sweets shop with the 10 best private rankings.
95776170 Boojum on Google

お昼過ぎに訪問したのですが、商品はすでに柏餅しかありませんでした。駅近くとは言え狭い路地にひっそりとあり、農家の敷地の一角に立ってるような目立たないお店です。もしや隠れた名店だったのか!? 納屋の軒先に停めるような感じですが、裏に車を停められます。 柏餅はこしあんとみそあん。薄ピンクのほうがみそあんです。 みそあんですが、餡の甘さの深いところに味噌の味がする隠し味的な風味でした。(風邪気味だったので味覚が鈍かったのかもしれませんが) こしあんはしっとりとしてて、モチモチとした皮との相性がGoodです。 お店の方の対応も実に丁寧で、また機会があれば立ち寄りたいと思いました。
I visited there after noon, but the product was already only Kashiwa Mochi. Even though it is near the station, it is quietly located in a narrow alley, and it is a discreet store standing on a corner of the farm site. Was it a hidden famous store? It's like stopping at the eaves of a barn, but you can park your car behind. Kashiwa mochi is koshi-an and miso-an. Light pink is miso soup. It's miso soup, but it was a secret flavor with the miso flavor in the deep sweetness of the bean jam. (Because I had a cold, my taste may be dull) Koshian is moist and goes well with moisturized skin. The shop's response was very polite and I wanted to drop in if I had the opportunity.
N karako on Google

The sweets called Shomon Raifuku (drayaki skin and red bean paste) that I ate at the teahouse of the prefectural experience-based museum "Boso no Mura" were very delicious, so "I'm sure this shop must have delicious dorayaki!" I want to eat it! " As a result, the answer is great. Anyway, the skin is soft, moist and not too heavy, and delicious. The bean paste wasn't too sweet and I ate it. I live near Usagiya, but I would like to eat this Dorayaki again.
うにサバ夫 on Google

子供が和菓子派なので、たまたま見つけたついでにお土産に。 大和の湯に行く途中に、和菓子ののぼりがあって、どこだろう?と思っていたら、ここだったんですね。味噌あんのかしわもちあり。限定で和三盆プリンとかおもしろいメニューもあるみたいです。
As a child is a Japanese-style confectionery group, I found it as a souvenir. On the way to Yamato-no-Yu, there is a stream of Japanese sweets, where is it? If you thought, it was here. There is a miso-like rice cake. It seems that there is also a limited list of wa sanbon pudding and an interesting menu.
トマソンでんぐりくん on Google

The scrap ice bar is delicious. Dorayaki felt normal. Maybe I prefer Kioroshihigashi Tsumugi
加藤良子 on Google

道を間違えてたまたま目に入った「和三盆」や「ぷりん」ののぼりに惹きつけられてお店を探したら…こんなところにという場所にありました。 白い暖簾の感じから、絶対うまいぞ!という根拠の無い自信を持って入店。 外看板に書いてあった「くず氷バー」がめちゃ美味しそうで、私は桃、ツレはみかんを。あと、持ち帰り用にどら焼きを購入。 「くず氷バー」はひんやりぷにぷに新食感!これはうまい!そして新しい❣️真夏にゆっくり味わっても溶けて崩れないのも良いですね。 立ち寄って良かったです。
When I was attracted to the "Wasanbon" and "Purin" banners that I happened to see on the wrong road, I searched for a store ... It was in a place like this. From the feeling of white curtains, it's absolutely delicious! Enter the store with unfounded confidence. The "waste ice bar" written on the outside signboard looks really good, I have peaches and tangerines. Also, I bought Dorayaki for take-out. "Kuzu Ice Bar" has a new texture of cool Punipuni! This is good! And it's good that it doesn't melt and collapse even if you taste it slowly in the new ❣️ midsummer. It was good to stop by.
kyotorage “Margon” zima on Google

I came to see the climb of the scrap ice bar. The scrap ice bar was delicious with a unique texture. The feeling of chewyness and ice cream was good. The refreshing sweetness of Japanese sweets is perfect for summer. I also bought water yokan, so I'm looking forward to chilling it and eating it!

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