いっちょう 高陽店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いっちょう 高陽店

住所 :

Ochiaiminami, Asakita Ward, 〒739-1732 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Webサイト : https://www.icho-eca.jp/
街 : Hiroshima
Description : Sushi, sashimi & other traditional pub fare served in a modest venue with traditional decor.

Ochiaiminami, Asakita Ward, 〒739-1732 Hiroshima,Japan
現在進行形 on Google

I entered it for the first time, but the taste is not good, some people are highly evaluated, but um ... the price is already good.
吉川高志 on Google

用事で仲間のところに行き仲間とかと行きましたが。 綺麗な店内で、周りを気にせず、ゆっくりくつろげる、安い、美味しい、ボリューム感ありの良いお店、カラオケもあり、席も沢山 その日の気分で席を選ぶのもあり 料理は、めちゃめちゃメニューがあるから、肉、魚、寿司、麺類、イタリアン、一品料理、デザートなどすごい(*^o^*) ただ一つ、近くに銭湯、ホテルがあれば1番最高だと思う 飲んだり、カラオケしたらホテルがあれば泊まる人多いはず
I went to a friend for business and went with a friend. In a beautiful shop, you can relax without worrying about the surroundings, cheap, delicious, voluminous shop, karaoke, and many seats Sometimes I choose a seat according to the mood of the day The food has a messed up menu, so meat, fish, sushi, noodles, Italian food, single dishes, desserts, etc. are amazing (* ^ o ^ *) I think it's best if there is only one public bath and hotel nearby If you drink or karaoke, many people will stay if there is a hotel
eleanorsuki on Google

I used to come here often. I felt that the taste had diminished at one point, but when I came here for the first time in a while, the customer service was polite and the food was good.
嘉津光子 on Google

とても美味しかったです! 食べた後、カラオケも楽しみました? 予約して行ってみてくださいませ☺️
It was very delicious! After eating, I also enjoyed karaoke ? Please make a reservation and go ☺️
御リッキー on Google

It's not particularly delicious, but it's useful because it has private rooms and the price is reasonable. I think the staff is also good at responding.
T N on Google

I often use it with my family. I think this is the only place where you can eat the izakaya menu at the same price while karaoke. And the sound of karaoke is also quite good! !! !! I'd love to!
Kiyokatsu Matsumoto on Google

高陽にはレストランがないので、貴重な存在だと思います。 メニューはレパートリーに富んでいると思いますので、三世代で行っても困らないと思います。 お茶はセルフ、注文はカラオケのリモコンですので、そういうのが気にならなければ、個室ですしゆっくりできると思います。
There is no restaurant in Goyang, so I think it is a valuable existence. I think the menu is rich in repertoire, so I don't think it's a problem to go for three generations. Tea is a self-service, and ordering is a karaoke remote control, so if you don't mind that, I think you can relax in a private room.
ゆき on Google

地元住民のリピーターです。 メリットはひとりカラオケできたり個室を使えるのでありがたいです。ご飯おいしい。 店員さんがたまに挨拶してくれたり話をするのが楽しい。 デメリットとしては待つのが確かに遅いと思う時ある。たまに、しょうゆが部屋になかったりする。 どうやってどんぶりや刺身を食べるんだ? 全体的には良いお店だと思います。また通わせて頂きます。
A repeater of the locals. The merit is that you can karaoke alone or use a private room. The rice is delicious. It's fun for the clerk to greet me and talk to me once in a while. The disadvantage is that sometimes I think it's certainly late to wait. Sometimes soy sauce isn't in the room. How do you eat rice bowls and sashimi? Overall, I think it's a good shop. I will go again.

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